swallow dragon

Chapter 452 Chaos Sword Sea


The huge black bow and arrow made a crisp sound, directly tearing the sky into a straight crack, and shot towards it like a tsunami.

The turbulent demonic energy roared outside the altar, turning into black and ferocious giant beasts, holding the arrow and shooting towards the altar.

The faces of all the saints changed, and Ji Hongde said sharply: "Everyone get behind us, hurry up."

Brush brush!

The human monk reacted quickly, and Lin Yi and the others all turned into streamers of light and hid behind the altar.

Ji Xu murmured: "Damn it, this Huntuo Pillar is so powerful, it can actually pull the bow of the Heavenly Demon. I'm afraid it's not far from the realm of the Great Heavenly Demon."

Lin Yi nodded solemnly.

The Heavenly Demon giant a million years ago was indeed powerful. His strength is probably even stronger than that of a human saint king, and comparable to that of a monk in the Shattered Realm.

Fortunately, this is the Fourth Demon Realm, and fortunately they are inside the altar, otherwise this arrow could penetrate half the galaxy.


A sage of the human race stood up and cast his law on the sky and the earth, each of which was thousands of feet high, and the mighty holy power swept away all the devilish energy.

The four major sects dispatched nearly ten saints, plus Hua Que and others, nearly 15 people.

In particular, Hua Que is the supreme demon king. With a long howl, his demonic aura rolled, and he turned into a three-thousand-foot pig's body and human face, holding a nine-toothed nail rake to dominate the world.


They shot together, dao patterns were densely covered in the void, all kinds of supernatural powers were perfectly fused together, and turned into a huge energy shield.

All kinds of rays of light blended together, and shields flew out like a vast ocean, spreading across the red light curtain.

At the same time, with the rotation of the copper pillar of fire in the center of the earth, flames flew out across the sky, turning into thousands of torrents of flames and sweeping towards the black arrow.

Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Race retreated a hundred miles in an instant, and 36 demon generals made a move to transform into a black air mask, protecting the densely packed Heavenly Demon Warriors behind them.


The black arrow shot directly at the energy shield.

The void was directly torn into fragments, and spread out for tens of miles, space fragments flew everywhere, the huge force was like destroying the sky and destroying the earth, the entire ancient battlefield except the altar was instantly shattered.

As if the planet exploded, in addition to the shattering of the ancient battlefield, the Fourth Demon Realm also began to shatter. Countless mountains and rivers collapsed, and countless ground cracks were turned into dust and absorbed by the space black hole.

In just a short time, only this altar remained in the vast and boundless Fourth Demon Realm, floating in the void, tens of thousands of feet deep.

In the deepest part of the ground, Hun Tuo, the number one demon general of the Jersey tribe in the past, was suppressed.

Lin Yi and the others were stunned, staring blankly at the scene in front of them, shivering involuntarily.

This blow destroyed at least tens of millions of miles of ground, and even more. The Fourth Demon Realm was too big, not even much smaller than the Southern Territory.

However, with just such a blow, the entire Fourth Demon Realm was shattered and completely became history.

In fact, the Fourth Demon Realm was extremely hard back then, even if there was a god-level battle, it was not destroyed, but the battles in the early days of the ancient times caused the Fourth Demon Realm to suffer too much, and the space has long been unstable.

This time, Huntuo Tianzhu pulled the Heavenly Demon Bow, and the duel with Ji Hongde, Bu Qianfan, Hua Que and others completely destroyed the Holy Land of the Heavenly Demon Race.


Several weak saints flew out backwards, their faces were pale and their bodies were almost cracked, and they all let out a long howl before they managed to close their bodies.

Standing at the front were Hua Que, Ji Hongde and Bu Qianfan.

Their faces were very dignified. Although they were not backlashed by the demonic energy, they knew very well that the Huntuo Tianzhu was probably not dead, or even injured.

Hundreds of miles away, a huge figure approached step by step, and after the smoke and dust cleared, what appeared in front of the human monk was a [-]-foot-tall Heavenly Demon.

The Heavenly Demon Bow hovered quietly in front of his chest, exuding a powerful demonic aura.

"Just relying on you trash, can you stop me? Release my elder brother, and our Heavenly Demon Clan will not harass Siyuan Star for ten thousand years."

A black light flashed on Huntuo Tianzhu's body, and his figure shrank rapidly to hundreds of feet. He stared at Ji Hongde and the others fiercely, and his voice was extremely indifferent.

"Huntuo Tianzhu, this is not the early days of the ancient times. With your cultivation base, you are not qualified to shout in front of our human race. I know that there are still a few old antiques in your Tianmo clan who are not dead. We don't want to make things difficult for you. Let us leave now and forget the past. .” Ji Hongde was equally tough, sneering.


Huntuo Tianzhu's eyes flashed coldly, and he said solemnly: "It seems that there is nothing to talk about?"

"Talk to us, do you have the qualifications? Do you?" Ji Hongde was very disdainful. As he said, although the Huntuo Tianzhu is strong, he can be destroyed at any time by dispatching a few holy kings.

Besides, the background of the desolate ancient family is unfathomable. If the mere Heavenly Demon Clan wants to start a war with the four major desolate ancient families, they will not be able to fight all the background.

Today's human race has reached its peak!

"I'm here to destroy this formation, and you guys will kill them all!" Hun Tuo Tianzhu also uttered a ruthless voice, and the rumbling sound spread far away.

He stood erect in the void, and there were undercurrents of void under his feet. This place seemed to have become a star field, with broken mountains floating in mid-air, and even broken small planets.

As long as the space of the Fourth Demon Realm is not shattered, they can have a complete battle.


Ji Hongde and the others were not afraid at all, they all wanted to fight.

In the past, the ancestors fought bloody to drive away the ancient peoples, but now a mere demon tribe wants to ride on the head of the human race. This is absolutely intolerable.

Glory is my life!

For the Huanggu family, dignity is more important than anything else.


At this time, rivers of swords came suddenly, and the silver-blue rivers of swords, like raging sea water, fell from the sky and directly submerged the Huntuo Tianzhu.

Ji Hongde and the others were terrified by the fierce sword energy. Even though they were separated by the fire formation, they could still feel the fierce and unparalleled sword energy.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!

Similarly, Lin Yi's face changed suddenly.

He is a sword cultivator now, so he can naturally see the power of this river of swords. Compared with the raging river of swords, even his Celestial Sword seems so small and insignificant.

In the river of swords, there are blue giant dragons roaring, constantly impacting the body of Huntuo Tianzhu.



Huntuo Tianzhu roared loudly, and its shape continued to grow, and it returned to six thousand feet in an instant, but those sword rivers also expanded and surrounded it all the time.

"Dragon Tsunami? Chaos Sea of ​​Swords!"

From an extremely distant place, a clear voice came, and then a blue voice flew over. The heavy pressure made the saint unable to breathe.

"Big brother!"

"Big brother!"

Hua Que and the others all showed ecstasy and screamed one by one.

No one would have imagined that at this time, the rumored mysterious No. [-] bandit would suddenly appear on the battlefield and attack the Huntuo Tianzhu directly.

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