The best immortal emperor

Chapter 898 Li Ming, Do You Know That Girl?

Chapter 898 Li Ming, Do You Know That Girl?
After leaving the mansion, I heard Situ Jianren say: "Father-in-law, I will send Li Ming to the palace."

"En, good." Cheng Wang replied, gave a few words of advice, and then returned to the mansion.

It was late at night, but the street was still very lively, with lights and festoons, shouting and buying and selling, as if it was a festival.

The two were walking side by side, only to hear Situ Jianren ask: "Li Ming, do you know that girl?"

Actually, Situ Jianren wanted to ask during the banquet, but it was not convenient at that time.

Li Ming was startled, for a moment he didn't know how to answer Situ Jianren.

Seeing Li Ming lost in thought, Situ Jianren knew there must be a story behind it.

However, seeing that Li Ming seemed unwilling to speak, Situ Jianren didn't ask any further.

Along the way, Li Ming didn't speak, and the figure of Luoshui kept echoing in his mind.

Approaching the gate of the palace, Li Ming said: "She is very similar to an old friend of mine, no, almost exactly the same."

"Old friend?" Situ Jianren was startled, and asked, "A confidante?"

Li Ming paused, and said, "It's sort of, it's not."

In short, she left a deep impression on Li Ming, especially the sentence, my name is Luoshui, Luo from Luoyang, rain from Yushui.

Situ Jianren was confused by Li Ming's words, is it true or not?
Slightly startled, Situ Jianren asked cautiously: "Would you like to find out for you? Maybe it's your old friend."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Li Ming said firmly, his attitude was very extreme.

Situ Jianren couldn't help being taken aback again, he had never seen Li Ming lose his composure for anyone.

After a while, I heard Li Ming say: "Let's inquire about it."

"Okay, I see." Situ Jianren replied.

After that, there was silence, and neither of them spoke.

In this way, he walked to the gate of the palace.

I only heard Situ Jianren said: "I will send it here, I will go back first."

"En." Li Ming responded.

Afterwards, Situ Jianren turned around and left.

Looking at the back of Situ Jianren going away, Li Ming couldn't help shouting: "Situ..."

Situ Jianren was startled, turned around, and looked at Li Ming suspiciously.

But at this time, Li Ming didn't know how to speak.

After being stiff for a while, Li Ming said: "Help me with some snacks on that matter."

Situ Jianren was startled again, and then responded: "Don't worry, take care of me!"

"Thank you." Li Ming thanked.

"Twenty altars of scorching sun red!" Situ Jianren said bluntly.

"No problem." Li Ming responded readily.

Afterwards, the two went back separately.

Situ Jianren didn't expect Li Ming to attach so much importance to that girl, it seems that the relationship is really extraordinary!
Li Ming went back to the palace, but he still cared about the girl in his heart.

Li Ming knew that Luoshui could not be the Luoshui on earth.

For Luoshui, Li Ming really felt guilty.

If it weren't for the failure to connect to the phone several times by accident, Luoshui would never have become like that in the end, and would not have ended up like that.

Although, these were not caused by Li Ming, nor did they have any indirect connection.

However, Li Ming was always feeling sorry.

Whenever a good thing dies, there will always be some compassion.

Not to mention, is a wonderful life!

After all, there have been so many intersections.

So today when I happened to meet Luoshui on the bustling street, a string deep in Li Ming's heart was involuntarily plucked.

I didn't expect to meet again at night.

Maybe, this is fate!
Lying on the bed, memories played in my mind like a movie, one scene after another.

With a slight smile, Li Ming shook his head slightly.

In the blink of an eye, it was dawn.
Situ Jianren then sent someone to the palace to deliver a message, saying that they would meet at the biggest restaurant in the Tang Imperial City.

Li Ming got the message and left immediately.

Li Ming often went to the biggest restaurant in the city when he was inquiring about the news two days ago, so he is very familiar with it now.

After a little effort, Li Ming arrived at the biggest restaurant in the city.

As always, relatively busy!

Li Ming walked into the restaurant and found Situ Jianren at the table next to the window on the second floor.

After Situ Jianren ordered the dishes, he waited for Li Ming and Lie Yanghong to be ready.

Seeing Li Ming coming, Situ Jianren said with a smile, "It can be counted."

"Haha." Li Ming smiled, and then took out two jars of wine.

Situ Jianren took Lie Rihong, drank three bowls in a row, exclaimed happily, and then said: "I have found out everything."

Li Ming nodded, not too surprised.

After all, she is just a maid, so it is very easy to inquire.

I only heard Situ Jianren said: "That Luoshui was originally not a maid, but a young lady from a wealthy family. However, because of the chaos of corpse slaves, the family was ruined and people died, and they finally fell into the end of prostitution. It happened that there was a need for a group of maids to stay in the palace. So she entered Liuwang's residence."

Hearing this, Li Ming felt inexplicably sour in his heart.

Perhaps, it was because this Luoshui had the same fate as the Luoshui in his heart!

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Situ, how is she doing in Liuwang's Mansion?"

"How is it?" Situ Jianren was taken aback, with a troubled look on his face.

"What's the problem?" Li Ming asked, frowning.

I only heard that Situ Jianren said: "A maid is a maid after all, and she serves others. Even the most favored maid may not be too well-fed. Luoshui didn't serve Princess Kangmin before, because of her ingenuity and handiness. She is also good-looking, so she became Kang Min's personal maid."

"Because she is the personal maid of the princess, she has a higher status than ordinary maids, and no one dares to provoke her on weekdays. It's just..."

Saying this, Situ Jianren couldn't help but pause.

"Just what?" Li Ming became inexplicably nervous.

"It's just that Kang Min was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, and she is also the jewel in the palm of King Liu. She has a bad temper and often whips the servant girl. The maid who served her before was whipped to death by her." Situ Jianren said.

"So vicious?!" Li Ming was surprised.

However, Situ Jianren shook his head for a while and said, "Actually, this is not a big deal. It's commonplace. Basically every nobleman has this kind of thing happen. After all, the lives of low-level monks are worthless, let alone slave monks. It's not worth mentioning at all. Did you know that some noble young masters and young ladies even have the hobby of killing people for fun!"

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled and fell silent.

After a slight pause, Li Ming asked, "Situ, how can I help her?"

After a pause, Situ asked back, "How do you want to help?"

"At least get rid of slavery." Li Ming said without thinking.

Situ Jianren was silent for a while and did not speak.

"Is there a problem?" Li Ming asked.

I only heard Situ Jianren said: "If it is in Daqin, no matter which maidservants in the mansion, even the maidservants in the palace, as long as you tell me, I can do it right away. But here is Datang, I have to think about it." , who did you ask for help?"

"Who are you looking for?" Li Ming paused and asked back, "Isn't your wife the best candidate?"

(End of this chapter)

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