swallow dragon

Chapter 178 Hurricane

The towering peak is like a winding dragon, soaring into the clouds that the naked eye can hardly see the mountain peak.

On the top of the mountain, there are countless black hurricanes roaring.

Lin Yi and his party flew towards the top of the mountain in a mighty manner. Their speed was very slow, fearing that they would be attacked again.

A thousand feet!

Two thousand feet!


They flew up little by little, and as they flew to the top of the mountain, the overwhelming pressure also followed, becoming more and more terrifying and terrifying.

The black ice mist can be seen everywhere, and even condensed into a solid shape, forming black ice blocks all over the sky, and the smallest ones are hundreds of feet in size, smashing down fiercely.

Many people were smashed to pieces, falling from the void and smashed to pieces.

These are not man-made manipulations, but the obstacles that must be experienced to climb this mountain. The higher the flight, the more dangerous it is.


A black ice cube thousands of feet in size smashed down with thunderous force, as if it wanted to smash Lin Yi and the others into pieces.


Several ultimate moves rolled past like a torrent, crushing the thousands of feet of black icicles. Their speed remained unchanged, and they still flew up steadily.

The black icicles fell from the sky, it was very shocking, one after another, endless, this is already a void five thousand feet high, the temperature suddenly became extremely cold, black snowflakes mixed with black icicles all over the sky, I want to They are stuck here.

Many people have been frozen to death, and the number of deaths is increasing. Many people's bodies burst and died in this secret territory.


A big monster of the Xuanhai stage roared in the Demon Emperor's Hall, but it was of no avail. An icicle more than a thousand feet long smashed on his body, breaking his body's energy and magic weapon, and then hit him hard, destroying his body and spirit in an instant.

Lin Yi watched coldly, although he couldn't bear it, he didn't rush to save him.

There are more than [-] monks in this area, and he can't save them. It is his limit to keep a team of more than [-] people moving forward safely.

The cruel world of monks can be seen.

"My lord, we have already reached the void of six thousand feet, haha, we are not far away from crossing this mountain."

Luo Feizhou was calm, and couldn't help laughing at this moment.

"It's still very early. Look at the void above Qianzhang. There are countless black hurricanes roaring. These hurricanes are composed of black ice fog, and they are even more terrifying. They are a hundred times more terrifying than the black ice and snow we encountered just now."

Lin Yi opened Xunlongyan, his face froze slightly, and his voice was low.

His perception is unmistakable, those hurricanes are definitely the most difficult hurdle to climb this mountain, and he can't even guarantee that more than [-] people can get through it safely.

If he is not careful, a large number of people will be killed or injured, and even he himself may be folded into it.

"Young Master, what do you want to do? We all listen to you." Bai Da's words made everyone nod.

At this juncture, they must follow Lin Yi's lead and obey his orders wholeheartedly.

"The Holy Soldiers clear the way!"

Lin Yi didn't have a good countermeasure for a while, so he could only sacrifice the Chiye sword and smash the hurricane with mighty holy power.


The Chiye magic knife hung above Lin Yi's head, illuminating the gray sky into a dark yellow, and the overwhelming holy power overwhelmed the heavens and the earth.


A group of people yelled loudly, like ten thousand horses galloping, and the wind and clouds changed color. There was no longer any obstacle around them. All the ice, snow and black icicles could not get close to within a hundred feet, and they were all silently turned into powder by the mighty holy power.

The speed of Lin Yi's team's ascent suddenly accelerated a lot.

They must rush through the hurricane group in one go, once caught in it, unpredictable changes will occur.


More than [-] people form a formation, as if connected together, if viewed from a distance, it looks like a huge tortoise.

'Mysterious Turtle Nine Palaces Formation'!

This is the formation that Lin Yi spent a lot of time arranging. The spirits of more than two thousand people are almost perfectly fused together with the formation. Like a huge black turtle, the defense is amazing, and it suddenly rushes into the endless of hurricanes.

A few hundred feet below, several powerful casual cultivators each led a group of people, watching Lin Yi and others disappear indifferently.

"Brother Ye, the hurricane group in front of us is a natural barrier, how about we join forces? After passing the hurricane, we still part ways."

A middle-aged monk in dark golden armor first glanced at the sky with indifferent eyes, and then suddenly let out a long howl and shouted at someone.

"What Brother Bu said is true. We are not as rich and powerful as Lin Yi. We use fifth-rank holy soldiers to clear the way. If our two teams break into the hurricane group alone, there will be great risks. In this case, Ye Mou agreed to merge temporarily."

Hundreds of feet away, a short monk who exudes a monstrous evil spirit led more than a thousand people. This is a monk of the Xuanhai Stage Fifth Layer, with a semi-holy soldier suspended above his head, and the tyrannical aura rushed towards him. Come.

After a simple integration, the two parties were temporarily merged. Both leaders had semi-saint soldiers for self-defense. At the same time, they sacrificed the half-saint soldiers and rushed towards the hurricane group.

Apart from them, many other teams also started to look for allies. Those black hurricanes knew at a glance that it was not easy, and ordinary small teams had no possibility of passing.


At this moment, Lin Yi and others have already entered the hurricane cyclone.

woohoo hoo...

The storm was raging, even though they were a team of more than [-] people, they seemed extremely small and insignificant here.

Each rotating column of wind was a hundred feet wide and high; countless wind columns converged into a hurricane group, and finally blocked their footsteps.


A column of wind swirled and whizzed towards it, carrying mysterious and unpredictable power. The energy of those black ice mist became more and more frightening. It could easily tear apart the body of a cultivator in the Xuanhai period. As long as the magic weapon below the semi-saint soldier enters here, it will be destroyed in an instant. Turn into powder.

"Amazing! Really amazing! If it weren't for the son teaching us this extremely defensive formation, as long as we all would die here."

They gazed into the distance, watching helplessly as a team was wiped out, along with two top-level profound weapons were also completely destroyed.

Luo Feizhou and others were terrified, but fortunately they joined Lin Yi's team, otherwise they would have died without a place to bury them.

This means that Lin Yi saved the lives of more than [-] of them, and it is even possible to cross this mountain to find the treasure.

Some people who originally had ulterior motives also restrained their bad thoughts, and decided in their hearts to recognize Lin Yi as the master, so as to escape this disaster with peace of mind.

"Go at full speed! You convert your true energy into essence and pass it on to me, and let's rush out in one go."

Sweat dripped from Lin Yi's forehead, and he consumed the most mental energy. First, he had to control the Chiye Divine Knife, but also to control the 'Xuangui Jiugong Formation'. He couldn't take it anymore.

Hearing his words, more than [-] people shot at the same time, and a wave of energy gathered into Lin Yi's body little by little like a vast ocean.

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