The best immortal emperor

Chapter 841 What does the sixth prince want to do?

Chapter 841 What does the sixth prince want to do?
"Okay!" Li Ming replied.

Qin Yue did such a great favor to Li Ming, and she had no time to thank her afterwards, so there was no reason why she didn't see her.

Later, Li Ming followed the servant girl to Qin Yue's palace.

When Emperor Qin came back, he didn't intend to take care of the affairs of the government personally, and let Qin Yue take care of them.

However, because of Qin Yue's inappropriate behavior during the Yin Corpse Sect incident, Qin Huang had some opinions, so he appointed the sixth prince to supervise the country.

This is also the reason why Li Ming failed to ask Qin Yue to see Qin Yue when he returned from the Sun Moon Sect. At that time, the sixth prince was already in charge of the country, and the news of Li Ming's request to see Qin Yue never reached Qin Yue's ears.

The Sixth Prince had a close relationship with the God of Medicine Sect, and there was a secret agreement between the two.

However, with the sudden collapse of Yaoshenzong, everything came to naught.

Li Ming followed the servant girl for a while, went in and out of several palace gates, and finally came to a large hall.

This hall is called Derun Hall, which is grand in momentum, meticulous in layout and superior in construction technology.

Seeing this palace, Li Ming couldn't help but paused, frowned slightly, and asked, "Isn't this the palace of His Highness Yue?"

"Patriarch Feng, calm down." At this moment, a voice of apology came from the hall, and a young man with an extraordinary bearing in a fine attire came out.

Li Ming has seen this person before, he is the Sixth Prince of Great Qin!

Seeing this person, Li Ming frowned even more.

The maid Li Ming who came to report the letter had seen her before, she was Qin Yue's personal maid, so when she sent the message just now, Li Ming didn't think much, and followed directly.

However, I didn't expect that she would spread the news falsely, but in fact she worked hard for the sixth prince.

Li Ming thought to himself: "What does the sixth prince want to do?"

Seeing Li Ming frowning, the sixth prince still smiled, and asked, "Patriarch Feng, why are you frowning? Who made you unhappy? Is it this damned slave?"

When the servant girl heard this, she immediately knelt down and said in panic, "The sixth prince is clearly aware."

"Hmph! If you invite anyone, you won't invite anyone. Look, the face of the Feng clan is so angry that it turns blue. What's the use of this prince keeping you?" The sixth prince's face turned cold, and he shouted in a low voice: "Drag on!"

The bodyguards following behind the sixth prince immediately followed suit.

"Sixth Prince, spare your life, Sixth Prince, spare your life." The servant girl was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she hurriedly cried and begged.

However, the sixth prince was unmoved.

Li Ming did not intercede for this maid, because even if the sixth prince let her go, Qin Yue would not let her go.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Sixth Prince, what are you doing?"

The sixth prince felt Li Ming's vigilance, and asked with an aggrieved look: "Patriarch Feng, did we have some misunderstanding? The prince invited you here, just to drink tea with you and catch up on the old days."

"Reminiscing about the old days? Do we have old days?" Li Ming asked very bluntly.

Hearing this, the Sixth Prince's complexion suddenly darkened, looking very displeased.

He is the sixth prince of Great Qin, what a noble status?How can you allow others to make fun of you like this?

However, the sixth prince had no choice but to change his face now. In the next second, a smile appeared on the calm face of the sixth prince, and he said, "Patriarch Feng, I am really out of touch. This prince really wants to make friends with you."

Li Ming didn't have the slightest affection for the sixth prince. When he was hunted down by the God of Medicine, the sixth prince was a great accomplice.

If it weren't for Situ Jianren's help, Li Ming would have died long ago.

Therefore, no matter how sincere the sixth prince is, Li Ming will not give him any face!
I only heard that Li Ming said bluntly: "If you have something to say, if you have nothing to say, bye."

(End of this chapter)

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