Chapter 889

Although the general in charge is also a general, he is the lowest-ranking general. There is no comparison with those generals who are in charge of the army. It can be said that there is a big difference.

The Tang Dynasty entered the starry sky, and the thirteenth prince Li Zebai was in charge, so he repeatedly promoted Zhang Huchen to the Tang Imperial City as a general.

However, Zhang Huchen repeatedly shied away.

In the end, the thirteenth prince Li Zebai traveled thousands of miles to visit the noble mansion in person. Zhang Huchen was so sorry that he agreed to come to Tanghuang City.

However, he is only a general guard and has almost no power.

The Thirteenth Prince Zhang Ze really has no choice but to agree with Zhang Huchen!

This is just a surprise, but what is even more amazing is Zhang Huchen's kung fu.

Zhang Huchen acquired that skill by accident, and whenever the blood was rolling, colorful tiger patterns would appear on his back. The tiger dominated Zhang Huchen's entire back, with its tail winding from the neck to the face.

Therefore, Zhang Huchen is also known as General Xionghu!

Although Zhang Huchen is just a general on duty, he is a close minister who can speak in front of the thirteenth prince Li Zebai!

After coming and going, Li Ming and Zhang Huchen couldn't help getting familiar with each other, chatting very happily, like old friends who haven't seen each other for many years!
After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the study hall under the leadership of Zhang Huchen!

According to the orthodox etiquette, when Li Ming visited the Tang Dynasty, he should hand over the "credentials" first.

Then, agree on a good day.

Datang should also meet Li Ming in the Golden Luan Hall, after all, the Feng Clan is already a first-class power, which is equivalent to a small country, and the ceremony should be treated like this.

However, since Li Ming didn't deliver the 'Certificate of Credence', it can be said that he took the liberty to visit, so it is not impolite for the thirteenth prince Li Zebai to meet Li Ming in the study hall.

After entering the study hall, the thirteenth prince Li Zebai who was seated immediately stood up to greet him, and said, "Clan Chief Feng, it's time to say goodbye to Qinhuangcheng, but we haven't seen each other for some time."

"It's been a while." Li Ming said.

After a slight pause, Li Ming cut to the chase and said, "His Royal Highness, to tell you the truth, I have come from a long way, and I want to ask for something."

"Oh?" The thirteenth prince Li Zebai paused, with a look of surprise on his face, but he had already expected it in his heart.

That's right, who travels all the way across multiple planets to come here?
I only heard that the thirteenth prince Li Zebai said to Zhang Huchen: "Huchen, I have invited the national teacher."

"Yes, Your Highness!" Zhang Huchen replied.

Immediately, Zhang Huchen left the study hall and went to invite the national teacher, Shi Yan!

"Feng patriarch, please sit down." The thirteenth prince Li Zebai invited.

"Okay." Li Ming nodded.

Then, the two sat down.

The thirteenth prince, Li Zebai, took a sip of tea before asking: "Clan Chief Feng, what are you talking about?"

"Your Highness, I'll just say it straight, I'm here for the Qihuangshi." Li Ming said directly.

"The Strange Emperor Stone?!" Hearing this, the thirteenth prince Li Zebai couldn't help being surprised, and thought to himself: "The news about the Strange Emperor Stone is very tightly sealed, and no one except the Gao family knows about it. Could it be that the Gao family leaked it?" wind?"

It's just that it's irrelevant to find out where the rumors leaked at this time.

The thirteenth prince, Li Zebai, was slightly silent, and he didn't ask how Li Ming got the news about the Qihuangshi, but said: "Clan Chief Feng, the Qihuangshi is a treasure that is hard to find!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help raising his brows, and secretly said: "There is a play!"

It seems that Datang did not intend to take the Qihuang Stone as his own.

In this way, as long as Datang is satisfied with the price, everything is negotiable!

I only heard Li Ming say: "Your Highness, I come here with [-]% sincerity, and I will never disappoint His Highness!"

(End of this chapter)

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