The best immortal emperor

Chapter 788 "Suppressing Corpse Art"

Chapter 788 "Suppressing Corpse Art"

"Are these seven sects strong?" Kunpeng asked.

"It's not very strong, it's barely a second-rate strength." Li Ming said.

"Why are you afraid of second-rate forces? I'll take a sip of sea water and just drown these seven sects!" Kunpeng said disapprovingly.

"These seven sects are just puppets. They have the support of powerful forces behind them, and they control the corpse slaves. It is not easy to deal with them." Li Ming murmured.

"Then you come?" Kunpeng couldn't help having a headache when he heard about the corpse slave. He met the corpse slave before, but he didn't get any benefits!
I only heard Li Ming say: "Senior Kunpeng, some time ago, the masters of our family researched a special technique for dealing with corpse slaves, called "Suppressing Corpse Kungfu", which can easily kill 10-year-old corpses."

"There is such a skill? Can you pass it on to me?" Kunpeng asked.

"Why not? It's just that the "Suppressing Corpse Technique" has been exposed, and the Seven Schools and the power behind the Seven Schools will never allow such existence. I believe it will not be long before the forces behind the Seven Schools will come here. At that time, please invite Senior Kunpeng Help!" Li Ming said sincerely.

"It's fair to trade one skill for one shot!" Kunpeng said.

Hearing this, Li Ming was overjoyed, and immediately took out the "Suppressing Corpse Art" that he had sorted out before, and handed it to Kunpeng.

Seeing this, Kunpeng transformed himself, and a handsome young man appeared in front of Li Ming.

"This is the "Suppressing Corpse Technique"?" Kunpeng asked.

"Exactly! Senior Kunpeng!" Li Ming said.

"Let me take a look." Kunpeng took the "Suppressing Corpse Art" and started to read it.

After a while, Kunpeng laughed and said: "Great talent, great talent, to be able to come up with such a different method is really a genius among geniuses!"

After a slight pause, Kunpeng asked, "Which expert wrote this? Can you recommend it?"

"This..." Li Ming hesitated. Brother Zhu has been unwilling to reveal his existence. At this time, Li Ming can't make any claims. He just said: "Senior Kunpeng, my senior has a weird temperament, even the elders in the clan I don’t want to meet each other, let alone outsiders. However, I will definitely bring the words of senior Kunpeng to me, and if the senior members of my family are willing to meet, I will definitely let you know.”

"Okay, that's the way all the masters in the world are! If you hadn't helped me out of trouble, I wouldn't bother to see you!" Kunpeng said as if it was a matter of course.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help feeling embarrassed, and said, "Senior Kunpeng, I'll go back now. When the time comes..."

"Don't worry, this planet is as big as a sesame seed. If there are foreign enemies coming, I will definitely be able to sense it. I said I would help you, and I will never break my promise!" Kunpeng said seriously.

Hearing this, Li Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I don't have much contact with Kunpeng, it can be seen that Kunpeng's character is upright, that is to say, he is the same person!

In this way, Li Ming returned to the clan with peace of mind!
Five days later, as Li Ming expected, General Situ came to Feng Clan!

Sure enough, General Situ left a mark on this living planet!

Seeing General Situ, Li Ming said straight to the point: "General Situ, we want to cooperate with you to establish the eighth sect!"

"Establish the eighth sect?" General Situ was stunned, then smiled, and asked, "Why? Just because you big clan elders can blast and kill 10-year-old corpses in the command room?"

"No, it's not just our elders of the big clan who can blast and kill 10-year-old corpses in the command room, but also the elders of the second clan, the elders of the third clan, the elders of the fourth and fifth clans, the elders of the fifth clan, and the elders of the sixth clan!" Li Ming said, After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "I can do it too!"

"What? You can too?" General Situ was really taken aback, and looked at Li Ming in disbelief!

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(End of this chapter)

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