Chapter 776

Li Ming hadn't seen Qin Yue for several years, so he didn't know if something happened.

Intuition told Li Ming that something must happen.

Back at Feng Mansion, Li Ming didn't leave immediately, but stayed for a few days.

After a few days, there was no news from Qin Gong. It seemed that Qin Yue didn't plan to see her anymore.

So, Li Ming returned to the Feng Clan with the elders of the second clan and the elders of the third clan.

Zhou Chen and Liu Hen were still in the Wujiang Mountains, and Li Ming had no intention of picking them up to return to Fengdao, as he intended to let them perish on their own.

Li Ming did this not only because the technique of controlling corpses they practiced was too evil, but also because Brother Zhu got the spirit-suppressing talisman on Mingri's body, and made a breakthrough in restraining corpse slaves. The corpse slave under his control.

Zhou Chen's fate can be imagined, once it's time for the God-eating Pill to take effect, he will definitely die!

As for Liu Hen, it depends on his own fortune.

After a little effort, Li Ming and his party returned to Fengdao.

The elders of the great clan entered the starry sky to search for a suitable place to store the planets and have not yet returned. The elders of the clan have almost packed up their supplies. When the elders of the great clan return, they will immediately move the clan!
Li Ming knew that it would not be long before the last stronghold established by the four dynasties would be breached.

In fact, as early as half a year ago, the alliance had disintegrated from within.

In the past six months, various sects have been withdrawn one after another, and there are already half a hundred of them.

It won't be long before they all leave.

The alliance collapsed, not only because the foreign enemies were too strong, but more importantly, everyone heard some gossip more or less!
Just like Li Ming, who knows that the Yin Corpse Sect is just a pawn!

A few days later, the elders of the big clan returned and had already selected the location for the planet to be settled, and settled it properly.

Immediately, the Feng Clan began to move up and down.

The elders of the seven tribes entered the starry sky to find a suitable planet for habitation and have not yet returned. Without Tiansuo, they can only be taken by the six elders in three or five.

Now, the population of the Feng clan has reached [-] to [-], so the migration progress is really slow!

However, what can be done?
The Evergreen Basin can accommodate thousands of people at one time, and Li Ming also wanted to use the Evergreen Basin, but the Evergreen Basin belonged to Brother Zhu. After asking Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu did not agree.

Li Ming has nothing to do about it, and at the same time, he can understand Brother Zhu's situation.

The primordial spirit tree in the evergreen pot is Brother Zhu's life-saving straw, so it is naturally impossible to show it to others easily.

Especially the elders of the Feng clan are still so powerful, if they have evil thoughts, disaster will come their way!

The clan elders are rushing to transport the clansmen, while Li Ming is thinking of a way. Is there any way to improve the efficiency?
The most dangerous thing in the interstellar world is the star fragments. Even if it is an existence like the elder of the great clan, encountering the fragments of the stars in the starry sky is a very difficult thing. If it is not handled properly, it is likely to fall!
Therefore, a group of clan elders only dared to bring three or five clansmen.

In this way, even if you encounter star fragments, you still have a certain ability to protect yourself!

"Is there any way to deal with the star fragments, or avoid the star fragments?" Li Ming thought to himself.

Star fragments are meteorites, or asteroids.

Li Ming thought about it, but didn't have a good idea at the moment!
In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Li Ming still didn't think of a good solution!
It seems that this is the only way to die!

The stronghold jointly established by the four dynasties and the world's hundreds of sects is in jeopardy, and the golden bell of "Boundless Dharma" on the city wall is damaged every day.

Datang sent envoys to the other three dynasties many times to discuss the purchase of 'Boundless Buddhism' again.

(End of this chapter)

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