Chapter 782

The essence of cultivation in the Nascent Soul Realm is mainly to cultivate the Yuanshen, and the True Yuan can only temporarily rank second.

Only when the primordial spirit is strong to a certain extent, can the true essence be improved to a higher level and have a breakthrough.

Otherwise, if you practice forcefully, the result will only be that your true essence will break through the primordial spirit, and you will go crazy and die!

Because of the existence of the Nascent Soul Tree, Li Ming has no obstacles in the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Realm.

It is only a matter of time to break through the late Nascent Soul.

Of course, there are other ways to cultivate in the Nascent Soul Realm, such as refining gods with fire, refining gods with killing, and so on.

However, these can only be regarded as heresy!
Moreover, it is very difficult and dangerous to practice, and it may lead to the collapse of the primordial spirit if you are not careful.

It is said that to practice gods by killing is to indulge in and kill, to hone the will in endless killing.

But can it really

There are very few who are holding a true heart.

In the end, either he will become a murderous demon king, or he will go crazy and go crazy!
There are very few people who can really gain the Tao, very few!
In the Evergreen Basin, Li Ming sat cross-legged under the Primordial Spirit Tree, absorbing the essence emitted by the Primordial Spirit Tree to his heart's content, nourishing the Primordial Spirit!

The clan elders are busy building the teleportation array in case of emergency.

The clansmen are also hurrying to practice, and strive to make great progress before the Great World War comes!

The days suddenly calm down, rest and recuperate!
On this day, when the elder Dazu was building a teleportation array in the interstellar space, he accidentally noticed a golden object floating in the interstellar space. Out of curiosity, he took a second look.

But seeing this, the face of the big clan elder couldn't help but slightly changed.

The golden object was irregular in shape, and looked like a fragment of something, with black inscriptions engraved on it.

The elder Dazu didn't know these inscriptions, but his intuition told him that these inscriptions were not simple.

The veteran of the big clan put away the golden shards, ignore it for the time being, and continue to build the teleportation array!

A few days later, the corpse slaves of the Yin Corpse Sect completely occupied the entire Star Continent, including the ocean!
The entire Star Continent fell into a dead silence, gray and gloomy, with no sunlight in sight.

However, there were a few beams of light soaring into the sky.

If you look carefully, you will find that it is not a beam of light, but because there is no corpse aura in those places, it looks like a beam of light soaring into the sky!
It's not because these places haven't been invaded by the Nether Corpse Sect, but because someone has cleared the corpse aura here.

Obviously, there are sects like Sun Moon Sect who have started to establish Jianzong!

These sects are either behind the scenes, or are the accomplices of the behind the scenes.

I believe that now that the four major dynasties and all sects in the world are staring at the Star Continent, the war is likely to break out again!
After Li Ming took General Situ to Sun Moon Sect that day, he didn't know what General Situ did to Zhu Changxiao?Did they pry Zhu Changxiao's mouth open abruptly, or did the two reach another agreement?
These, Li Ming does not know!

At this moment, in the Evergreen Basin, Li Ming's body exuded a shining light, and he breathed in and out the essence of the Primordial Spirit Tree.

Li Ming's Nascent Soul grows gradually, like a baby growing up slowly, which is really interesting.

This retreat lasted a full three years.

Li Ming's Nascent Soul is already very strong, but there is still a certain distance from a breakthrough, and now it seems to have encountered a bottleneck, and the growth of the Nascent Soul has been very limited.

Li Ming decided to go out and talk about it later.

Coming out of the evergreen basin, Li Ming stretched his stiff body.

After three years of development, the population of the Feng family has reached [-].

(End of this chapter)

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