Chapter 799

The next day, Shendanxing launched a 300-year purchase contract.

The contract is supervised by the Great Qin Dynasty and guaranteed. Once signed, neither party shall break the contract, otherwise it will lead to disaster.

In response to this, various schools have received mixed reactions, and there have been mixed praises and criticisms.

All in all, it's a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, this signing is for 300 years, and the deposit required is absolutely astronomical.

Who knows what will happen in these 300 years?
Everyone is more inclined to buy and sell with one hammer!

After all, this is the Star Realm, and it is precarious, and the deposit may be in vain.

However, signing such a long contract is not without benefits.

In addition to enjoying a relatively low price, each case will also obtain the right to a special type of elixir.

Li Ming had expected the reaction of various sects.

The next day, Li Ming launched a special elixir, Concentration Pill!
As soon as the Ningshen Pill came out, those second-rate and third-rate sects suddenly went crazy and rushed to buy it.

However, the Ningshen Pill is not for sale, it is only sold to sects that have signed a 300-year contract!

In this regard, each sect has mixed emotions, the feeling of having money to buy but not being able to buy it is very painful!
In addition, Li Ming announced that every once in a while, the god elixir will launch some special elixir.

Each case vacillated for two days, weighed again and again, and finally decided to sign this 300-year contract.

After all, this contract is supervised and guaranteed by the Great Qin Dynasty, so it has certain reliability!

The appearance of the 300-year contract made Yao Shenzong vomit blood in anger, which meant that their business within 300 years of Yao Shenzong would become dismal.

At the same time, it means that the rise of the Phoenix Clan is irresistible!
Now, apart from the lack of masters at the level of Emperor Qin, the overall strength of the Feng Clan is already comparable to first-class sects!
The God of Medicine Sect is in danger, unless the suzerain returns!

In a blink of an eye, half a month has passed, and all the sects have returned one after another.

This time, the Feng Clan undoubtedly made a lot of money, and the Divine Pill Star completely defeated the Spirit Pill Star, becoming the number one supplier of pills in the Star Realm!
The sale of large-scale pills was over, and all the sects left, but the pill area of ​​Shendanxing did not close down, but continued to operate normally.

However, the prices of various elixirs have increased.

Of course, we don't expect much sales in normal business hours, maybe ten years' turnover is not as good as a large-scale sales event!
General Situ spoke highly of Li Ming's performance in this business war.

Although General Situ did not account for the sales of Feng Clan pills, the other benefits that came with the pills still allowed General Situ to earn a grand slam.

For example, in the casino area, everyone wants to make a big fortune with a small amount, but it is the casino that actually makes money in the end.

There is also the restaurant area, where sects from all over the world gather, and food, drink, housing and transportation are all big expenses.

In addition, there is also Lingcao District, where General Situ has a certain share.

Finally, there are benefits brought by the teleportation array!
The Feng Clan and General Situ made a lot of money, but all the sects in the world are not losing money, and they bought better pills at a lower price!
So, everyone is very happy!
Trading, the ultimate is a win-win situation.

Only with a win-win situation can this business be made long and wide.

The matter of Shendanxing came to an end, Li Ming handed it over to the elders of the Feng clan to take care of it, while he was going to retreat and continue to attack the late stage of Yuanying!

In addition, the life planet discovered by the elders of the seven clans is also being built simultaneously, and the teleportation array is indispensable.

However, Li Ming did not turn to General Situ for help in this teleportation formation, but the Feng clan completed it by themselves!

After all, this can be regarded as the retreat route of the Feng Clan, and it cannot be easily shown to others.

Li Ming returned to the planet of the Feng family, ready to retreat.

As soon as he entered the Evergreen Pot, Brother Zhu flew out from the Yuanshen Tree.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being slightly surprised, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Brother Zhu was slightly stunned, and said, "I seem to have sensed it."

"What did you sense?" Li Ming asked strangely.

"My body." Brother Zhu replied.

"Where is it?" Li Ming was startled and asked.

"I can't tell, I can only vaguely sense that it's in a certain direction." Brother Zhu said.

"Wait, your physical body..." Li Ming suddenly remembered something. Brother Zhu once said that his physical body was destroyed, how could he still sense the physical body?
"I don't understand it to you, but you will understand when you see it." Brother Zhu didn't elaborate.

"Then now?" Li Ming asked.

"Take me to find my body." Brother Zhu said.

"Okay!" Li Ming replied without thinking.

"Call the ancient magic cow." Brother Zhu reminded.

Li Ming was slightly taken aback, but still responded.

Afterwards, Li Ming bid farewell to the elders of the great clan, took Niu Wudi with him, and drove Tisuo to leave the Phoenix clan planet!
Fortunately, there is Tiansuo, otherwise, with Li Ming's current strength in the middle stage of Yuanshen, interstellar travel is undoubtedly courting death!

Leaving the Feng Clan, Li Ming sent Tiansuo to set the flight direction, and entered the Evergreen Basin to retreat.

Tissot can automatically avoid star fragments, black holes, and space cracks without the need for a monk to control it himself.

Of course, you can also drive yourself.

In a blink of an eye, four months have passed.

Brother Zhu's feeling is getting stronger and stronger, it seems that he is going to the place.

Li Ming woke up from the retreat, his soul has improved slightly, and there is still a certain distance from breaking through the late stage of Yuanying.

At this moment, I only heard Brother Zhu say: "Li Ming, stop at that yellow planet in front of you."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied, when even manipulating the sky shuttle, it landed on the pale yellow planet not far away.

This is a mineral planet, there is no vegetation on it, it is bare, there is no water, and there are rocks everywhere.

Li Ming and Niu Wudi walked out of Tiansuo.

After a while, Li Ming asked: "Brother Zhu, are you here?"

Brother Zhu said with concentration: "This place gives me a very strong feeling, you all look around."

"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Immediately, Li Ming and Niu Wudi separated and searched this unknown planet.

This planet is a bare piece, full of rocks, without any shelter, so it is not troublesome to find it.

In three days, Li Ming and Niu Wudi searched the entire planet.

However, there is no gain at all!

However, at this time, Brother Zhu suddenly said: "I know where I am."

"Where is it?" Li Ming asked in surprise.

"Inside the planet." Brother Zhu said.

"Inside the planet?" Li Ming paused, very surprised.

"Yes, it's inside the planet. I felt it carefully in the past three days and found that the feeling came from the inner core of the planet." Brother Zhu said.

"This..." Li Ming was dumbfounded.

Before Li Ming could ask, Brother Zhu said, "Smash this planet into pieces."

"Smashing the planet?" Li Ming paused and looked at his fists involuntarily.

Brother Wen Zhu said: "You can't do it, are you not strong enough?"

"This..." Li Ming was dumbfounded again.

"Niu Wudi, come and smash this planet." Brother Zhu said without doubt.

Niu Wudi was startled, looked at Brother Zhu and then at Li Ming, and asked, "Can it work?"

(End of this chapter)

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