Chapter 801

The size of this planet is not small, at least compared to the planet where the Feng family lives now, its volume is about three to four times that of the earth.

However, the aura on this planet is not as good as the planet where the Feng family lives.

The planet where the Feng family lives, through the planting of spiritual grasses and trees over the years, and the volatilization of the spiritual water in the spiritual water pool, the spiritual energy has already been greatly improved.

However, compared with Star Continent, it is still far behind.

Li Ming took a deep breath and let it out slowly, as if he wanted to let out all the turbid air in his internal organs.

You must know that the interstellar voyage cannot be breathed, and can only be inhaled.

Although Li Ming is already a strong man in the mid-Yuanying stage, and has already mastered the internal suction method, it will still feel very refreshing to be able to breathe freely after being in the state of internal suction for a long time!

Niu Wudi didn't have much feeling, maybe it's the difference in realm!

After all, Niu Wudi is a strong man in the realm of transforming gods!
There is a huge gap between Huashen and Yuanying!

Li Ming stretched his muscles and said, "I don't know if this is an unowned planet."

If it is an unowned planet, it will make a lot of money!
At this time, Niu Wudi reminded: "Brother, you can take out the star map of the universe, and you can see it at a glance!"

"That's right, I almost forgot about it." Li Ming recalled.

The map of the stars in the universe was bought by Li Mingtuo, General Situ, but it cost a lot of money!
Li Ming flipped his palm and took out the map of the universe and stars, and then a spherical object appeared in the palm of his hand.

The cosmic star map has its own positioning ability. As soon as Li Ming injected his true energy, a bright spot appeared. This is Li Ming's current position.

Then, some information about the planet surfaced, all simple information.

After reading the relevant introduction, Li Ming suddenly realized, and said: "It turns out that this planet is called Shuilanxing, but it is worthy of the name, and it is owned by the Dajin Dynasty."

In this regard, Li Ming was quite disappointed.

It would be great if it were an unowned planet!
Now, the Feng Clan lacks nothing but land.

It would be great if we could get a few more unclaimed life planets!
There are three ways to judge whether a living planet has a master. One is to use the star map of the universe in Li Ming’s hands. There are basically records of master planets. The second is to observe the situation on the planet. Generally, there are master planets. This is to establish corresponding branch sects, and the third is to rely on their own strength to sense. Generally, the master planet is branded with the owner's primordial spirit.

Disappointed, Li Ming decided to look around.

The Lingdan Star opened, and the four great dynasties all went.

However, except for the Daqin Dynasty, the other three dynasties did not come when the Divine Pill Star opened.

The Dynasty has a detached position in the Star Realm, just like in the Star Continent, it has an absolute right to speak.

The four dynasties occupy two-thirds of the effective planets in the astral world, whether it is life planets or ore planets, the number exceeds others.

Originally, the Star Continent was rich in products, with countless spiritual veins and spiritual herbs, and the four dynasties' control and seizure of other stars were not so strong.

But now, Star Continent has fallen and is dominated by the Eight Great Sects.

Other forces cannot participate in it and can only set their sights on other planets.

Now, it can be said that a new era has entered.

From the original continental era to the planetary era, planetary trade will also be an inevitable trend.

As a result, all major forces are building teleportation arrays!

After all, it is impossible for interplanetary trade to rely on monks' interstellar flight, let alone flying treasures such as Tissot.

(End of this chapter)

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