The best immortal emperor

Chapter 912 I will pay 35!

Chapter 912 I pay 500 million!
For monks of different levels, Datang has different auction halls, and naturally the items auctioned are different.

After all, you can't expect ordinary Golden Core cultivators to bid for items that are only used in the Transformation God Realm.

Not to mention whether you have the financial resources, even if you have, whether you can keep the item after the auction is successful.

These, the monks participating in the auction will all consider it.

After all, there are too many examples of heavy treasures causing death.

The auction building has a total of 120 floors. The first to thirtieth floors are venues for third-rate forces, and the 31st to [-]th floors are club halls for second-rate forces.

The rest and upwards are first-class forces and top-level auction clubs!

A group of monks took their seats according to their number plates, and the seemingly tall auction feast building was actually a bit crowded at this moment.

There are too many monks participating in the auction!

Li Ming and Situ Jianren undoubtedly went to the top auction house.

The setting of the top-level auction hall is a little different from the auction hall below. The seats below are surrounded by theaters, while the auction hall on the top floor is box-style. Each faction has a corresponding box.

The box name of the Great Qin Dynasty is Daqin, that of the Great Jin Dynasty is Dajin, and that of the Feng Clan is the Feng Clan, all named after the strengths of the various parties.

The order of the boxes is very particular, and they are divided according to their respective strengths and cannot be overstepped.

Although the strength of the Feng Clan and the Gold Weapon Sect cannot be compared with any dynasty, even the declining Ming Dynasty.

However, the Feng Clan and the Gold Weapon Sect are the favorites of this era.

Therefore, the special case was assigned to the topmost box, on an equal footing with the four dynasties.

Such an arrangement is definitely the greatest honor for the Feng Clan and the Jin Qi Sect!

Li Ming and Situ Jianren separated and entered their respective boxes.

There were relatively few visitors from the Feng clan, only Li Ming, the elders of the six clans, and Luo Shui who had just met!

There were only three people in the huge box, so it seemed a bit empty.

This is not the case for other forces, the least number is six or seven people, and there are more than ten or twenty people.

Seeing that Luo Shui was very restrained, Li Ming couldn't help saying: "Luo Shui, don't be so restrained, from the moment I took you out of the palace, you are no longer a slave, and no one will dare to bully you in the future. beat and scolded you."

"Yes." Luo Shui responded with a bow, but he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.

Li Ming didn't say anything more, believing that time can change everything.

At this time, Li Ming thought of the Household Registration Department, and couldn't help asking: "The elders of the six clans, has the Datang Household Registration Department been here?"

"Patriarch Hui, the past few days have been guarding the hall, and he has never left for half a step, but no one from the Household Registration Department of the Tang Dynasty has ever visited the door." The elder of the six clans replied.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help frowning, and said, "Perhaps Princess Kangmin is also preparing for the auction feast these few days, and accidentally forgot about it. When the auction feast is over, I will go to Liu Palace again."

At this time, a voice sounded in the auction room, saying: "Friends from all walks of life are welcome to come and participate in this auction feast jointly created by the Tang Dynasty and Tianyong City. Next, I would like to invite Elder Su of Tianyong City to announce the gifts for this auction." and related rules."

Hearing this, the auction house immediately fell silent, quietly waiting for Elder Su of Tianyong City to take the stage!
I saw Elder Su bowing in all directions, and then said: "Since the news of the auction feast spread, everyone has been paying attention to what the gifts are. Whatever events are held, gifts are not worth mentioning. But this time, The Tang Dynasty and I, Tianyong City, were ingenious, and specially found a treasure as a gift."

"Elder Su, hurry up and announce the gift, everyone is anxious." A suzerain asked impatiently.

"That's right, Elder Su, tell me quickly, don't be a fool." Another suzerain urged.

Everyone said a few words, the atmosphere was so lively, and they all wanted to know what this mysterious gift was.

This is exactly what the Tang Dynasty and Tianyong City wanted.

Seeing this, Elder Su didn't hold back, and said: "This gift is a priceless treasure, the Qihuang Stone!"

Hearing this, the scene was suddenly quiet and silent.

Not everyone has heard of the Strange Emperor Stone, even these suzerains who have lived for thousands of years!

However, some people know.

I only heard a suzerain ask: "Elder Su, but that strange emperor stone that can reshape the body?"

"Exactly!" Elder Su replied.

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again, they didn't expect this strange emperor stone to be useful.

Reshaping the physical body is not an easy task.

For those monks whose physical bodies have collapsed and only their souls are left, this Strange Emperor Stone is undoubtedly a peerless treasure!
After a while, the monks came back to their senses.

I only heard one of them ask: "Elder Su, how can I get this Strange Emperor Stone as a gift? Isn't it true that everyone has a share?"

"Yes, Elder Su, how can I get the gift?"

Elder Su smiled and said, "There is only one Qihuang Stone, so naturally there is only one winner."

"Then how can I get it?" The suzerain who was also impatient asked impatiently.

"In this auction, the one with the most accumulated bidding amount will win!" Elder Su said.

Hearing this, everyone paused, but they were not too surprised.

So is Li Ming.

Seeing the reactions in the box, Li Ming couldn't help but secretly said: "It seems that it is not easy to get the Qihuang Stone."

Li Ming rubbed his temples involuntarily.

Seeing this, the elders of the six clans couldn't help asking: "Patriarch, do you want that strange emperor stone?"

"It is inevitable." Li Ming said without doubt.

Hearing this, the elders of the six clans couldn't help but startled, and said: "Patriarch, there are not many forces that are qualified to compete for the Strange Emperor Stone, why don't I go and say hello to them first?"

Li Ming shook his head and said: "My Feng family is in full swing now, but it's not yet the time when Bafang is afraid. Going to greet them like this will only make them feel disgusted. It's better to wait and see what happens, the worst result , It’s just paying more resources.”

Indeed, what Li Ming said was not bad at all.

The elders of the six clans did not say any more, waiting for the start of the auction feast.

After Elder Su of Tianyong City explained the rules of the auction, the auction feast began!
Elder Su walked off the stage, and a beautiful host came up and said, "It's easy to host this auction feast. The first item auctioned today is called the five-color wheel."

Saying that, the two young men lifted up the five-color wheel.

I only heard that the abbot introduced: "The five-color wheel has five colors, and these five colors correspond to the attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. I don't need to go into details about its value. All the seniors here should know that the starting price is 3000 million high-grade spirit stones! Less than a million high-grade spirit stones."

As soon as the words fell, a box shouted: "I'll pay 500 million!"

There are two ways to quote, self-quote, and anonymous quote.

Those who yell loudly like this are usually thunderous, rainy, and put on airs!
 One more chapter, it will be very late.

(End of this chapter)

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