swallow dragon

Chapter 1786 Ice Snake Boa

Feeling the violent tremor of the ground, and the glaciers in the distance and near collapsing crazily, Lin Yi couldn't help but thumped in his heart, and exclaimed in shock, "This guy can actually control the entire frost and snow field?"

rumbling, rumbling...

Suddenly, a glacier [-] feet high in the distance collapsed crazily. The terrifying glacier fell from the sky, almost crushing Lin Yi under it.

Lin Yi waved the magic cloud diamond claw, and suddenly released a series of sharp claw shadows. Immediately, the indestructible thousand-year-old glacier burst into pieces, and ice slag fell from the sky.

"Ice storm..."

At this moment, a melodious chanting sounded, and suddenly, with Lin Yi at the center, a tornado swept across the world, enveloping Lin Yi in the center, and frantically strangled him.

As soon as the ice and snow storm took shape, it quickly became extremely powerful, and the fierce wind blade cut Lin Yi's flesh with pain.The terrifying gravitational force inside the tornado swept away crazily, causing the glaciers in the sky to collapse and burst, and they were swallowed by the ice and snow storm in the blink of an eye.

bang bang bang bang bang...

Lin Yi was in the core area of ​​the ice and snow storm, and with every breath, there were thousands of sharp wind blades cutting fiercely on Lin Yi's purple gold dragon scale armor.

Even Lin Yi's purple gold dragon scales were extremely tough, and cracks soon appeared.

"What a terrifying ice and snow storm. Fortunately, I have purple gold dragon scales to protect me. If ordinary saints are unfortunately involved, they will last for a quarter of an hour at most, and they will be strangled into a sky full of debris!"

Lin Yi was swept up by the ice and snow storm, and the strong wind swept Lin Yi around. Lin Yi's body was like a headless fly, bumping back and forth, shaking dizzily, and his stomach was overwhelmed.

"Drink!" Lin Yi gritted his teeth, trying to break out of the ice storm, but tried several times, but failed.

It has to be said that this ice storm is so powerful that it can trap Lin Yi!

Fortunately, the snow storm didn't hurt Lin Yi too much, so Lin Yi wasn't worried for a while.

What really worried Lin Yi was the missing Ace.

Ace, this guy, has completely disappeared since releasing the ice storm, and Lin Yi can't feel any breath fluctuations at all.

In addition, being in an ice and snow storm, the sky and the sky are covered with ice slag from glaciers, so it is difficult to detect the surrounding situation.

"Creatures on the ice and snow plateau, heed my call and guard our home..."

Suddenly, a recitation seemed to come from outside the sky, with a special syllable and magic power.

"Ace is calling..."

Lin Yi's mood moved, and he used the way of heaven to find the dragon's eye, frantically searching for Ace's figure.

It's a pity that Lin Yi was swept up by the ice and snow storm, and all he could see were fierce wind blades and ice slag, where could he see anyone?

I just feel that this recitation seems to come from outside the sky, and the lingering sound is lingering.


Suddenly, out of the snow and ice in the distance, a snow wolf with sharp teeth and claws suddenly emerged.Each snow wolf is like a calf, extremely strong, just stood up from the snow, it roared up to the sky, and its eyes were bleeding red.

bang bang bang bang bang...

But in the blink of an eye, more than 300 snow wolves got out of the snow, and one by one, they rushed to the location of the ice and snow storm.


At the same time, at the bottom of the thick glacier, ice snakes with a length of more than a hundred feet broke through the glacier and swam out.Looking around, there are hundreds of ice snakes and pythons densely packed.Every ice snake boa constrictor swallows scarlet snake letters, making people shudder.


In the snow not far away, icebergs with a height of more than [-] meters suddenly stretched out. They turned out to be giant polar bears with white fur all over their bodies. At first glance, there were at least seventy or eighty of them.

These polar bears, which are hundreds of meters high, are extremely fat and powerful, and they walked towards the direction of the ice and snow storm with heavy and steady steps.

Suddenly, a terrifying chill permeated the air.

More than 300 snow wolves, hundreds of ice snakes, seventy to eighty polar bears formed a snow army, and soon reached the periphery of the ice and snow storm, one by one towards the ice and snow storm Lin Yi in the middle of the storm rushed away. What is surprising is that no matter whether it is a snow wolf, an ice snake, or a giant polar bear, they all jumped into the ice and snow storm one by one, as if nothing happened, and they would not be affected at all. Impact.

rumbling, rumbling...

Suddenly, the earth trembled.

Inside the ice and snow storm, Lin Yi was trapped and anxious. Seeing more than 300 snow wolves, hundreds of ice snakes and boa constrictors, and the giant bears from the extreme north that were about to kill them, his heartstrings tightened.

"Is this a summoned beast?"

Lin Yi raised his brows and was startled, "Isn't it stipulated that no living body is allowed to assist in the battle? Why did Ace summon so many summoned beasts all at once?"

Lin Yi was startled and confused.

Roar, roar...

Just when Lin Yi was in doubt, more than 300 snow wolves opened their bloody mouths fiercely one by one, and sprayed out ice blades from their mouths. These ice blades were extremely sharp, and they struck Lin Yi's Zijin On the dragon scales, clusters of sparks splashed.

Although most of the ice blades missed, a considerable part of the ice blades hit Lin Yi smoothly. Every ice blade seemed to give Lin Yi a punch, which made Lin Yi grin his teeth in pain. , I can't catch my breath.

"No, we must come up with a way out as soon as possible."

Lin Yi gritted his teeth, thinking in his heart.

Almost immediately, Lin Yi thought of using the secret law passed down by the evil emperor.

As long as Lin Yi activates the secret law passed down by the evil emperor, he can immediately destroy the ice storm and kill all the summoned beasts.

However, Lin Yi didn't want to do this.

the reason is simple.

Once Lin Yi did this, then Lin Yi's true identity would be exposed, and all the audience would guess that Lin Yi was the proud son of heaven who climbed the ninth step a few years ago and was recognized by Chengxiantai.

You must know that the seven core forces hated Lin Yi as a potential threat, and regarded him as a thorn in their side. Lin Yi didn't want to bring disaster to himself.

Therefore, as soon as this idea came to mind, Lin Yi immediately abandoned this strategy of defeating the enemy.

Roar, roar...

At this time, more than 100 ice snakes and boa constrictors spewed out a large sea of ​​ice from their mouths. These seas of ice have extremely terrifying freezing abilities. Once they fall into it, it is like falling into a quagmire. Unusually slow.

Lin Yi tried his best to dodge, but unfortunately fell into a vast ocean of ice. His whole body was so cold that he could hardly move.

"There is."

Suddenly, a crazy idea appeared in Lin Yi's mind, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

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