Chapter 824

The roots of the Yuanshen tree are getting less and less, and they are about to be used up. Brother Zhu and Niu Wudi couldn't help but hold their breath, and their hearts were pounding. Is there really no hope?

Brother Zhu and Niu Wudi couldn't help being stunned, not daring to imagine.

The primordial spirit tree has fewer and fewer roots, and there are only ten roots left.

Brother Zhu and Niu Wudi couldn't help suffocating, and Niu Wudi's action of squeezing the juice was not as quick as before.

I saw Niu Wudi's hands trembling. He wished he could squeeze the twisted branches again.

Brother Zhu was also silent. He and Li Ming had thought about it for so many years, and they had a deep friendship with each other.

at this time……

Neither of them could say a word!
After a slight pause, Brother Zhu said, "Don't be dazed, continue."

Niu Wudi came back to his senses, picked up one, and continued to squeeze the juice for Li Ming.

The rhizomes were gone one by one, and when there were only five left, Li Ming's broken soul unexpectedly stabilized.

Seeing this, both Niu Wudi and Brother Zhu couldn't help but feel hopeful?
I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Go ahead, squeeze two more roots."

"Okay." Niu Wudi responded, picked up two rhizomes, and squeezed all the juice inside into Li Ming's mouth.

At this time, Li Ming's soul was completely stabilized.

Seeing this, Brother Zhu and Niu Wudi heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

Brother Wenzhu said, "Fortunately, fortunately!"

Niu Wudi also had lingering fear for a while, and wiped the fine sweat from his forehead.

Just now, Li Ming only felt that his soul was being leaned against by the raging fire.

At this time, Yuanshen seemed to be lying on a gentle bed, very comfortable.

Zhang Heng flew away with Lu Changsheng, but did not go far away, but waited for Li Ming not far away.

Zhang Heng didn't know what happened, he only knew that after he left, there was a burst of lightning and thunder in the valley, as if the end of the world!
After a little effort, the thunder and lightning disappeared.

Zhang Heng waited on the spot for a while, but seeing Li Ming chasing him, he couldn't help but frowned, and said to himself, "Could something be wrong?"

I only heard Lu Changsheng say weakly: "Zhang Heng, go back and have a look."

Lu Changsheng was poisoned by the Tuoluo sect, and his true energy could not function.

Now, Lu Changsheng is no different from ordinary people.

Zhang Heng was startled, nodded and said, "Well, then you should be careful!"

Immediately, Zhang Heng cautiously touched the previous mountain depression.

When he arrived at the col, Zhang Heng couldn't help being surprised that he didn't see a single person.

"Where's the person?" Zhang Heng asked in awe.

Not only did he not see Li Ming, but he also did not see the monks of the Tuoluo Sect.

"Where did you go?" Zhang Heng looked confused.

If it is said that Li Ming died tragically, he should have seen the corpse, and the monks of the Tuoluo Sect would also chase and kill him.

If Li Ming killed all the monks of the Tuoluo School, he should have seen the corpses of the monks of the Tuoluo School, and Li Ming would also go to them.

However, there is nothing in this mountain now, except for the deep pit scorched by lightning.

Zhang Heng turned around in the col, and then searched around.

However, still nothing was found.

In the end, Zhang Heng left the col in a daze.

Li Ming was sleeping deeply on the gentle dream bed, unable to control himself.

In a blink of an eye, half a month passed, and Li Ming still didn't wake up. Niu Wudi couldn't help feeling anxious, and said to himself, "Why haven't you woke up yet? It's been half a month."

I only heard Brother Zhu's inscrutable way: "Don't worry, his primordial spirit is becoming more and more stable, and he has begun to recover under the nourishment of the primordial spirit tree sap, and he will not wake up in a short time."

Hearing this, Niu Wudi was not so worried.

Time flies like a white horse, the flowing water between the fingers, the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

The scorched earth in the mountain depression is still smoking, but there are few people here, and no one has noticed the situation here.

The evergreen basin was lying in an inconspicuous corner, and no one noticed it.

Zhang Heng took Lu Changsheng away, looking for fellow monks.

For Li Ming, the two have always been hard to let go.

I couldn't see Li Ming with my own eyes, so I couldn't let go of my heart.

A few months later, Lu Changsheng took Shenzong's Baidu powder, the poison was gradually excreted from the body, and the true essence gradually recovered.

Lu Changsheng wasn't in the mood to continue the treasure hunt anymore, he was focused on finding Li Ming.

According to Lu Changsheng's later analysis, the possibility of Li Ming being alive is very high.

As for why Li Ming didn't come to them according to the agreement with Zhang Heng, it may be due to the grievances between the Feng clan and the Yaoshenzong.

Such reasons seem to make some sense.

However, Lu Changsheng still hoped to find Li Ming, not for anything else but to say thank you in person!
Another four months passed, and Li Ming, who was in a deep sleep, still showed no signs of waking up, sleeping soundly like a baby.

On this day, Li Ming's fingers suddenly moved.

Niu Wudi is already a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods, any trouble can't escape his eyes, and Li Ming's fingers can't escape.

Niu Wudi looked at Li Ming expectantly, waiting for Li Ming to wake up.

However, after a stick of incense passed, Li Ming remained motionless, showing no sign of waking up.

Niu Wudi was startled, and could only continue to wait patiently!

As the days went by, Niu Wudi stayed by Li Ming's side silently.

Brother Zhu put away the remaining three roots of the Primordial Spirit Tree.

There are two remaining rhizomes and they are replanted. I don't know if there is any possibility of sprouting.

However, there is always a glimmer of hope and possibility!

Lu Changsheng searched for news about Li Ming.

However, in the past year, nothing has been inquired.

Zhang Heng has been following Lu Changsheng.

On this day, Li Ming, who was lying well, suddenly changed. His aura suddenly condensed, and then rose steadily.

Seeing this, Niu Wudi and Brother Zhu couldn't help but startled.

I only heard Brother Zhu said: "Good boy, you are going to break through the late stage of Nascent Soul!"

After a slight pause, Brother Zhu shook his head for a while, and said again: "I sucked the juice of the whole Yuanshen tree, if I don't break through, I will be weird!"

Li Ming, who was sleeping deeply, only felt that his primordial spirit was getting sharper and more solid.

As for what happened, it is not clear.

The aura on Li Ming's body is getting stronger and stronger, exuding powerful power, no worse than Yuanshen Peak.

Only a genius like Li Ming can do this!

Seeing Li Ming's breakthrough, Niu Wudi was naturally overjoyed, and only hoped that Li Ming would wake up soon!

The days in the Evergreen Basin are boring, and only those who can truly endure loneliness can stay there for a long time.

Recently, Brother Zhu is researching and planting the roots of the Primordial Spirit Tree, and occasionally dispatches Niu Wudi.

For example, dig a hole, fill it with soil or something.

In the blink of an eye, two years have passed, and Li Ming has been asleep for two full years!
I don't know how long Li Ming will sleep and when he will wake up!
Lu Changsheng is still looking for Li Ming, but so far he has not found anything, and there is no news at all. Li Ming seems to have evaporated from the world!
However, Lu Changsheng did not give up because of this.

He believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to find out about Li Ming, and even find Li Ming!

(End of this chapter)

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