Shennong's little medical fairy

Chapter 340 Park Jinfeng Has News

Chapter 340 Park Jinfeng Has News


This was Liang Fei's worst rejection in front of Shen Xin. Seeing Shen Xin ignoring him, Liang Fei had no choice but to follow her out.

It looked like a primary school student who had made a mistake, even though Liang Fei really couldn't figure it out, he suddenly offended Captain Shen just like that.

Shen Xin seemed to be able to take things in and out, temporarily putting aside the entanglement between herself and Liang Fei, and said to Liang Fei in a deep voice: "In the past two days, according to the clues you provided, I secretly carried out an investigation on the people under Su Yunmou. Followed up and found that he had some abnormalities."

"Su Yunmou? What happened to him?"

Since Shen Xin no longer mentioned her blind date with Su Xinlan, Liang Fei naturally wished for it.However, when he heard her mention Su Yunmou, Liang Fei couldn't help but move.

Moreover, this grandson was extremely arrogant, relying on his relationship with high-level leaders, even the mayor Fan Qingxuan didn't pay attention to him, and he openly came to win him over at his opening ceremony.

If he didn't agree, this old boy actually thought of poisoning his own fish pond, and even caused trouble in Xihai City, infringing on his company's interests.

And these are not the most important.The most annoying thing is that this guy is very likely to have something to do with Dao Ye's drug production and trafficking organization.And this time he dared to attack him so unscrupulously, it is very likely that he was instigated by the Master Dao Group to formally challenge himself.

"Get in the car and talk!"

Seeing that all the plainclothes people had already gotten into the car, Shen Xin looked at her watch again, said to Liang Fei solemnly, and got into the car first herself.

Liang Fei also got into the car and sat beside Shen Xin.


Shen Xin nodded to the driver who was driving ahead, and the two cars drove out of the compound of the Public Security Bureau one by one.

"What the hell happened? Where are we going now?"

Sitting in the car, seeing that Shen Xin was speechless for a while, while all the plainclothes people had serious expressions, Liang Fei couldn't help but asked strangely: "Xiao Xin, on the phone just now, you told me...there is news about Pu Jinfeng? "

"Hear me out!"

Shen Xin looked at Liang Fei solemnly, and asked without answering: "Brother Xiu under Su Yunmou's subordinates, you should be very clear about this person, right?"

"Not bad!"

Although Liang Fei didn't understand what kind of medicine Shen Xin's gourd was selling for the time being, he couldn't help but nodded when he heard Brother Xiu mentioned, and asked again: "This man is a brave and foolish man. He has fought several times, and he always accompanied his wife to break the army."

Just as Liang Fei finished speaking, she saw Shen Xin gave him a dissatisfied look, apparently very cold about the proverb he used.As for the content in Shen Xin's seems to be saying: What does it mean to be with your wife and lose your army? How hardworking are you, Liang Fei?How many ladies do you want?
Although Shen Xin's words were not uttered, Liang Fei and Shen Xin looked at each other and seemed to have read them out without reservation. They looked embarrassed at the moment, so they had to change the subject and ask: "Xiao Xin, what happened?" What's wrong with brother Xiu?"

"Yes, we found some jokes from Brother Xiu."

Shen Xin nodded, and said seriously: "According to our scout's investigation, Brother Xiu has always been in and out of a star hotel in recent days, and he only stayed for a few minutes before leaving. Therefore, we secretly told him often Entered this hotel room for investigation, and found that the person staying in the hotel turned out to be a Burmese!"

"The person staying in the hotel is a Burmese?"

After Liang Fei heard it, he looked at Shen Xin's serious expression again, and seemed to guess something, so he asked with a smile: "I see, what you mean is that the Burmese who lives in the hotel is probably Park Jinfeng?"


Shen Xin seemed to have known that Liang Fei would understand sooner rather than later, so she solemnly said affirmatively.

"However, Pu Jinfeng is not from Burmese, but a half-breed of China and Han!"

Liang Fei already had a very clear understanding of the information about the leaders of the drug cartel.Especially for this mysterious Pu Jinfeng, I checked his background.

"You're right."

Shen Xin looked at Liang Fei, and said firmly, "Pu Jinfeng is indeed not a Burmese, but this time he was able to sneak into our Huaxia, it is absolutely impossible to use his real identity. I think, the identity of the Burmese who lives in the hotel , is absolutely false, he must be Park Jinfeng, who is hiding here, trying to avoid our investigation."

"No, I don't see it that way!"

Shen Xin's tone was very affirmative, and the policemen nodded repeatedly after hearing this, but Liang Fei objected: "Pu Jinfeng is not a killer, but he has sharper insight and skills than a killer. judgement.

He was ordered to come here this time, and he would never dare to ostentatiously go through the city and stay in a hotel, even if he had a hidden identity as insurance, he would not dare to take such a risk. "

Speaking of this, Liang Fei's eyes wandered around Shen Xin's face again, and then he said firmly: "If I were him, Pu Jinfeng, I would never do such a risky thing. So, the hotel resident Burmese people will definitely not be Park Jinfeng!"

"Not Park Jinfeng? Who could it be..."

After hearing Liang Fei's analysis, Shen Xin was taken aback, and was about to ask, but suddenly thought of something, and said in a surprised voice: "Liang Fei, what do you mean...Su Yunmou thought we were investigating him, so he deliberately sent one of his men to pretend to be The Burmese live in the hotel, and in order to attract our attention, let Brother Xiu go in and out of the hotel every day?"

"Whether it is true or not, there is no conclusion yet."

Shen Xin can have such a sensitive and quick thinking, which really makes Liang Fei quite happy.He looked at Shen Xin and said: "However, we are not Su Yunmou after all, so naturally we can't judge what this old fox is thinking, let alone whether he set up some tricks for us, but since we went today, it is very interesting. We need to find out the results."

"Well, Liang Fei, you're right! Since these scumbags dare to provoke us, we must make them pay the price!"

Shen Xin agreed with Liang Fei's words.So, the two stopped talking and followed the two cars all the way to the locked hotel door.

On the outskirts of the hotel, plainclothes police detectives sent here have long been monitoring the outskirts. After Shen Xin got in touch with them, the answer she got was: Brother Xiu just came out of the hotel room he often haunts. The room was inspected, but no one was found to come out.Obviously, the Burmese in that room did not leave the room.

(End of this chapter)

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