swallow dragon

Chapter 1332 Seven Hearts

It was never expected that a small dragon vein would be bred every 1000 years in this dragon beard secret realm.

This is simply a hen that lays golden eggs!

No wonder the Changxu family lives on an extremely barren and barren planet. The people of the Changxu family can still live comfortably, and their descendants will continue to live forever. It turns out that there are many secrets that are unknown to outsiders.

"Delia, if this is the case, I will give you two more drops of fairy spring as compensation."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Yi took out another jade bottle.

Speaking of it, Lin Yi got a total of hundreds of drops of fairy spring in the good fortune fairyland.However, it took a lot of money back and forth, and now there are only fifty or sixty drops of the fairy spring left in his hands, which forced Lin Yi to start saving money.

However, Lin Yi would be very happy if he could exchange for nine small dragon veins.

After all, with enough dragon veins, Lin Yi can give birth to eight bloody dragons, which is very helpful for Lin Yi's strength improvement.

Think about it, when Lin Yi was besieged by the enemy, he summoned eight legendary bloody dragons with a wave of his hand. What a shocking scene this is?

Just thinking about it makes people's blood boil.

"No, no."

Hearing this, Delia shook her head slightly, and repeatedly rejected Lin Yi's proposal, "No matter what, I can't ask for any more gifts from you. Speaking of which, I will exchange the holy dragon beard fruit and nine small dragon veins with you for three Di Xianquan, we still took advantage of it. Besides, Jie Ti, you are so kind to our long-bearded clan, and you should have given all the dragon veins to you!"

Lin Yi smiled faintly, put the jade bottle into his arms, and didn't force it anymore.

"Okay, then I will hurry up and incorporate the nine small dragon veins into the treasure soul world." Lin Yi jumped up suddenly, and flew towards the outer area of ​​the dragon beard secret realm.

Dong Linye, Feng Lin, and Ji Xu looked at each other and smiled, all looked at Lin Yi eagerly.


Lin Yi stepped on the Flowing Light Seal, and in just a few breaths, he successfully arrived at the outer area of ​​the Dragon Beard Secret Realm. With a wave of his hand, a wave of majestic gravitational force swept out, covering the small dragon veins in an instant .


Feeling the crystal clear jade-like dragon marrow inside the dragon veins, Lin Yi was so excited that he couldn't wait to uproot the dragon veins one by one and bring them into the treasure soul world.



Just hearing the earth-shattering thunder, the nine small dragon veins, which are hundreds of miles long, disappeared out of thin air above the vast horizon of the Dragon Beard Secret Realm in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Lin Yi's mutant Treasure Soul Realm was inside.


Nine small dragon veins hundreds of kilometers long fell from the sky and fell into the boundless golden ocean, like meteors, setting off a turbulent wave.


The astonishing vibration woke up the blood-colored sky dragon in the deep sea, broke through the water suddenly, and flew towards the nine small dragon veins.


When he felt the majestic aura contained in the dragon's veins, the Scarlet Heavenly Dragon couldn't hold back immediately, opened his bloody mouth, and wanted to swallow it wantonly, refining and absorbing it by himself.


Lin Yi's thunderous roar resounded from the ground.The Scarlet Tianlong trembled in fright, jumped into the deep sea in a hurry, and disappeared without a trace.

"Scarlet Heavenly Dragon, these nine dragon veins, but baby, if you dare to destroy them, I will definitely not forgive you lightly."

Lin Yi's cold voice resounded through the treasure soul world.

Immediately afterwards, an order was issued, "Explode!"


In an instant, there were seven explosions of landslides and ground cracks, resounding through the sky, causing the sky to shake, and the sky to scream.Under the urging of Lin Yi, the seven small dragon veins completely exploded, condensed into clusters of rich aura, tangled together, and fell into the depths of the vast ocean.



Soon, seven huge blood-red hearts were floating on the surface of the golden ocean out of thin air, beating vigorously, showing exuberant vitality.

"Hehe, that's great. I don't think it will take long before seven blood-colored heavenly dragons can be bred!"

Sensing the situation inside the treasure soul world, Lin Yi couldn't help laughing loudly, and couldn't restrain his excitement.


Finally, Lin Yi let out a long breath of turbid air, fell from the sky suddenly, and quickly flew towards the center of the dragon vein.

"Jieti wait a minute, let me lead you in."

Seeing that Lin Yi was going to enter the core area of ​​the Dragon Vein, Delia suggested in a sweet voice.

However, before Delia flew away, Lin Yi's figure shook again and again, and in an instant, he appeared in front of everyone.

"You?" Delia looked at Lin Yi dumbfounded.

"When you led me the way before, I already remembered the route in my heart." Lin Yi smiled lightly.

Delia couldn't help but suddenly realized.

"Brother Lin, how are you doing?"

Feng Lin leaned forward with a curious face.

Dong Linye and Ji Xu also looked at Lin Yi eagerly.

"I believe that in a short time, I will be able to give birth to seven blood-colored heavenly dragons and make up eight blood-colored dragons!" Lin Yi shook his fist vigorously.

"Tsk tsk, when the time comes, Brother Lin's strength will skyrocket again, leaving us far behind!"

Feng Lin was crying and laughing, half happy and sad, "Oh, when will we be able to follow Brother Lin's footsteps!"

"Boss Lin, when the time comes, you also want to get a speeding car. Just like the Nine Dragons pulling the coffin we saw before, it must be very cool to let eight bloody dragons pull the speeding car!" Ji Xu suggested excitedly.

Lin Yi smiled and nodded.


At this time, the three elders with white beard and hair who had been sitting cross-legged on the futon to heal their wounds opened their eyes one after another, with a warm smile on their wrinkled faces.

"Six elders!"

"Eight elders!"

"Elder Nine!"

When Delia and the two big men holding the giant axes opened their eyes, they hurriedly rushed forward when they saw the three elders open their eyes, and asked, "How is the situation? Has the ghost poison in your body been eliminated?"

Sensing the earnest gazes of Delia and the two long-bearded people, the sixth elder, eighth elder, and ninth elder could not help but smile at each other and nodded.

"The Dragon Beard Sacred Fruit really deserves its reputation. After taking it, the Nether Gu poison in our body has disappeared very quickly."

"I didn't expect us old bones to be able to regain a new life. Now that I think about it, it's really like a dream!"

The Sixth Elder was stunned.

"Sixth Elder, how is your recovery?" A strong man holding a huge ax asked repeatedly.

Hearing this, the Sixth Elder shook his head, "Although we have successfully got rid of the Nether Gu poison, everyone is very weak now, and we need to drink a lot of Dragon Beard Spring Water to slowly recover our true energy."




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