swallow dragon

Chapter 1136


Before the Pluto Rat Demon broke into the entrance, two muscular figures appeared in front of the Pluto Rat Demon out of thin air. With two clangs, the two guards sacrificed their magical weapons to block the Pluto Demon. In front of the rat monsters, all of them had stern expressions and murderous looks.

"Elder Ming, as a dignified core elder, you actually dare to disregard the golden rules and iron laws and force your way into a secret place. Could it be that you want to rebel?"

One of the guards gritted his teeth, and as soon as he made a sound, he put a big hat on the Pluto Rat Demon, making the Pluto Rat Demon feel scruples.


At the same time, another guard blew a police conch.Immediately, there was a sound like a child whimpering, and it continued to spread in all directions, and the sound was deafening.

"Junior Brother, I'm sorry. I didn't intend to rebel, but it's really an emergency and I need to report to the patriarch. I believe the patriarch will forgive me!"

With a thought, the Pluto Rat Demon immediately shot out nine flying swords from its body, eight of them were big swords, and a small sword was only one foot long. Feel.


"Kill without mercy!"

The two guards looked at each other, and immediately stopped holding back, and rushed towards the Pluto rat demon like crazy.


The Pluto rat demon burst into laughter and fought with all his strength.


Like a flash flood, there was a loud roar like a tsunami, and it suddenly swept in all directions. An endless wave of energy gushed out from the body of the Pluto rat demon, completely engulfing the two guards in an instant.

"Bang!" "Bang!"

Although the two guards were dead warriors carefully cultivated by the patriarch Tong Tianshu, after all, they were only in the realm of the Holy King, and they were completely vulnerable to the Pluto Demon in the Shattered Realm.

In just one round, the two guards were blown into the air, blood spurted from their mouths, and they fell limp to the ground, their lives hanging by a thread.

"You...you will pay the price!"

"The patriarch will not let you go!"

The faces of the two guards were pale, their eyes were bloodshot, they stared at the Pluto rat demon, wishing they could tear it into pieces.

"excuse me!"

The Pluto mouse monster turned around and flew towards the entrance without stopping.


Who would have thought that at the very moment, hundreds of figures, like a tidal wave, surged out of the cave in a frantic manner, directly blowing the Pluto rat demon out.

Looking closely, these hundreds of figures, each wearing uniform standard armor, are all dead warriors privately trained by the patriarch, and they are also guards guarding the cave.


The Pluto Rat Demon's face froze, and he was about to burst into tears, "Could it be that we have to go on a killing spree today?" Facing hundreds of guards, the Pluto Rat Demon hesitated.

If he went on a killing spree and killed the patriarch Tongtianshu's dead men, he would definitely be severely punished by Tongtianshu. At that time, it would be unbearable for Pluto Mouse Demon to pursue the investigation.

However, the situation was urgent, and the Pluto Rat Demon could not tolerate any hesitation.



Just as the Pluto Rat Demon's thoughts were flying, hundreds of guards, screaming and killing, came towards the Pluto Rat Demon like crazy, encircling and suppressing the Pluto Rat Demon. The momentum was so great that it neighed in the void.


At the same time, countless figures flew out from the various caves, looking at the entrance of the main cave in the center with astonishment.

These rat monsters all heard the sound of the police conch, and flew out of the cave, thinking that something happened, and they were about to kill the evildoer and put down the chaos.

However, when they saw that the person fighting with the guards turned out to be the core elder Pluto Rat Demon, they all stood there in a daze, somewhat at a loss for what to do.

Obviously, no one dared to make a move to capture the Pluto rat demon and bring him to justice.

bang bang bang bang...

Immediately, hundreds of guards and the Pluto Mouse Demon, who was urging the Nine Star Son and Mother Sword, completely fought together.The Pluto Rat Demon was imprisoned, and in order to protect himself, he didn't care about what to do, so he missed and beheaded three or four guards.

Immediately, the rest of the guards became even more frenzied, vowing to put the Pluto rat demon to death!

"Damn it, if I continue to fight fiercely, I will almost be unable to hold on! At that time, not only will I not have the opportunity to meet the patriarch and be cleared of my sins, but I will most likely be judged a traitor and die in the rebellion!"

In desperation, the Pluto rat demon immediately bit the tip of his tongue and performed a taboo big move.


I saw a small sword about one foot long, poured by the scarlet blood essence, suddenly shining brightly, carrying a galaxy of stars, instantly sealing off a void, covering hundreds of guards in it.

Immediately, hundreds of guards all lost their eyesight, as if they had fallen into a quagmire, each of them moved slowly and looked dull.


The Pluto mouse demon frowned suddenly, and was about to kill him.

At the same time, the many members of the Rat Demon clan who were watching the battle all gasped, completely stupefied by the methods of the Hades Rat Demon.


At the very moment, a roar like Hong Zhong Da Lu suddenly pierced into the eardrums, and at the same time, a sharp rainbow light instantly tore through the sky, and with a bang, the Nine Stars Son and Mother Sword was sent flying .

With a sound of "Wow...", the Pluto Rat Demon swayed and nearly fell from the sky, spitting blood continuously from its mouth.

"Look, the law enforcement elder has appeared!"

Immediately, some members of the Rat Demon Clan who were watching the battle had keen senses, and immediately exhaled and spoke.

Looking intently, I saw an old man with white beard and white eyebrows stepping out of the central cave calmly, as if a god descended from the earth, giving people a feeling of being in a celestial state.

However, when he saw a blood-red pair of scissors about ten feet long in the old man's hand, he felt a murderous aura rushing towards his face, as if he was facing a killing god crawling out of the nether hell.

"Elder Man, sacrificed the bloodthirsty death scissors!"

"It's too bad, is Elder Man going to kill Elder Ming on the spot?"

"Do you want to kill Elder Ming first and then play it?"

Immediately, all the rat monsters present were speechless, and their heartstrings were tense.

"Elder beard!"

The Pluto Rat Demon raised his head with difficulty, and as soon as he saw the law enforcement elder holding the bloodthirsty life-threatening scissors, his legs became weak in fright. Report to the patriarch, I hope that the elders of the male eyebrows will be open and let me see the patriarch!"


The male eyebrow elder cast the spell that shrinks the ground to an inch, and in three or two light steps, he came to the front of the Pluto rat demon, and stomped out suddenly, carrying a terrifying power that crushed Mount Tai, even the Pluto rat in the broken realm The monster was irresistible, and it was trampled to the ground with a bang, and then, with a clang, the bloodthirsty life-thirsty scissors clamped the head of the Pluto rat monster, and it only needed to twist it lightly, and the Pluto rat monster would die immediately.



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