The best immortal emperor

Chapter 993 God Helps Me Too

Chapter 993 God Helps Me Too
A day later, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, rushed to the teleportation formation and asked the general defending the formation if any monks had left.

The general defending the formation said that only the young master Wanyan Wangshun brought the monks in, and no monks went out.

Hearing this, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to himself, "It seems that the Jiu Daoist hasn't left Luoxing yet!"

Li Ming flew all the way and went straight to the teleportation array.

But for some reason, the closer I got to the teleportation array, the more anxious I felt, as if something was about to happen.

However, Li Ming didn't care much about it!

In the middle of the night, Li Mingfeng and Chen rushed to Luoxing's teleportation array!

The master of transformation who followed Li Ming immediately notified the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai. The old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, was waiting anxiously. When he received the order, he was immediately excited and said in his heart, "God help me, God help me too!"

Now, monks from all sides are in the valley of the Tiandang Mountain Range, and the Seventh Prince's attention is not on himself.

If he intercepted and killed the wine Taoist, and then killed the cultivator who followed Li Ming, no one would know about it.

When the time comes, wouldn't it be great to dominate that thunderstorm by myself?
The falling thunder is the thunder of heaven and earth.

In the entire Dajin Dynasty, there were only three people who owned Luolei, and all three of them were extremely powerful and powerful.

If I get this thunderbolt, I will go to the Dajin Dynasty first, and retreat for three to 500 years to refine all the thunderbolt.

If you return to the Dajin Dynasty at that time, your status will definitely not be comparable to what it is today.

Human selflessness is false, it depends on whether it is worth it.

There is no doubt that Luo Lei is worth it, even if he betrays the entire Dajin Dynasty!
At this moment, Uncle Hai, the blue-robed old man, sensed an extraordinary aura flying toward the teleportation formation, and he identified this person as a wine Taoist.

Immediately, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai flew to intercept him.

With a little effort, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, blocked Li Ming's way.

When Li Ming saw the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, his expression changed instantly. He never expected to meet the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai. Is it a coincidence?

Li Ming calmed down instantly, and greeted calmly: "Senior, don't come here without any problems."

Uncle Hai, the old man in the blue robe, laughed, and said, "Smart people don't speak coded words, so don't pretend to be confused."

Hearing this, Li Ming couldn't help but pause in his heart, as if falling into an ice cave, he thought to himself: "Could it be that he already knows?"

However, on the surface, he remained calm and said, "Senior, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"En?" Seeing this, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, couldn't help being startled, and thought to himself, "Could it be that he guessed wrong? He didn't get Luolei? Or is it because the wine Taoist's ability to pretend is too high?"

After a slight pause, the old man in blue robe, Uncle Hai, secretly said: "No matter what the situation is, let's kill the wine Taoist first. If he gets Thunderbolt, he will definitely be able to find it from him. If he can't find it, then he can only blame him for not being alive." alright!"

After reading this, the face of the blue-robed old man Uncle Hai gradually turned cold, and his breath became more and more fierce.

Seeing this, Li Ming was horrified in his heart, and thought to himself: "It's not good! This blue-robed old man, Uncle Hai, is ready to kill, but how did he know his whereabouts? Could it be that he has been following him? But why didn't he attack when he was in the Tiandang Mountains?" ?”

Li Ming doesn't understand why, and these are not important at this time, the important thing is how to escape?

Li Ming's strength is inferior to that of Uncle Fang under the sixth princess, and Uncle Fang is far from Uncle Hai's opponent, otherwise he would not have been robbed of the Thunder Stone.

According to Li Ming's estimate, this blue-robed old man, Uncle Hai, should have a mid-stage cultivation of becoming a god!

Li Ming is only at the early stage of the transformation of the gods. Although he is stronger than the average early stage of the transformation of the gods, he is far from being an opponent in the middle stage of the transformation of the gods.

The gap in level is like a chasm, insurmountable!

 In fact, you don't have to wait. Generally, heroes are three chapters later, and they will eat something and then take a bath.Wait until everything is finished, it is almost eleven or twelve o'clock, and then I finish writing, it is probably one o'clock.Everyone looked the same the next day.But still want to thank those guarding brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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