swallow dragon

Chapter 1951 Escape from the cage

"By the way, I still have a hole card in my hand!"

Suddenly, Mo Qilin seemed to think of something, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

"The son of Huo Qilin, 'Huo Ming', is still trapped by me in the treasure soul world, and he is suffering day and night!"

"If Jie Ti and his party are unfortunately captured by Huo Qilin, then I can definitely take Huo Ming as a hostage for negotiation! It is said that Huo Qilin is very fond of his only son, and I believe he will never stand by. Watch out for your own flesh and blood!"

Thinking of this, Mo Qilin smiled comfortably, gaining confidence in his heart.

I don't know what kind of expression Huo Qilin, a proud hero, will show on his face when he sees his son reduced to Mo Qilin's slave and endures inhuman torture day and night?

Mo Qilin couldn't wait to see this scene.

The wind was howling, the sky was filled with dust, and a fresh smell of mud rushed to the face.Mo Qilin restrained his breath and waited quietly among the steep rocks, with a tense and serious expression.

The ancient dragon tomb, inside the secret realm on the first floor of the ground.


Under the pitch-black night, people's figures shuttled back and forth at high speed, sweeping towards the entrance of the abyss on the second floor of the ground.

It was Lin Yi, Huang Shisan, Luo Sheng and the others.

After resting for a few months, Lin Yi, Huang Shisan and the others had all recovered to about [-]% to [-]%. They were full of energy, and they were obviously preparing to escape into the entrance of the abyss, trying to rush out from under the eyes of the giant bone dragon .

In a blink of an eye, the group arrived at the entrance of the abyss smoothly.

"Xiaowen, don't resist, I will include you in my treasure soul world right now!"

With a wave of Lin Yi's hand, an invisible gravitational force swept out, directly dragging Xiao Maiwen into the mutant treasure soul world.

The escape plan this time, the people present, have already reached a consensus.

In the plan, Xiao Xiaowen's mission was not to hold Lin Yi back.

Therefore, although Xiao Maiwen was unwilling to Lin Yi's arrangement, he did not have the slightest intention of rebelling against it.Obediently let Lin Yi get her involved in the treasure soul world.

"Brother Lin, you will definitely be able to do it!" Mai Wen sent a voice transmission, leaving a ray of consciousness outside the treasure soul realm.

"Little one, come out!"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and after including Mai Wen into the Treasure Soul Realm, he drank a low word, and with a whoosh, an emerald green light and shadow swept out, circled around Lin Yi's body several times, and finally stood firmly on the ground It landed on Lin Yi's head.

"Release your robe, I want the space around the altar to be completely filled by the robe!"

Lin Yi instructed.


Under Lin Yi's order, the cotton robe flew into the air, a pair of spores on the head shook rapidly, and suddenly dense emerald green robes flew out, like catkins all over the sky, attracted by a huge gravitational force at the entrance of the abyss. directly involved in it.

Once this emerald green robe is contaminated, it will immediately invade the flesh and bones like tarsal maggots, making people feel as if they have fallen into a quagmire, and their movements will become extremely slow.

Although the bone dragon does not have a flesh and blood body, it is hard to escape.

After a full quarter of an hour, Lin Yi made sure that the entrance was completely occupied by the robe, and then asked Wu Lingguo to stop releasing the robe.

"Old Huang, Senior Luo!"

"let's go!"

Lin Yi recalled the Wu Lingguo, and immediately supported a body shield, and then his whole body was shrouded in a layer of dark golden precious light. In a blink of an eye, Lin Yi's body was completely covered with a layer of purple gold dragon scales Among them, it is about five meters high, with spikes about a foot long growing from the joints, and a pair of wings grow on the back. It is Lin Yi's third-order transformation, the Tyrannosaurus King '!

"Drink!" Lin Yi, who successfully transformed into the Tyrannosaurus King Beast state, rushed into the entrance of the abyss in the first place.

Huang Shisan and Luo Sheng each supported a body shield.


Huang Shisan followed Lin Yi's footsteps and escaped into the entrance of the abyss.

As for Luo Sheng, he immediately brought the twelve sword slaves into his treasure soul world, and followed Lin Yidun into the entrance of the abyss without leaving.


The three figures, like three sharp blade lights, escaped into the abyss secret realm on the second floor of the ground in an instant.

Roar, roar...

Creepy roars of dragons pierced through my ears like thunder exploding on the ground.Lin Yi and the others, who had just escaped into the second basement floor, felt their hearts tighten, and hurriedly looked up.

"Haha, six bone dragons are troubled by the robe."

Lin Yi used the way of heaven to search for the dragon's eyes, looked intently, and immediately found that in the mid-air not far away, there were a total of six bone dragons covered in emerald green robes, moving slowly and roaring angrily towards the sky.

It's a pity that no matter how the six bone dragons roared, they couldn't break free from the shackles of the cotton robes in a short time.

"Night Demon, escape!"

Lin Yi gave instructions to the Night Demon on his left shoulder, and the Night Demon immediately opened its bloody mouth, and sprayed out a large amount of black mist from the mouth, enveloping Lin Yi, Huang Shisan, and Luo Sheng in the blink of an eye .


The three of them turned into a plume of black smoke in an instant, with no breath, they escaped into the underground space like ghosts, and swept away frantically towards the gate of time and space.

At this moment, Lin Yi, Huang Shisan and Luo Sheng all looked serious, their hearts were in their throats.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop!

Roar, roar...

The six bone dragons cruising at the entrance of the abyss, because of their cotton robes, did not notice Lin Yi and his party who escaped into the abyss, which gave Lin Yi and his party a very good opportunity.

At that moment, Lin Yi, Huang Shisan, and Luo Sheng were all running away with all their might, not daring to stop at all.

Because the gate of time and space is at the other end of the altar, Lin Yi and his party want to escape into the gate of time and space without anyone noticing, they must bypass the huge altar where the giant bone dragon is.

For the sake of safety, Lin Yi and others chose a very large arc-shaped route, because they were afraid that if they got too close, they would be noticed by the giant bone dragon on the altar.

Time passed minute by minute, and for Lin Yi, Huang Shisan, and Luo Sheng, every second was as difficult as living a day like a year.

Fortunately, the situation is much smoother than everyone imagined.

When Lin Yi and his party were only fifty or sixty miles away from the altar and were about to make a detour, they were still not spotted by any bone dragon.

"I hope the giant bone dragon won't find us!"

Lin Yi used his eyes to find the dragon, and looked towards the direction of the altar from the underground space. He could clearly see that the gigantic bone dragon, whose body was like Mount Tai, was powerlessly resting on the altar because one of its claws was broken. It doesn't seem to care about the outside world at all.

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