swallow dragon

Chapter 3 Reborn!Change bones!

The endless starry sky, the star river is brilliant.

If you wait and see with great supernatural powers, you will be shocked to find: a gray dragon-shaped gas cloud is galloping violently in the starry sky with strange and unpredictable movements, and you don't know where it is going to go!

And in the huge front paws of this gray dragon-shaped gas cloud, there is a mass of black and denser mist tightly grasped.In the fog and clouds, there are four figures.

These four people were Lin Yi and Xiao Yaxian.

This is an extraordinary phenomenon.Current science cannot explain why someone can cross the starry sky.

Perhaps, it was the dense cloud of mist originating from the Kunlun ancestral line that tightly enveloped Lin Yi, making him experience such an incredible crossing.

At this time, the black mist was still chaotic, and neither Lin Yi nor Xiao Yaxian could see anything outside.They didn't even know that they were going through a terrifying and magnificent crossing of the starry sky.Perhaps, they just thought they were still staying near Kunlun, but they were just shrouded in strange fog.


Lin Yi's body seemed to be suspended, motionless.Now, all his thoughts are on resisting the painful torment.With a little clarity, he just paid close attention to the astonishing changes in his body.

For Xiao Yaxian's sudden attack, he didn't have the energy and ability to resist it.

However, when Xiao Yaxian thought that the blow would surely hit her, the knife in her hand was bounced away by a huge force.Lin Yi's whole body seemed to be wrapped in a strange air mass.Even if he is within half a meter of him, he will receive this kind of violent rebound.

Nothing to do!Xiao Yaxian looked at Lin Yi's changes in surprise, terrified.She had a premonition that Lin Yi would no longer be harmed by the poisonous ambergris.And when Lin Yi wakes up, it will be his end!

As for Lin Yi, she didn't know what Xiao Yaxian did to her just now.Now he is just enduring the severe pain while feeling the shock and joy.

The ambergris saliva on his body was extremely poisonous, and it had already disappeared without a trace.And his original cultivation base of "Bone Changing" at the first level has achieved the great perfection of the ninth level in an instant!

And after that, there is a splitting of the meridians in the body.The Twelve Classics and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians were broken again and again in the agony, and then glowed with new vitality!

Could it be that this turned out to be the legendary-"washing scriptures" secret realm? !

Master Lao Blind once said that in the era when the earth is full of spiritual power, the realm of secret cultivation is divided into five realms——


Change bones!


Cut marrow!

Golden body!

Except for the Dacheng Golden Body, every secret realm above is divided into the realm of the Nine Heavens.

Not to mention the gap in the secret realm, even if the same secret realm differs by one level in cultivation, its strength will be absolutely suppressed.

It's just that, today's earth's spiritual energy is thin, and the avenues are disappearing, so it is difficult for ancient great supernatural beings to appear.Even Lin Yi's previous "Bone Changing" secret realm was only the second known in a century.The first one, of course, is the old blind man.At that time, Lin Yi barely advanced to the realm of "Bone Changing First Layer", which was enough to shock the world.

But now, Lin Yi actually broke through the Ninth Heaven of Rejuvenation in one go, and even broke through the barrier of the secret realm in one go, and successfully stepped into the dizzying secret realm of "cleaning scriptures"!

Moreover, this trend is still continuing.

Every time the eight extraordinary meridians of the body are broken and reborn, Lin Yi is reborn like a fire phoenix from Nirvana.And every reincarnation makes him reach a higher level in the secret realm of "washing scriptures"!

Terrible speed, I dare not even think about it.

Of course, the so-called terrifying speed of this kind of speed is only for the long cultivation process before.In fact, it took several days for each breakthrough.From this, it can be seen how terrible pain Lin Yi was enduring.Of course, one can also imagine how long it took for this starry sky to cross!

Many days have passed, Xiao Yaxian and the two Japanese masters are almost in despair.They couldn't get close to Lin Yi at all, but they could clearly feel that the aura on Lin Yi was getting stronger and stronger.They were worried that Lin Yi would wake up like a demon god, and that would be their doom.During the period, they also ran desperately outwards, but they still couldn't run within a hundred feet.It's like a sealed box that cannot be opened or broken.Every time it reaches the edge, it will automatically bounce back.

The only thing that surprised Xiao Yaxian was that she didn't know how to be hungry after so many empty stomachs.How did she know that this thick fog cloud with a diameter of hundreds of feet had its own amazing origin.In it, even if you don't drink a drop of water for ten or a hundred years, you will never die.

Unable to break through and unable to die, they could only watch Lin Yi grow up step by step, to the point where they were terrified.

At this time, Lin Yi had no idea that time had passed so long.The pain and numbness made him lose his accurate judgment on the concept of time.But he clearly knew that the eight extraordinary meridians in his body had been opened up one after another!

Yin stilt pulse!

Yang Qiao pulse!

The Yin Wei pulse is connected!

Yangwei pulse is connected!

Take the pulse!

Pulse pass!


The governor's veins are connected!

All eight veins are connected, eight heavens!

Then, under the dominance of the inexplicable power, the eight meridians connect with the twelve meridians, and communicate with each other through the converging acupoints—this is the last level of the secret realm of "Xijing"—the integration of the eight meridians!

Washing scriptures to the ninth heaven of the secret realm, Dacheng!

Even Lin Yi himself has changed from shock to great worry.Such a violent and terrifying promotion is too unreasonable.He was not sure whether his body could withstand this rapid improvement.

However, the improvement of the realm seems to be continuing, regardless of Lin Yi's will.

Finally, there was a pain almost as if the whole body was crushed, and the meridians in the whole body flowed backwards rapidly, and suddenly returned to normal, repeatedly, the pain was so painful.

At this time, a dark golden light emanated from the brain, slowly nourishing the damaged body, and at the same time, it produced a huge force of adsorption.Lin Yi vaguely felt that a large number of inexplicable breaths around him rushed into his body.All the damage in the body was nourished infinitely, but the signs of ascension finally gradually stopped.It seemed that after reaching the real limit, the body instinctively resisted that terrible promotion.

And those inexplicable breaths are still surging into his body non-stop.When the body was almost saturated, these breaths gradually condensed in his lower abdomen, like substance, extremely dignified.

This process was also slow, and Lin Yi, Xiao Yaxian and others did not notice that the fog cloud with a diameter of one hundred feet in which they were in was gradually changing from black to gray, and it was obviously getting thinner day by day.The essence in it has slowly poured into Lin Yi's body and hovered in his lower abdomen.

And with the thinning of the fog, Xiao Yaxian and the two masters of the Japanese country were able to see the scene outside, and they were terrified——

In the endless void, the galaxy flickers.And they were at the edge of a vast and huge cloud group, and stars passed by not far away.What the bright stars bring is not a beautiful vision, but a fear from the heart.

where is this place?Where are you going? !

But at this time, a strong sense of oppression suddenly broke out.Xiao Yaxian and the others felt that the power behind them was like a flood and tsunami, overwhelming and overwhelming.

He turned around in shock, his face ashen.

The three of Xiao Yaxian clearly saw that Lin Yi behind him had opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning.

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