swallow dragon

Chapter 1646 Spirit Orb Seed

Under the salivating eyes of Yunlong, Teng Laoqian, Annabella and others, Shi Potian bit his finger and began to bleed to recognize the master.


Shi Potian's blood dripped into the Azure Magic Sword, and was quickly absorbed, and blood patterns rippled like ripples. Soon, Shi Potian could feel the spirit of his own blood, which was integrated into the Azure Magic Sword , causing the Zhanlan Dharma Sword to emit a crisp sword chant.

After successfully recognizing the owner of the Zhanlan Dharma Sword dripping blood, Shi Potian held the Zhanlan Dharma Sword in his hand, swung it vigorously a few times, and then put it in his body contentedly under the envious eyes of everyone.

"Sovereign, I also have a gift for you."

All of a sudden, Fifth Elder Annabella stood up with a look of displeasure.

It seemed that Shi Potian stole the limelight, and felt very uncomfortable.

Originally, even if the gifts from Yunlong, Teng Laoqian, and Monk Fuji were exquisite and exquisite, in terms of sincerity, they could not compare with Annabella.But now, the Fourth Elder presented Lin Yi as a gift, and Annabella couldn't sit still.

"Fifth Elder, you have already given me three precious daughters as gifts. I can feel your sincerity, so I don't need to worry about preparing gifts anymore."

Lin Yi smiled and waved his hands.


Annabella looked at Shi Potian provocatively, "I want to prove that I am the most sincere." As she spoke, she swung her sleeve and pulled out a top-quality pearl the size of a fist.

Immediately, precious light was overflowing, and the sky above the huge central square was filled with colorful clouds, creating a celestial phenomenon of rare treasures being born.

Swish swish.

Immediately, all the monks present looked at the pearl in Annabella's hand in unison, and swallowed hard one by one.

This is a top-quality pearl, about the size of a fist, crystal clear. The surface of the pearl is shrouded in a layer of faint purple mist, exuding strong fluctuations in spiritual power.

What's even more amazing is that inside the pearl, there is actually a light green seed, only the size of a finger, which has just sprouted spores, which is very cute.

"Fifth Elder's handwriting is so great that he took out such a top-quality pearl as soon as he made a move. This pearl will definitely need hundreds of years of careful breeding before it can be conceived."

"As you can see, the purple air is floating on the surface of this pearl, and it is full of spiritual power. This is exactly a legendary spirit bead. It is invaluable and cannot be compared with ordinary pearls."

"It is said that this kind of spiritual pearl that contains life can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth by itself and use it for cultivation. It is very useful. Its value is immeasurable. I didn't expect that the fifth elder would be willing to donate it to win the favor of the suzerain. It’s so sincere, I admire, admire!”

Everyone was chattering and discussing.

"This pearl is amazing."

Lin Yi took the fist-sized pearl from Annabella's hand in surprise. As soon as he took it, he felt a slight warmth and coolness. The hundreds of thousands of pores on his body are slightly opened, greedily sucking the pure and rich spiritual power.

"Fifth Elder, what is the matter with the seed inside the pearl?"

Mo Qilin asked curiously.

Although Mo Qilin was well-informed, it was the first time he saw a seed hidden inside the pearl.

In fact, Mo Qilin has only seen examples of frozen animal and plant specimens in amber and spar. This is the first time he has seen pearls, which is very rare.

As we all know, pearls are gemstones that are continuously conceived and nurtured by sand and gravel in the body of mussels, and can only gradually take shape after absorbing the aura of heaven and earth.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for specimens of animals and plants to appear inside the pearl, not to mention that the top-quality pearl that Annabella took out, the seeds contained inside are still alive and contain extremely strong vitality!

This is simply an anecdote!

Sensing everyone's amazed gazes, Annabelle proudly raised her head, and said mysteriously, "600 years ago, there was a rare meteor shower in the Creation Wonderland. You must have heard of it?"

Annabella answered irrelevant questions, which made all the monks present a little anxious, but she still nodded patiently, "I have heard that it is said that our creation fairyland collided with a mysterious place while floating in the endless void. The star field caused a big explosion in the star field, although we have a large guardian array arranged by the evil emperor in the good fortune fairyland, but there are still many stars that fell into the good fortune fairyland and turned into blazing meteors."

"It is said that during that meteor shower, someone discovered the aliens. These extraterrestrials were able to withstand the strangling of the guardian formation and enter the fairyland of fortune. Foreign visitors these days."

"I heard that someone found the wreckage of the meteorite, found a lot of rare treasures in the destruction, and made a fortune!"

Everyone has deep memories of the meteor shower 600 years ago.This matter caused a sensation in the entire Good Fortune Wonderland at that time, and almost everyone knew about it.

Almost all monks frantically searched for the wreckage of the meteor, which almost became a worldwide movement.

Now that Annabella started the conversation, everyone immediately talked about it, talking about what they had seen and heard.

"Meteor shower?"

Lin Yi raised his brows, and immediately became excited.

Good Fortune Fairyland itself is a small floating fairyland, floating irregularly in the endless void, no one knows the exact location of Good Fortune Fairyland.

Every minute and every second, the coordinates of Good Fortune Wonderland will change dramatically.

This is also the reason why the coordinates of Good Fortune Wonderland are always unstable.Because of this, it is very inconvenient to not be able to use the teleportation jade platform in Good Fortune Wonderland.

What shocked Lin Yi was that the Fortune Fairyland, a small fairyland created by the ancient immortal and evil emperor, is completely sealed, and there will be meteor showers!

Originally, in Lin Yi's cognition, if he wanted to enter the Wonderland of Good Fortune, he had to wait 1000 years for the entrance of the Wonderland of Good Fortune to open, and monks below the Divine Origin Realm of all heavens and races would have the opportunity to enter the Wonderland of Good Fortune to search for treasures.

I never expected that there is another way to enter the Good Fortune Wonderland!

It seems that the Good Fortune Wonderland created by the ancient Immortal and Evil Emperor is not as mysterious and ethereal as imagined, so indestructible.

However, it is not so easy to forcefully enter the Creation Wonderland.

The reason why the meteor shower appeared in the Good Fortune Fairyland was entirely because the guardian formation of the Good Fortune Fairyland was damaged in a very terrifying star field explosion, and some stars fell into the Good Fortune Fairyland under the collision occur.

This kind of thing is purely a coincidence, and it is almost impossible to artificially reproduce it.

After all, no one can lock the Creation Fairyland in the endless void, and control a star field to create a star field explosion to forcibly break the Creation Fairyland!

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