Chapter 979

The speed of the six princesses of the Great Jin Dynasty is not too fast, after all, there are Nascent Soul monks among them.

However, the speed is ultimately faster than Wan Yan Man Gong.

At the beginning, Wanyan Mangong could still keep up, but after a long time, she couldn't keep up.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being slightly startled, and said: "Brother Wanyan, why don't I go ahead and leave secret marks along the way, and you follow the secret marks to find it, how about it?"

Wanyan Mangong thought for a while, nodded, and said, "That's the only way, but Brother Jiudao, you should be careful, the hunting ground is not bound by the law, even if the prince or princess dies, it will be for nothing!"

"I see." Li Ming nodded in response.

Afterwards, Li Ming took a step ahead and chased after him.

The sixth princess's men and horses rushed on the road with all their strength, day and night, without a moment's rest.

Five days later, the group of monks came to a short mountain.It is said to be a mountain, but it is actually like a small mound.

When they got here, the group of monks stopped, as if they were waiting for someone.

Half a day later, as expected, another pair of people rushed here to meet up.

It is none other than the sixth princess!

As soon as we met, the sixth princess said: "Uncle Fang, Uncle Tong, we got news that lightning was found in the cave in the West Canyon, but it is not sure that it was thunder."

"It's not too late, let's go immediately." The man called Uncle Fang responded.

Following this, the Sixth Princess and her party immediately set off to the cave in the West Canyon.

Li Ming was lurking in the dark, but he didn't dare to eavesdrop on their conversation. After all, the other party had several masters of transforming spirits.If you are not careful, you will show your feet and be noticed by them.

Li Ming followed all the way, leaving secret marks along the way.

Wanyan Mangong chased all the way according to the secret notes left by Li Ming, first he chased to the low mountain, and then he went to the West Canyon.

Li Ming followed the sixth princess all the way to the cave in the West Canyon.

However, Li Ming did not rush in, but waited for Wanyan Mangong at the entrance of the cave.

The cave is a typical karst landform, and the inside is intricate. After entering, it is very easy to get lost even if there are secret marks.

What's more, looking for Luo Lei is not in a hurry.

Two days later, Wanyan Mangong finally arrived with a tired face.

Obviously, he didn't take any rest along the way.

As soon as they met, Wanyan Mangong couldn't wait to ask: "How is it? Is there any news about the thunder?"

I only heard Li Ming said: "I don't know either. There are many strong men among the six princesses. I dare not get too close. I didn't hear their conversation. Then, I followed all the way here."

Hearing this, Wan Yan Man Gong nodded and asked: "Then shall we go in now?"

"Don't worry, you can adjust your breath first, and then it won't be too late to go down to the cave." Li Ming said.

"Alright." Wan Yan Man Gong nodded in response.

Afterwards, Wanyan Mangong found a hidden place near the cave to meditate and adjust his breath.

Half a day later, Wanyan Mangong fully recovered, and the two entered the cave.

The air in the cave is not very good, a little sour and low in oxygen.

However, both of them can breathe internally, so they don't care about it.

After going down the cave, there was no sound inside, except for the occasional sound of dripping water.

Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong were very careful not to make any noise, so as not to be discovered by the Ninth Princess.

The topography of the cave is very complicated. Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong didn't know which secret passage to choose, so they chose one at random.

The underground passages of the cave were damp, and the humidity was very high. Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong flew in the air, dripping a lot of water on their bodies.

However, as soon as the true essence was turned, the water droplets evaporated to dryness.

The dark passage is dim, with no light, and it gets darker as you go in.

It's black, like the mouth of an abyss!
Li Ming released Yuanshen cautiously, and explored the situation in the secret passage.

There was nothing in the dark passage, nothing abnormal, and there was no monk.

Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong moved faster.

After a while, this secret passage came to an end, and there was a fork ahead.

Just when he didn't know how to choose, a strange sound suddenly came from the darkness.

Li Ming couldn't help but frowned, and said, "Let's go! Take a look."

Wanyan nodded.

Then, the two left after hearing the sound.

The weird sound was muffled, but it only made one sound, and then there was no sound.

Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong, who were chasing after him, frowned, wondering what was going on?
However, this matter should not be rushed, the two listened patiently.

After waiting for a while, the weird muffled sound came again, and it was much more urgent than before.

Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong immediately chased after him, this time the voice didn't stop.

However, gradually, the sound changed.

The weird muffled sound gradually turned into the sound of metal clashing, and as Li Ming approached, it turned into the sound of fighting.

Startled slightly, Li Ming came back to his senses.

It should be that the sound has been reflected in the cave several times and changed, so it sounds weird!

Hearing it was the sound of fighting, Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong slowed down instead, trying their best not to make any noise.

A little bit, Li Ming and Wanyan Mangong got closer and closer to the sound of fighting.

Li Ming quietly released a wisp of Yuanshen and probed for a while.

Then Chuan Nian said: "Brother Wanyan, one side belongs to the Sixth Princess, and the other side I don't know."

Hearing this, Wanyan Mangong nodded, and Chuannian said: "There must be something discovered, otherwise there would be no fight."

Li Ming agrees with Wanyan Mangong's statement, that is to release Yuanshen again and investigate carefully.

Only one of them shouted: "Fang, we discovered this first, do you want to grab it by force?"

"You don't know the rules of the hunting ground, do you? Those who can live there." said the monk surnamed Fang.

"You..." The man before was dumbfounded.

Game rules, indeed.

"Don't let go? Don't you have to force the old man to be serious?" the surnamed Fang shouted coldly.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the man could only snort angrily, and said, "You are cruel!"

Having no choice but to give up, the one surnamed Fang succeeded.

I saw that the surnamed Fang got a stone from that man, it was extremely round and full of thunder and lightning.

Seeing this, Li Ming couldn't help being startled, thinking that the stone he got on Qinglian Mountain was very similar.

Could it be that there is some connection between these two stones?
After a slight pause, Li Ming secretly said: "If there is a connection, it must be related to that Luolei."

For a moment, Li Ming vaguely caught something.

However, it is not clear what exactly!
But at this moment, the person surnamed Fang suddenly shouted: "Who is it?"

Hearing this, Li Ming was startled suddenly, and secretly said: "Could it be discovered?"

However, at this time, a laugh came from the secret passage, saying: "It's a good luck, you guys found the Minglei Stone."

Then, I saw a young man in gorgeous clothes coming out.

When the sixth princess saw this person, she couldn't help but frowned, and shouted: "Seventh brother?"

That's right, the person who came was none other than the Seventh Prince!
(End of this chapter)

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