The best immortal emperor

Chapter 764 There is a phoenix in this place?

Chapter 764 There is a phoenix in this place?
Ming Ri's injury has not completely healed, but his life is no longer in danger.

At this time, Ming Ri couldn't wait to take revenge on Li Ming.

Li Ming gritted his teeth and said, "Come on, beat me to death if you have the ability!"

"Kill me?" Mingri smiled evilly, and said, "I can't bear to kill you. I am bound to obtain the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality. In the future, I will choose a disciple of the Sun Moon Sect to practice first. If he succeeds in cultivation , I will practice again. If it fails, I will torture you slowly! Until the day you are willing to tell the real exercise!"

After a slight pause, Mingri continued: "Now, enjoy this wonderful time!"

As he said that, Mingri punched Li Ming's abdomen.

Li Ming only felt a sinking in his abdomen, followed by a cold, whizzing wind.

Looking down, his abdomen was pierced directly by the sun.

Mingri continued to shake the wave drum, and the overwhelming pain came again, like a gangrene attached to the bone, lingering.

After a while, Mingri only saw the flesh and blood in Li Ming's abdomen growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Good technique, good technique! I have definitely learned the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality!" Ming Ri laughed loudly.

Seeing that Li Ming's pierced abdomen was about to heal, Ming Ri unceremoniously punched again, directly tearing the wound that was about to heal.

Li Ming's face turned pale from the pain, and beads of sweat the size of beans fell down.

Seeing Li Ming's pain, Ming Ri laughed and said: "Li Ming, your good life has just begun, I will torture you for a month first, and then select disciples to teach you the Sutra of Immortality and Immortality. If you dare not pass it on, or play tricks again, I will torture you for another month! Anyway, you have already cultivated the first level of the Immortal Undying Thousand Thunder Tribulation Sutra, no matter how much you torture, you will not die!"

Li Ming was weak all over, his face was as pale as sticking, extremely ugly.

Just now, I have used the Nine Heavens Thunder and the Supreme Golden Thunder, but I still failed to kill the mad Sun.

A powerhouse in the God Transformation Realm deserves to be a powerhouse in the God Transformation Realm, and it is almost impossible for a monk in the Nascent Soul Realm to leapfrog and kill!
If you miss this opportunity, Mingri will only be more careful in the future.

Looking at the arrogant Ming Ri, Li Ming looked ashamed, and thought: "Do you want to be under the control of him for the rest of your life?"

What should I do?
Li Ming's thoughts were blocked and he had no way out.

There is a huge gap between Nascent Soul and Transformation God Realm, which cannot be bridged by resourcefulness or means.

Unless, there is a peerless treasure against the sky!

Although Li Ming has two sacred objects of the Phoenix clan, the Heart of Immortality and the Cloak of Golden Flame and Phoenix Feather.

However, both of these are not equipped with means of attack.

Li Ming racked his brains and couldn't think of a solution.

Mingri continued to torment Li Ming, wantonly venting his anger.

Seeing Li Ming's distorted face in pain, Ming Ri felt extremely relieved.

The effect of the immortal heart was stimulated again and again, and the phoenix statue carried by the old man was restless.

Suddenly, the stone statue of the phoenix was shaken, and flew out of its hands, followed by a phoenix cry. The stone statue of the phoenix was actually revived, and flew towards a certain direction.

The clan elder didn't dare to neglect, and immediately flew towards the Phoenix statue, thinking: "The Phoenix statue must have sensed the patriarch!"

The sound of Fengming spread throughout the world, and the other five elders received a summons from the elders of the great clan, and they heard the sound and found it.

Mingri, who was two mountains away, also heard Fengming. Although the sound was very weak, he could be sure that it was Fengming.

Ming Ri was stunned for a moment, and then burst into ecstasy, and said, "There is a phoenix in this place? It's really unbelievable!"

(End of this chapter)

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