Chapter 965

After the Supreme Treasure Prince Zhu Changxiao left, Li Ming picked up his chopsticks and ate deliciously. This table of wine and food should not be wasted.

Niu Wudi seemed a little absent-minded, as if he had something on his mind.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help asking: "Is this dish not to your liking?"

Niu Wudi shook his head, looked at Li Ming and asked, "Brother, did Zhu Changxiao ever believe it? I always feel a little suspenseful. If he sees the treasure and becomes greedy, it will be troublesome."

Although both Niu Wudi and Li Ming were already strong Huashen, Zhu Changxiao was not without a strong Huashen.

Moreover, Zhu Changxiao has the Sun Moon Sect as his backing, so it is not impossible to do something excessive.

I only heard that Li Ming said: "It is not necessary to doubt the person, but not to be suspicious of the employing person."

Li Ming had already considered what Niu Wudi said, but this time he was going for the thunder and lightning, and the treasure was just a matter of convenience.

In fact, Li Ming was not optimistic about that treasure.

As for why, Li Ming couldn't tell the reason, he just had an intuition.

Niu Wudi didn't say any more, and started to eat the dishes with a sullen head.

When Zhu Changxiao, Prince of Supreme Treasure, returned to the mansion, he summoned the five masters of transforming spirits in the mansion, and explained in detail what happened just now.

I heard one of them ask: "Chang Xiao, do you really believe there are treasures?"

"If there is one, then simply capture the man surnamed Li alive and monopolize the treasure." Another strong man said.

"Is there any conspiracy in this?" Another strong man asked worriedly.

Liu Yuansheng and the other strong man did not speak, as if they were thinking about something.

After a while, Zhu Changxiao said, "Actually, it doesn't matter whether there are treasures or not."

"It's not important?" The strong men looked at Zhu Changxiao in surprise and asked, "Then what's important?"

I only heard Zhu Changxiao said: "Based on what I know about Li Ming, he is extremely committed and loyal. Now that the Feng clan has fallen to such a state, I will help him. When he makes a comeback in the future, he will never forget me." Today's kindness."

"This..." Several strong men looked at each other, frowning.

All the people here are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years. They only have four words for their evaluation of people's hearts. People's hearts are unpredictable!
Zhu Changxiao's words were undoubtedly speculation and gambling without any basis.

However, Liu Shengyuan was a little confused and asked, "Chang Xiao, since this is the case, why didn't you just sell Li Ming a favor when you were in the restaurant just now, wouldn't it be better?"

Zhu Changxiao shook his head and said: "The elders of the Feng clan have fallen, the elders of the second and third clans have been captured by the Shangguan family. Although Li Ming has broken through to become a god, he is already as frightened as a bird. If I agree directly, I can't guarantee him I will think too much, thinking that I have something to plot.

It's better to bargain with him and make him feel that I am going for the treasure, which can dispel some of his worries.Furthermore, I also want to see the treasure, whether it is a real treasure or just a fake one. "

"This..." Liu Shengyuan was a little dumb, unable to speak.

"Okay, I called everyone here to ask two of them to come with me." Zhu Changxiao said.

"I'll go, it's too boring to stay at the mansion." A burly monk named Lin Kuafu said.

"That counts me in too." Another person named Fang Han said.

"Okay, then there are two seniors, Lao Lao." Zhu Changxiao said.

Three days later, Zhu Changxiao, Lin Kuafu, and Fang Han came to the restaurant.

In the past three days, Li Ming never left the restaurant, eating and drinking in the box all the time, looking very happy.

Niu Wudi was not as relaxed as Li Ming, he was worried and worried.

When the two teams met, they didn't say much, they just said that it was time to set off, and then they left the restaurant and headed for the Star Continent.

The teleportation formation directly leading to the Star Continent is not in the Minghuang City, but in the family land of Zhu Changxiao's concubine's family.

After several turnarounds, Zhu Changxiao brought a group of people to the planet of the concubine's family, Maple Leaf Star.

Maple Leaf Star gets its name from the maple trees on the planet.

Without staying, I went to Star Continent through the teleportation array.

Li Ming hadn't been to the Star Continent for several decades. Now that he arrived in the Star Continent, he felt something was wrong.

However, it was impossible to tell what was wrong for a while.

Seeing this, Zhu Changxiao couldn't help but said, "Do you feel something is wrong? Pay attention to the aura here."

Li Ming was reminded by Zhu Changxiao, suddenly realized, and said, "The aura here is not as strong as before."

"Yes, I was also taken aback a few years ago. To tell you the truth, the spiritual energy in the Star Continent is dissipating at a terrifying speed." Zhu Changxiao said.

"How could this be?" Li Ming asked in confusion.

"Overexploitation." Zhu Changxiao explained.

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help being silent for a while.

I only heard that Zhu Changxiao continued: "Several major forces have spared no effort to exploit the Star Continent regardless of the consequences, but all those who can be called high-resources will be wiped out. If this continues, within 300 years, the Star Continent will definitely become A Death Star."

After a slight pause, he continued: "Maybe, it won't take 300 years."

For a moment, Li Ming didn't know what to say.

It's hard to imagine that a planet with abundant products and inexhaustible resources would turn into a dead star.

"Okay, let's go to the treasure land and have a look." Zhu Changxiao said curiously.

I only heard Li Ming said: "The treasure has existed for many years, and I only learned about it recently. It's just that the Star Continent is over-mined, and I'm not sure if the treasure has already been excavated."

"What? What do you mean? You can't trick us?" the impatient Lin Kuafu asked impatiently.

"How dare, how dare. It's just that I didn't expect that Star Continent would be exploited like this." Li Ming said.

"Okay, once you get to the place where the treasure is hidden, you'll know it as soon as you see it, so there's no point arguing here." Zhu Changxiao said.

Afterwards, Li Ming took a group of people to the place where the treasure was hidden.

The place where the treasure is hidden is not within the power range of the Sun Moon Sect, but it is not very far away either.

There, the original land was not fertile, and it was not conducive to the growth of spiritual trees and grass.

Although it is not a barren land, it is definitely not much better, it is very desolate!
Li Ming and his party flew for four days and three nights, and finally arrived at the treasure place!
Here, it is not as good as before, it can be described as desolate.

"This is it?" After coming here, Lin Kuafu couldn't help frowning, and said: "I thought there was something new here, but I didn't expect it to be so desolate! Such a desolate place can hide treasures? Even if there is, it must be It’s not a rare item either.”

"You can leave here if you don't like it." Niu Wudi said not very friendly.

"What did you say?" Lin Kuafu's emotions became agitated, and he stared at Niu Wudi without giving in!

(End of this chapter)

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