The best immortal emperor

Chapter 882 Strange Emperor Stone

Chapter 882 Strange Emperor Stone

The City Lord's Mansion is not very big, it is only used to deal with the affairs of Tianyong City, and the children of the Gao clan do not live here.

Li Ming followed Elder Su into the city lord's mansion, and because there were already guests in the main hall, Elder Su took Li Ming to the side hall.

As soon as he entered the side hall, Elder Su repeatedly complained, saying: "Patriarch Feng, I have wronged you, and the hospitality is not good."

Although Li Ming's strength is mediocre, he is the head of the clan, and he should be received according to the standards of a first-class suzerain.

Piandian, it is indeed a bit impolite.

Li Ming didn't care about these red tapes, and said with a smile: "Elder Su is out, and old friends meet each other, what kind of entertainment is there?"

"Haha." Elder Su smiled apologetically.

After a slight pause, Elder Su got down to business and asked, "Patriarch Feng, coming from a long distance is not just to reminisce about the old days, right?"

"Since Elder Su asked, I'll just say it straight." Li Ming said.

"Please speak!" Elder Su said.

"Elder Su, I'm here for the Qihuangshi." Li Ming said directly.

"The Strange Emperor Stone?" Hearing this, Elder Su's face couldn't help but change. They sealed the news of the Strange Emperor Stone, how could the elders of the Feng clan know?
Li Ming hurriedly explained: "Elder Su, don't get me wrong, I heard about the Qihuangshi by chance, and I hope I can give up my love."

Elder Su was silent for a while, and then said after a long time: "Elder of the Feng Clan, to tell you the truth, I can't make the decision about the Qihuangshi."

"Then... who can be the master?" Li Ming asked.

"The Patriarch went to crusade against the Yin Corpse Sect, but he has not returned for several years. The eldest son of the Patriarch will take care of all matters within the clan, but this Strange Emperor Stone is not an ordinary thing. I am afraid that the Twelve Elders must be invited." Elder Su said.

After a slight pause, Elder Su continued: "Patriarch Feng, for something as precious as the Qihuang Stone, ordinary spirit stones are definitely not acceptable, and we can only barter."

Hearing this, Li Ming wasn't surprised. Li Ming took out a white porcelain bottle, handed it to Elder Su, and said, "Elder Su, what do you think of this?"

Seeing the white porcelain bottle, Elder Su couldn't help being startled, and then came back to his senses.

Elder Su is very familiar with this white porcelain vase. That day, Gaotian City of Xingchen Continent held an auction, and that thing stole the show.

I saw Elder Su took it carefully, and then asked: "Elder of the Feng clan, but that magical potion?"

"Exactly!" Li Ming nodded and said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming continued: "As soon as Gaotian City left, the Star Continent fell into chaos, the corpse slaves rose, and the Star Continent fell. In the end, the heavenly forces had to abandon the old temple, and the connections between the sects were also broken. I very much hope that the cooperation with the nobles will continue! Even, our Phoenix Clan can provide some special medicines as exclusive auction items."

Hearing this, Elder Su was silent for a while.

After a while, Elder Su said: "Clan Chief Feng, I cannot make an arbitrary decision on this matter. Allow me a day to give you an answer."

"Okay! Then I'll wait for good news from Elder Su at the restaurant in the city." Li Ming said.

"I will try my best." Elder Su said.

Afterwards, Li Ming said his farewell and left the City Lord's Mansion.

Li Ming didn't have much confidence in whether it would be possible at this time.

Although the spirit water is very precious, compared with the Qihuang Stone, it is not one or two points away.

After leaving the City Lord's Mansion, after a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the restaurant.

From afar, he asked about the smell of wine.

Gao Tianjiu really lived up to its reputation!
Smelling the aroma of wine, Li Ming couldn't help but think of Uncle Jiu.

After the corpse slave crisis broke out, Li Ming never saw Uncle Jiu again.

Uncle Jiu's surname is Jiang. The Elder Tongshan of Sunset Water City once asked Uncle Jiu's identity, but he was from the Jiang family.

At that time, Li Ming didn't understand what the Jiang family meant.

Thinking about it now, Li Ming somewhat understood.

The suzerain of Wanshou Villa is also surnamed Jiang, and Tongshan should have referred to the Jiang family of Wanshou Villa at that time.

Looking back at Uncle Jiu's reaction at that time, it should have something to do with Wanshou Villa.

The next time I see Jiang Shouhong, the owner of Wanshou Villa, I have to ask a few questions.

Li Ming entered the restaurant, ordered a few dishes and two jars of high-quality wine, and began to eat and drink alone.

There are not many diners in the restaurant, they are scattered, and most of them are monks in Tianyong City, and there are very few outsiders.

At this moment, six monks walked in outside the restaurant, they were the six monks who entered the City Lord's Mansion before Li Mingyi.

I saw these monks cursing and looking unhappy.

Obviously, the conversation in the City Lord's Mansion just now was not pleasant.

Li Ming didn't think too much, and started to eat and drink on his own.

The six monks sat down, and one of them scolded and chattered: "This Gao family is really not a flattery, we are willing to cooperate with them, that is to think highly of them, they have taken up airs, and dare to let us go back to the restaurant to wait The news is really too much!"

"Yes, shameless, who does he think he is? He is not worthy to lift shoes for our master!" Another monk said.

"That's enough, don't say a few words." The leader of the six said coldly.

The other chattering people quieted down.

However, at this time, several diners at the adjacent table stood up and walked towards the six people.

I heard one of the diners ask: "Who did you say just now that you don't understand flattery?"

"Who are you?" The monk who scolded the Gao family for being ungrateful asked rudely.

"Gao Xiang from the Gao family in Tianyong City!" said the diner.

"Oh, so it's a child of the Gao family." The monk suddenly realized, but then his face sank, and he asked, "What do you want?"

"How? Apologize to our Gao family!" Gao Xiang said without doubt.

"Apologize? Wishful thinking!" the monk said very rudely.

"Wang Qi, apology!" The leader of the six team members glared at the arrogant companion and said coldly and clearly.

It turns out that the monk who scolded the Gao family for not knowing what is good or bad is called Wang Qi!
Wang Qi didn't show his anger, but facing the leader's unquestionable gaze, he could only say reluctantly, "I'm sorry!"

"Haha." Gao Xiang and his group burst into laughter after hearing this, and said, "Remember, this is Tianyong City, the Gao family's Tianyong City!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Xiang and his party swaggered out of the restaurant.

Wang Qi was outraged, and said in a deep voice: "It's just the early stage of Yuanying, how dare you be arrogant in front of me!"

"Wang Qi, don't forget the mission assigned by the master, and don't miss the master's important affairs because of small mistakes!" The team leader reminded.

Hearing this, Wang Qi settled down.

However, it was followed by a question: "Does the Gao family really have the Strange Emperor Stone? Could the news be wrong?"

"Do you dare to question the Lord?" the team leader asked angrily.

"Don't dare, dare not." Wang Qi said hastily.

The Lord has absolute authority and cannot be doubted.

Li Ming in the corner raised his eyebrows when he heard their conversation, and secretly said: "They came here for the Qihuangshi too! But, what kind of power are they from? Who is the master they are talking about? What do you want the Qihuangshi for?" ?”

 There is another chapter, it will be a little late, everyone go to bed early, and wake up tomorrow morning to read.

(End of this chapter)

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