swallow dragon

Chapter 588 Swallowing the Heavenly Beast


When Lin Yi struck the sea beast like a thunderbolt with his full strength, everyone was stunned in the next moment, and they all showed disbelief.

It was as if tens of thousands of mountains exploded at the same time, hitting the sea beast without even a trace of waves, it just disappeared out of thin air, and then hundreds of disgusting tongues suddenly grew out at the place where Lin Yi attacked, like poisonous snakes. Swipe in the space and wind towards Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi come back quickly, I know what kind of beast this is, you are not its opponent, retreat quickly," Ji Xu's voice suddenly came from Chi Lei Gale, very anxious and uneasy.

Lin Yi shattered those tongues with a backhand palm, and turned into a golden light and returned to the ship. Although the suction force in the belly of the sea beast was still strong, but supported by the tripod of stars in the sky, the warship could hardly continue to slide down.

But this is only temporary, once their true energy dries up, sooner or later they will be truly eaten by this sea beast.

"What is the origin of this sea beast? Even you are afraid?" Lin Yi asked with a calm expression.

A trace of fear flashed in Ji Xu's eyes, and he said in a low voice, "***, if I'm not mistaken, this should be the legendary Sky-Swallowing Beast."

"Swallowing Beast?" Lin Yi and the others were stunned, they had never heard of it.

Ji Xu gave a wry smile and explained: "This is one of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times. It is an interstellar wanderer. A mature swallowing sky beast can swallow the sun and the moon. It is recorded in the ancient books of our Ji family that our ancestors traveled the universe in the past. I once met a mature Sky Swallowing Beast."

Ji Xu's voice paused for a moment, and he said in a low voice: "The size of that swallowing beast is as big as Shiyuan Star."


Even a person as calm as Lin Yi was surprised. A monster as big as a planet, isn't it too shocking?

One must know that Shiyuan Star is boundless, even in the universe it can be called a big star, so the familiar Tiantian Beast is as big as Shiyuan Star?If it spreads out, no one will believe it.

"This matter is absolutely true. In the past, the Sky Swallowing Beast swallowed a planet in one bite. That planet was also famous back then. There were countless powerful people sitting there, but none of them were missed. All of them were refined by the Swallowing Sky Beast."

"In the past, the ancestor's cultivation level had already reached the half-step god emperor. He once fought with the Tuntian master for a day and night, and finally managed to win a few moves, but the Tuntian beast also left calmly, and even the first ancestor couldn't do anything about it."

After Ji Xu finished speaking, a group of people fell silent. They were worthy of being ancient fierce beasts, and they had never been able to subdue even a half-step god emperor.

The Sky Swallowing Beast, as the name suggests, can even swallow the sky, let alone how many of them?

"Then what should we do? Since the Heaven-swallowing Beast is so terrifying, there is no way for us to escape, right? It would be too embarrassing to die in the belly of the beast," Ouyang Xi also said with a wry smile.

Lin Yi's eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. Today's situation should be the most dangerous one since his debut.

A fierce beast that can compete with the half-step god emperor, let alone them, even if the Broken Realm comes to rescue with the emperor's weapon, I'm afraid it won't help.

This... has reached a desperate situation.

"Ji Xu, why didn't my attack work? Could it absorb all energy attacks? Then convert it into its own power?" Lin Yi asked, recalling his attack just now.

Ji Xu shrugged helplessly, and sighed: "That's right, it was because of the scene just now that I thought that we might enter the belly of the swallowing beast."

"This sky-swallowing beast does have the ability to devour everything. Your supernatural powers hitting it will only make it stronger, and it won't cause any damage at all."

"Is there no other way? Judging from the situation you just said, this swallowing beast should still be in its infancy, otherwise we would have been swallowed long ago, and we would have no chance to resist."

Sitting cross-legged on the warship, Ji Xu first let Lin Yi control the Heavenly Star Cauldron, and he began to slowly think about everything about the Swallowing Beast.

The deepest memory in his mind was dug out bit by bit by him.

"There is only one way!"

After a full cup of tea time, Ji Xu suddenly opened his eyes and shouted.

"What way?" Everyone asked anxiously.

"From the family's records, it can be deduced that when this Sky-Swallowing Beast was the youngest, it hadn't even activated its spiritual intelligence. There is only one way to deal with the Sky-Swallowing Beast, and that is mental slavery."

"All attacks are ineffective against it. Only by mentally enslaving its brain can it have a chance of life. It is even possible to refine the Sky-Swallowing Beast into an incarnation outside the body. It is extremely exciting to have such a Sky-Swallowing Beast as an incarnation. wind thing."

Lin Yi's eyes flashed, he exhaled lightly, and said calmly: "I want to give it a try, no matter whether it succeeds or not, we can't give up."

Ji Xu smiled, but he didn't worry about his own safety at all. He said in a low voice, "Boy Lin, it's up to you to see the light of day again."

Lin Yi didn't bother to talk to him, and reprimanded: "You'd better pray for me to succeed, otherwise we'll all eat it in a few days."

