Chapter 769

Li Ming paused slightly, and said, "Leave it alone for the time being, and wait until the catastrophe of the Infernal Corpse Sect has passed."

"This..." Tan Siming wanted to say more, but Li Ming said: "You don't have to worry about this, tell your mother later that my borer has been cured, don't let her worry."

Tan Siming was silent for a while, nodded, and said, "I see, then dad, pay attention to yourself, and I will find a way."

"Go, nothing serious will happen." Li Ming said again.

Afterwards, Tan Siming left first.

After getting the Zhenling Talisman, Li Ming gave it to Brother Zhu, hoping to help him in his research.

At the same time, I asked Brother Zhu about the solution to the borer, but he didn't get a satisfactory answer!
Regardless of the battle, Li Ming decided to attack the Sun and Moon Sect and capture the Sun and Moon Sect Master, intending to find a breakthrough from him.

During this time, the corpse slaves of the Infernal Corpse Sect continued to attack the Four Great Dynasties.

Although the four dynasties have been standing firm, their losses have been extremely heavy, with at least one-third of their troops reduced sharply. Especially after the six elders of the Feng clan left, the pressure on defending the city has doubled!

If it continues like this, sooner or later it will fall!
The situation is critical, and Li Ming plans to leave in a few days.

Only by finding a solution to the Kshinu can the disaster of the Yin Corpse Sect be completely resolved!
Two days later, Li Ming and a group of six elders set off to the Sun Moon Sect.

As for Mingri, he was detained in Fengdao Sea Prison.

Mingri's cultivation was imprisoned, and he was not worried that he could escape.

Flying all the way over the sea, landed in the Changming area, and went straight to the Heihe Mountains.

A few days later, Li Ming and his party came to Heihe Mountain!
The strength of the Sun Moon Sect is not very strong, at least in front of the Feng Clan, one is in the late stage of transformation, one is in the middle stage of transformation, and two are in the early stage of transformation.

It is precisely because of this that Li Ming dared to bring several clan elders to kill with such great fanfare!
The only thing that makes Li Ming have scruples is the ancient corpse raised in captivity in the valley behind the Riyuezong!
Arriving directly above the Sun Moon Sect, the group of people looked down, because they were covered by the guardian array, they couldn't see the Sun Moon Sect at all, and all they could see were the mountains and forests!

Of course, if you fly downwards, you will hit the guardian array!

I only heard Li Ming say: "All clan elders, the Sun Moon Sect is in this Heihe mountain, everyone should work together to break through this big formation of protecting the sect first!"

"Yes, patriarch!" The clan elders responded.

Immediately, the six clan elders gathered their mana and blasted towards the big formation below!
I felt a surge of majestic force gushing out towards the same point!
Inside the Sun Moon Sect, all the disciples could only see a few people floating above the sect.

Then, I felt that the ground was shaking for a while, as if an earthquake was about to happen!

Outside, the six elders of the Feng Clan launched a blow, and the Sun Moon Sect's guardian array trembled three times, almost breaking it!

At this time, a person flew out of the Sun Moon Sect, who was in the middle stage of becoming a god, and he was an elder of the Sun Moon Sect!
I saw this person clasped his fists slightly, and first introduced himself: "My lord, Liu Qingchang, I don't know what you guys are talking about? Why are you bombarding me at the Sun Moon Sect's mountain gate?"

The old man's face darkened, and he shouted: "You still dare to ask me what I do? Don't you know what your Sun Moon Sect has done?"

"I don't know what you are talking about?" Liu Qingchang looked puzzled.

"Do you want me to be more specific?" The elder of the clan asked, only to hear that the elder of the clan spit out three words, "Yin Corpse Sect."

Hearing this, Liu Qingchang's face couldn't help but change, but he quickly concealed it cleverly, pretending to say: "I don't know what you are talking about?"

 In a word, quit!Looking for a job.

(End of this chapter)

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