swallow dragon

Chapter 1419

"My good daughter, don't cry, I'm fine."

The patriarch of the Longbeard clan lovingly stroked Delia's head.

Feeling her father's rough palm gently stroking her head, Delia cried even harder for a while.

The monks from all the heavens and all races gathered together at this moment, staring blankly at Delia, who was crying loudly and completely disregarding her image.

"Benefactors, thank you for everything you have done for the Longbeard Clan. On behalf of the Longbeard Clan, I, Dihong, thank you here."

The patriarch of the long-beard clan looked around, pondered for a while, and immediately bowed in worship.

"Great kindness, great virtue, I can't repay it!"

"The long-bearded family is grateful for the help of our compatriots!"

Seeing that the patriarch Dihong bowed and worshiped, the Changbeard clansmen present did not dare to be negligent, and bowed down one by one, bowing to the monks of the ten thousand clans present.

"Hahaha, no need to be polite."

Han Taichu smiled boldly, pushed aside the crowd, and arrived in front of Di Hong and the others in two or three steps, "I, Han Taichu, as the leader of all races, led the warriors of all races to kill demons and demons. If the dark demons are wiped out, who would have thought that if they failed to achieve their wish, it would only make you long-bearded people suffer."

Han Taichu was very scheming, and in a few words, he revealed his identity as the leader of the Ten Thousand Clans, as if the patriarch of the Longbeard Clan and the Supreme Elder were all saved, all thanks to him.

Di Hong, the patriarch of the long-beard clan, was shocked when he heard that the skinny old man in front of him was Han Taichu, the patriarch of the Huanggu Han family, and the leader of the ten thousand clan who slayed demons and demons this time, and he bowed and worshiped, " The younger generation pays homage to the ancestor, and there is no way to repay the great kindness!"

Saying that, he knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Han Taichu to thank him, "From now on, my long-bearded family is willing to follow the ancient Han family, without any complaints."

Immediately, all the surviving long-bearded people fell to their knees and bowed to Han Taichu.

In the middle of the crowd, Han Taichu had a smile on his skinny face, and he was about to agree to Dihong's request to merge the Long Beard Clan into the Huanggu Han Family.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Delia helped Dihong who was kneeling in the void, "Father, let me tell you, the person you should be most grateful to for being able to be saved this time is the No. Senior, one is the Eternal Tribulation Body."

Delia forcefully pulled Dihong to the front of the number one Kou and Lin Yi, and left the triumphant Han Taichu aside.

It has to be said that this made Han Taichu's face somewhat at a loss.

However, there was no way to refute Delia's words.

Delia was right. This time the battle between good and evil, the No. [-] Kou and Lin Yi played a greater role. If the long-bearded clan wanted to thank them, the No. [-] Kou and Lin Yi should be most grateful.

"Under Dihong, I kowtow to my two benefactors to thank you."

When Dihong saw the tall man in front of him, his knees softened immediately, and he was about to kowtow and bow nine times.

Regarding the prestige of the number one bandit, everyone in the Longbeard clan knows everyone.Although the Longbeards live in remote star fields all year round, the environment is very closed.However, we still have heard about various deeds of the No. [-] bandit.

In particular, Dihong still remembers the ancient battle with Han Taichu, the patriarch of the Han family, in order to help Lin Yi steal his marriage.

Now when he heard that the mysterious man in front of him was the legendary No. [-] bandit, Di Hong, the patriarch of the long-bearded clan, prepared to prostrate three times and nine times without any hesitation, showing even higher respect.

Obviously, in Dihong's mind, the number one villain is more powerful than Han Taichu, and now he is helping the long-bearded clan even more, and he is fully worthy of three kowtows and nine obeisances.

Who would have thought that before Dihong fell to his knees, Lin Yi would take a step ahead and help Dihong up, "Senior, you don't need to be too polite. All the heavens, thousands of races, and hundreds of millions of souls are one family. What we have done is completely worthless." hang your teeth."

The No. [-] Kou nodded in agreement, stretched out his hand, took out a large handful of ancient medicine from his bosom, and handed it to Dihong and the seven dying Supreme Elders, "These are the nine medicines I refined. Nine Great Returning Pills, take it quickly to recover your essence."

Feeling the weak breath of Dihong and the others, the first chief Kou looked concerned.

Dihong was taken aback for a moment, staring blankly at the ancient medicine handed over by the first chief Kou, and did not speak for a long time.

As the patriarch of the long-bearded clan, Dihong is also a well-known master of the Broken Realm, a tough guy with strong bones.Now, he couldn't help but shed two lines of hot tears.

"Thank you senior."

Dihong accepted the ancient medicine from the first big bandit, distributed it to the seven elders, and each swallowed it, and soon his complexion improved.Looking at Lin Yi and the first big bandit again, his eyes were full of infinite gratitude.

It has to be said that compared to the high-ranking Han Taichu, Lin Yi, the number one bandit who is approachable and approachable, is easier to win people's hearts, and makes the long-bearded clan feel grateful.


Han Taichu gritted his teeth, and cast a sideways glance at Lin Yi and the No. [-] bandit in displeasure, his old face burning hot.

"Okay, now the situation is critical. The Emperor of the Underworld led 10,000+ demons to station inside the Long Beard Star, but it is difficult for us to step into the Long Beard Star. Big threat! We must quickly come up with a perfect plan!"

Han Taichu said coldly.

Immediately, the monks of all races present all bowed their heads in thought, frowning tightly.

"The Immortal Underworld Emperor is too powerful. Looking at the heavens and all races, there are only a handful of people who can stop him. Unless Patriarch Han and the first bandit with a million troops stationed on the Long Beard Star for a long time Periphery, otherwise, the Emperor of the Underworld is not allowed to take the opportunity to escape!"

The Demon Emperor made a faint sound.

"This Immortal Underworld Emperor has fused the evil emperor's right hand bone, and the future is limitless. We must nip it in the bud as soon as possible. If we give him enough time to recuperate, I am afraid that no one will be his opponent."

Taoist Zihuo also realized the seriousness of the situation.

"Patriarch Han, do you have any tricks up your sleeve?" Feng Yunlei looked at Patriarch Han expectantly.

In any case, the ancestors of the Han family are living fossils, old antiques, maybe they can come up with a complete plan to make the monks of all races admire and fall in love.

Feeling countless pairs of expectant eyes staring at him in unison, Han Taichu couldn't help frowning slightly, and his mouth was dry for a while.

Finally, Old Ancestor Han hesitated for a long while, and let out a heavy breath, "In my opinion, our army of ten thousand races must first be stationed on the outskirts of Changxuxing, just in case. At the same time, send someone to ring the sky bell, Call more people here, maybe gather more people, and then we can enter the interior of Longbeard Star."




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