Chapter 772

After a little effort, Li Ming and the elders of the second clan came to General Situ's mansion.

The guard guarding the gate had seen Li Ming a few times, and knew that Li Ming had an extraordinary relationship with the mansion, so he hurriedly stepped forward to greet him, and shouted, "Clan Chief Feng, wait a moment, I'll pass the message into the mansion."

"Okay." Li Ming nodded.

After a little effort, Situ Jianren came out in a hurry, saw Li Ming, and quickly asked, "Li Ming, are you okay? Some time ago, the elder of the Feng clan suddenly said that something happened to the Feng clan, which made me worry for a while."

"It's nothing serious." Li Ming said, "By the way, is General Situ at the residence?"

"Recently, the corpse slaves have invaded on a large scale, and the golden bell of 'Dharma is boundless' has been damaged a lot. The pressure to defend the city has doubled, and my father has been guarding it!" Situ Jianren said.

After a slight pause, Situ Jianren asked in surprise: "Li Ming, do you have something to do with my father?"

"Well, it's a very important matter." Li Ming replied.

"Then I'll ask my father to go back to the mansion." Situ Jianren said.

"Okay, then I will wait at your residence." Li Ming said.

Situ Jianren responded and asked the guard to take Li Ming to the lobby to wait.

After almost half a stick of incense, General Situ and Situ Jianren returned to the mansion.

in the hall.

When General Situ saw Li Ming, he greeted Li Ming, "Clan Chief Feng, long time no see, don't come here without any problems."

"Thanks to General Situ's concern, everything is fine." Li Ming said.

General Situ nodded, and asked, "I wonder what is the important matter of Clan Chief Feng coming here?"

Li Ming didn't speak in a hurry, but first looked around and frowned.

General Situ saw Li Ming's meaning, waved his hand, set up sound-proof confinement, and said, "Feng Clan, now you don't have to worry about the walls having ears."

Only then did Li Ming say: "General Situ, some time ago I accidentally got news that a sect knew how to finish Keshinu."

"En?" Hearing this, General Situ was startled for a while, and asked in disbelief, "There is such a thing?"

"Indeed." Li Ming replied.

"Really?" General Situ asked again and again.

"Seriously!" Li Ming definitely replied.

At this point, General Situ couldn't help being silent for a while, before asking after a while: "Patriarch Feng, such shocking news is very precious. If anyone has obtained the method to finish Keshinu, he will undoubtedly control the situation of the entire Star Continent. "

"That's true, but you have to use your strength." Li Ming said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "To tell you the truth, General Situ, some time ago I led the elders of the Feng clan to that sect, but I didn't get any benefit."

"Which sect is very strong?" General Situ couldn't help being startled.

"It's not considered strong. There are only four elders in the sect. One was captured and three were scared away. There is only the suzerain left." Li Ming said.

"Then why didn't you succeed?" General Situ asked in surprise.

"A powerful ancient corpse." Li Ming said.

"How many years? 5 years?" General Situ asked impatiently.

"We saw one that was 5 years old and one that was 10 years old." Li Ming said.

Hearing this, General Situ couldn't help but gasped.

After a slight pause, General Situ asked: "You tell me this news, because you want to invite me to join the gang and flatten that sect together?"

"No." Li Ming shook his head and said, "I just want to sell this news to General Situ."

"Sell it to me?" General Situ couldn't help being taken aback, and asked with a smile: "Clan Chief Feng, how do you want to sell it?"

 One more chapter tonight

(End of this chapter)

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