Chapter 884

Elder Su frowned slightly, a little embarrassed.

Slightly stunned, Elder Su said: "Clan Chief Feng, I can't disclose their news to you, but there is one thing I can disclose."

"Oh?" Li Ming paused, and his intuition told him that it was related to the Qihuang Stone, but Li Ming said, "I would like to hear more about it!"

Elder Su looked around, and after placing another barrier, he said, "Clan Chief Feng, you know what I mean if you don't know the law."

"Don't worry, Elder Su, I promise as the patriarch that I will never tell anyone." Li Ming promised.

Hearing this, Elder Su was relieved, and said: "Patriarch Feng, the Qihuang Stone was not sold to anyone. As far as I know, the clan intends to use it to create a feast with Datang."

"Feast?" Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause.

Elder Su smiled and said, "Clan Chief Feng, that's all I can say."

Li Ming was still reminiscing the words of Patriarch Feng, and he came back to his senses a little bit, and said: "Elder Su, fill up, keep drinking."

"Come on, drink." Elder Su is also a bosom friend who drinks a thousand cups, so he drank to his heart's content!
After a meal, Elder Su left the restaurant drunk.

Li Ming's thoughts also came back, it seems that the six monks didn't get the Qihuang Stone either.

"The Gao family wants to join hands with the Tang Dynasty to create a feast?" Li Ming pondered over and over again, thinking: "What feast?"

After a while, Li Ming got up and left the restaurant, secretly saying: "It seems that it is necessary to pay attention to Datang's recent actions."

After leaving Tianyong City, Li Ming walked towards the teleportation array.

Coincidentally, I met those six monks again.

Seeing them all with sullen faces, the monk named Wang Qi cursed and said: "What a Gao family, dare to reject us, I really don't know what to do."

"Hateful Gao family, how can we report to the Lord when we go back?"

"It's just a strange emperor stone, I don't believe that only his Gao family has it!"

"How about we sneak back to Tianyong City secretly and find a way to steal that strange emperor stone?"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help laughing out loud, thinking: "Stupid!"

Tianyong City is the stronghold of the Gao family. Just you Nascent Soul cultivators want to steal the treasure house of the Gao family?
Not to mention the powerful Xie Jun who sits in Tianyong City, and Elder Su who is in the God Transformation Realm, they are not something they can deal with!

However, just as Li Ming laughed, a burst of sword energy suddenly shot out.

Li Ming's face darkened, and he avoided it immediately!

"What are you laughing at?" The monk named Wang Qi glared at Li Ming with tiger eyes.

Li Ming frowned, and asked back, "Did it hinder you?"

"How dare you talk back to me in a mere golden core realm. I am very unhappy today, but I was bumped into by you again. I can only say that you are unlucky!" Wang Qi said sharply. ,

When he was away from home, Li Ming had always had the habit of pretending to be decorated. He usually showed up at the Jindan state or the Nascent Soul stage, so low-key.

That's why Wang Qi dared to be so arrogant!

Li Ming frowned and asked, "What do you want?"

"Kill someone to relieve boredom!" Wang Qi said arrogantly.

"Wang Qi, don't cause trouble." The leader stopped.

"Don't worry about it, if you kill a Golden Core cultivator, what could cause trouble?" Wang Qi grinned fiercely.

At this time, Li Ming's face had sunk to the bottom, and he heard Li Ming coldly said: "Kill someone to relieve boredom? Okay, okay, I'm not in a good mood today, and I want to kill someone to relieve boredom!"

(End of this chapter)

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