Ji Xu didn't care, shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, the gate of the fairy world has been closed, and there is no immortality in this world. It doesn't matter to me if I die one day early or just die one day."

"You can think about it, hurry up and find a way, I don't want to be refined into a pile of shit," Lin Yi scolded with a grin.

A group of people were all inexplicably sad and indignant.

These people are tough guys, they can accept death and are not afraid of danger, but if they think of being refined by this beast, they all feel like they have eaten hundreds of dead mice, which is too disgusting and nauseating up.

"We have to go deep into the belly of the swallowing beast. Its brain is on the tail, which is different from ordinary primates. If Lin Xiaozi wants to enslave it, we must take risks."

Lin Yi's eyes flashed, and he steadily controlled Chi Lei Gale, and said in a deep voice, "Let's go, it's a matter of life and death."


A group of people didn't hesitate, and there was nothing they could do. If they fell here, it would be considered their bad luck.

At that moment, everyone cautiously flew towards the deep part of the belly of the swallowing beast, which was an extremely strange creature.

There are no internal organs in the huge body, only thick and long tongues, but the ancient books of the Ji family record that there is a huge stomach in the deepest part of the abdomen of this swallowing beast.

The gastric juice secreted from its stomach can melt everything, even planets can be melted into energy in an instant.

"Look, it's the fighter jets in the alliance star field, all of them are about to dissolve." After flying for a while, they saw a huge fighter jet wrapped in many thick and long tongues, almost melting away.

"Let's keep going," Lin Yi commanded the overall situation, maneuvering Chi Lei Gale to go far away, and then flew towards the tail of the swallowing beast.

About the time when another stick of incense was flying, suddenly a green torrent came rushing in, carrying a slight stench of stench.

"It's gastric juice!"

Ji Xu turned pale with fright, and the All-heaven Star Cauldron hurriedly emitted a dazzling light to protect Chi Lei Gale, while Lin Yi manipulated Chi Lei Gale, trying to pass through directly.


Passing through the gastric juice, I don't know how much Ji Xu's true energy was consumed, his face darkened slightly, and a blood arrow spewed out from the corner of his mouth.

Ouyang Xi and the others were already cross-legged, and a steady stream of true energy was injected into Ji Xu's body.

Lin Yi also frowned slightly, and immediately raised his big hand, a gust of pure true energy penetrated into Ji Xu's body like a surging sea.

With the support of these true qi, Ji Xu let out a long roar, and the cauldron of stars and stars spun around, keeping all the gastric juice out.

However, at this time, they also came to the belly of the swallowing beast, and saw a hill standing in the mid-air full of blood vessels. The black stomach was really amazing. Countless gastric juices flowed, completely blocking the way ahead. die.

"It's a strange beast. It has no heart, only a stomach and a brain, and it lives entirely on the energy of devouring everything."

Lin Yi said with emotion.

Ji Xu replied angrily: "Please don't sigh, we still want to go through the stomach, there is a strong pulling force in the stomach, once we are sucked into the stomach, even the strong in the Broken Realm will have to Drink hate."

Lin Yi smiled, and at this time, he was still talking and laughing freely, without the slightest panic.

He pointed to the front and said, "I observed carefully just now. There is a narrow passage on the far left side of the stomach. We can only pass through it by passing through it. We must go through it all at once, otherwise the gods will be hard to save."

"Then try it!"

A group of people took a deep breath.

"It's not safe. If the Heaven Swallowing Beast is sensitive to the All Heavens and Stars Cauldron, once we get close to its stomach, there will be a sudden suction force, and we are very likely to be swallowed."

Ji Xu asked, "What do you want to do?"

"Put away the cauldron, I will use my true energy to prop up the air mask, and let's go through it," Lin Yi thought for a while, then suddenly took a deep breath and said.


A group of people were in doubt.

"This is the only feasible way. I will completely hide my hostility and aura, and try not to attract the attention of the swallowing beast," Lin Yi said.

Ji Xu hesitated and said, "Can you do it? If you fail, you will be the first to be the target of the Swallowing Beast."

"Haha, I'm not a short-lived person, let's try it!" Lin Yi laughed loudly, staring at the terrifying stomach.

"Okay, let's do it!"

A group of people are all reckless people, and this is the only way at the moment, and other than Lin Yi, other people can't resist the poisonous gas in the body of the swallowing beast at all.


At the moment when the All-heaven Xingchen Ding was collected, Lin Yi propped up the golden air shield, and Ji Xu manipulated the Chi Lei Gale, passing through the passage like an off-string arrow.

Life and death, here is a fight!


Then at the moment when the Chi Lei Gale was about to pass through the stomach, the Sky Swallowing Beast seemed to be stimulated by the outside world.

There was a hole in the sky above the huge stomach, and an unstoppable huge suction force came out, and then countless seawater poured in, and at the same time, there were many fighter planes from the alliance star field.

Those fighter planes fell down like dumplings, and then melted in an instant, turning into pure energy and entering the stomach.


And Lin Yi also spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes instantly dimmed.

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