swallow dragon

Chapter 433 Venerable Thunder Bell

"If you dare to attack our Tianfu Xuanzong, no matter who you are, you will die today."


A few young people with bruised noses and swollen faces flew up again. They were all half-steps in the realm of Shenyuan, and even if they looked at the southern region, they could be called the pride of heaven.

"I Hum Hum, San Tan Na Han Nan Yan Gan Yi She Hu!"

Those young people trapped Lin Yi like ghosts, muttering words, the energy of the world boiled in an instant, and a huge thunder bell appeared in the sky.

There was a huge yellow charm faintly on the thunder clock, shining with inexplicable power, and then boundless thunder and lightning gathered, flying sand and stones, and the sky became dark.

A strand of lightning gathered, and the thunder bell became more and more terrifying, and then made a melodious sound, which spread thousands of feet in a radius, shattering pieces of void.

"Dawei Thunder Bell! Town!"

Several young people roared, turning into several rays of light and blending into the thunder bell.


Lei Zhong became hundreds of feet in an instant, and came directly to suppress Lin Yi.

"Damn it, it's definitely the divine rune gate. It's not wrong. This is Dawei's thunder bell. As far as I remember, it's the magical power of the divine rune gate. It's very powerful."

Xiao Zi yelled, and then turned into a ray of purple light, imprisoned Lin Yi's eyebrows, and hid in the Tibetan God's Mansion.

It is Lin Yi's war beast, and it has awakened. It can come out of the Tibetan God's Mansion at any time, and it can also enter at any time without any restrictions.

Lin Yi set up defenses against many people, but only Xiao Zi would not set up defenses.


Dawei Thunderbolt was mighty, surrounded by countless bolts of lightning, like a god of thunder opened his mouth wide, trying to swallow Lin Yi completely.

With that vast power, even the corpse of the Demon God shook slightly.

But the body of the Demon God is so hard, even though this supernatural power is terrifying, there will be streaks of lightning from time to time, but this body will not be damaged at all.

Lin Yi sighed in admiration when he saw it, and murmured: "Damn it, when my physical body reaches this level, I will be invincible."

While speaking, at the same time, the golden blood energy is restrained, and the golden light is shining all over his body, just like the immortal golden body in Buddhism. Then he punches out, and a huge palm appears in the air. The palm lines are clearly visible, and the blood vessels are rushing like a river. With terrible power.


This was Lin Yi's first full-strength shot after he had advanced to the second heaven of the Xuanhai stage, and he almost fully displayed the power of the overbearing fist.


With a firm grip on the huge palm, it directly hit the thunder bell.

dang dang...

The thunder bell made a loud sound, and the sound of the bell floated for more than a hundred miles.

With a long roar, Lin Yi rushed into the air, punching out one after another, and the surrounding air was compressed severely with each punch, and even the void seemed to turn into substance, and then shattered.


After dozens of punches in the face, Lin Yi became more and more brave, and also punched out the ultimate mystery of the overbearing fist, and with one punch, the world was turned upside down!

This is the ultimate esoteric principle of the Baquan Covering the Sky, it is the Seal of Overturning the Sky!

As soon as the Fantian seal came out, the thunder bell shattered immediately, turning into strips of lightning and dissipating in all directions. The lightning scattered like a dragon, penetrating through pieces of void.

"What, poof!"

"How is it possible, who are you, even our Thunder Bell can resist, no...!" A person shouted, and then his whole body cracked and fell from the sky.

Several outstanding disciples of Tianfu Xuanzong all spurted blood all over their bodies and fell down again. The injuries this time were obviously serious, and several of them even passed out, their bodies were cracked and unable to close.

Lin Yi looked down indifferently, his expression was indifferent, and he didn't show mercy because Lei Fan was in the Fourth Demon Realm.

Because these people want to kill him, Lin Yi has always been cruel to his enemies, even if behind these enemies... is an extremely terrifying force.

"Damn it, our Son will not let you go," someone roared, his eyes red.

"I am waiting."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, and then laboriously put the demon body into the storage ring.

"Damn... I can't put it down," Lin Yi was dripping with cold sweat as soon as he put it halfway in. His storage ring had put too many precious things. Although there was still a lot of space, it was very reluctant to put another corpse of a demon god.


Dejectedly, he released the demon god's real body, looked down helplessly, and said to himself: "I don't seem to have robbed for a long time, and I don't know if my skills are unfamiliar?"

He flew down from the sky with a whoosh.

A group of Tianfu Xuanzong's disciples suddenly became extremely terrified. Looking at Lin Yi with a bright smile on his face, one of them seemed to think of something, and suddenly said in surprise: "Are you the Eternal Tribulation Body?"

With an exclamation, all the disciples of Tianfu Xuanzong changed their countenance and became more and more terrified.

Then, a few people laughed bitterly, no wonder this person is so arrogant, even his own sect is not afraid, it turns out that the seventh-ranked Eternal Tribulation Body in the Southern Region has arrived.

Regarding the legend of Lin Yi, the monks in the Southern Region basically knew that he was the first Eternal Tribulation Body to break the curse since ancient times.

Many Tianjiao's teeth hurt when they mention Lin Yi's name, even those who are in the top ten of Tianjiao list are still very afraid of Lin Yi.

Looking at Siyuan Star, who dares to ignore the Eternal Tribulation Body?

Perhaps after a thousand years, the Eternal Tribulation Body will really grow up and become a giant of this ancient star.

"Lin Yi, what are you going to do? You have already injured us, are you going to kill us?" A young man trembled and screamed in despair.

Lin Yi smiled and said: "You brothers misunderstood me too deeply, even just now I was passively counterattacking, I am deeply sorry for hurting everyone."

A group of people in Tianfu Xuanzong looked at each other, not understanding what this ruthless guy was going to do.

"Which one of you has a magic weapon for storing things? The bigger the space, the better," Lin Yi smiled and asked after changing the subject.


Several people were stunned for a moment.


The golden slap directly sent one person flying, Lin Yi lazily said: "Say it quickly, I don't have time to chat with you."

"Brother Zong Le has it. He has a ring on his body, and the space is almost infinite." A young man was sweating profusely, pointing.

"I hate betraying my teammate the most in my life." The same golden slap slapped the young man flying dozens of feet away, and his entire face was swollen.

Then he looked in the direction he pointed, and couldn't help but be amused.

The man named Zong Le had passed out long ago, with countless wounds all over his body, and only one mouthful of vital energy was left to hang his life.

Lin Yi was not polite, and snatched the storage ring from his hand.


A god flew out from the ring, and wisps of holy power filled the air. This magic weapon of storage is a holy weapon, which has already bred a god. He shouted in a majestic voice: "Don't stop?"

"Oh, how dare a low-level god put on airs?" Xiao Zi walked out from between Lin Yi's eyebrows, and suddenly sneered.

Then, he did something that made Lin Yi's pores terrified.

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