The best immortal emperor

Chapter 84 Li Ming, there is a boa constrictor eyeing you!

Chapter 84 Li Ming, there is a boa constrictor eyeing you!
Li Ming knew that he would face the pursuit of the treasure-hunting monk and the devil next!

However, the real treasure is on the third car
It turns out that the purpose of escorting any casual cultivators who are recruited is to confuse the treasure-hunting monks and the devil's audio-visual, and then sneak through the warehouse to send the real treasure to the destination!
To put it bluntly, Li Ming and the others were used as bait!
Although Liu Heng's approach was a little bit, but the final reward was generous, so Li Ming didn't think much about it!

The backpack was very heavy, at least tens of thousands of catties, and Li Ming was a little out of breath under the weight, and even he was a little powerless to control the flying sword.

The news of the heavy treasure being escorted suddenly exploded, and the rumors of Jushenchi were ups and downs.

The ten people on the escort list suddenly became the target of public criticism.

The famous casual cultivators in the Giant God's Pool were dispatched one after another, and the surrounding bandits and bandits also became active.

A treasure that can be treated with such care by the Medicine God Sect is definitely a very precious treasure!
If you can get it, this body will benefit a lot!
Li Ming headed towards the destination given on the map. The destination was not Yaoshenzong, but a place called Xiangshui!

Li Ming was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it.

Since Liu Heng gave this location, just deliver the goods!

Along the way, Li Ming didn't see any other monks who took on the task.

At first, Li Ming thought that he was slow and fell behind.

However, after traveling day and night for several days, Li Ming still didn't see a single person.

At this time, I realized that everyone's destination may not be the same place!
Thinking about it in a blink of an eye, this is exactly in line with Liu Heng's intention to confuse the treasure hunters.

The road ahead is long and dangerous!
After traveling for several days, he couldn't help feeling tired. Li Ming found a sunny hillside and temporarily opened a cave to rest for the time being.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by Li Ming with gravel, mud and weeds.

You can't tell from the outside that there is a cave here!

Because the entrance was blocked, the cave was pitch black.

However, Li Ming's eyes can see at night, so he doesn't think there is anything wrong with it.

Opening the backpack, Li Mingqing counted the space stones inside, and there was a full 500 yuan.

There are almost 5000 spiritual grasses placed in each space, so that is [-] million spiritual grasses.

One million is not a small amount.

With so many spiritual herbs, it is definitely comparable to the three-year income of a small sect!
With such a huge wealth, it is impossible for Li Ming not to be tempted.

However, compared with joining the God of Medicine Sect, it is still far behind!
Li Ming closed his backpack and meditated on the spot to rest.

The next day, when it was dark, Li Ming broke through the cave and continued to move forward.

Li Ming tried his best to choose the night, the mountains, and the rugged trails for his journey.

Don't dare to fly too well, for fear of attracting the attention of powerful monsters.

In this trip, in addition to guarding against treasure-hunting monks and monsters, you must also guard against monsters!

I don't know if it's because the place is barren or because Li Ming is lucky. After walking for ten days, he didn't meet a single monster, nor did he meet a treasure-hunter cultivator or devil!

However, just when Li Ming was secretly happy, Brother Zhu's voice suddenly sounded, reminding him: "Li Ming, a big anaconda is following you!"

"Big anaconda?" Li Ming paused and immediately became vigilant.

"Golden scale anaconda!" Brother Zhu said!
Although Li Ming's knowledge is limited, he has read a lot of books.

Coincidentally, there is an introduction to the anaconda in the Book of Mountains and Seas.

It just so happened that Li Ming remembered!

The anaconda is as colorful as an ancient splendor, its scales are unpredictable, its body is thick at the front and thin at the back, and its tail is like a steel needle. Its power is quite amazing, and it can directly penetrate the vestment under the magic weapon.

I only heard Li Ming ask: "Brother Zhu, what is the situation of the golden-scaled anaconda?"

(End of this chapter)

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