Chapter 308 Gifts
It is nothing new for artists to have stage names. Many of the people who debuted more than ten years ago have changed their names, especially in Xiangjiang.

Some even went to the temple to find someone to make a fortune before changing their names.

I don't know if Fang Jing was used, but there are many people who believe in it, and some of them are really popular after changing their names, and this is also the reason for their names.

For example, Liu Dehua, one of the heavenly kings of Xiangjiang, who would have thought that his previous name was Liu Furong, and the international superstar Chen Long was called Chen Gangshen.

Once upon a time, the Queen of Heaven Wang Fei was not called Wang Fei, the actor Duan Yihong was not called Duan Yihong, and the movie emperor Hu Ge was not called Hu Ge.

"Teacher Fang, you are finally here!"

In the afternoon, on Hunan Satellite TV, Li Shawenzi had been sitting in the front hall, and was waiting at the door after receiving Fang Jing's call.

If it weren't for the fear of being offended, she would have wanted to follow Fang Jing all the time. On the one hand, she would do an outdoor interview, and on the other hand, she would be able to understand the situation and give Hong Tao timely feedback.

"I've been waiting for a long time!!" When we met, Fang Jing smiled embarrassedly, pointed at Sa Dingding and said, ""This is my singing assistant guest, Zhou... Sister Sa! "

"Hi Teacher Sa!"

The staff of Shonan Satellite TV know about the guest list for each issue, and Li Shawenzi has also done Zhou Peng's profile and knows that she is a senior in the music industry.

I just don't know why the name was suddenly changed.

But she can't control what people want to call their freedom.

As long as you follow Fang Jing well, this is her job target now.

"Mr. Fang, should we start the rehearsal now or take a break first? By the way, Mr. Li Keqin and the others are here, and they said that we will have a gathering tonight, and asked if you have time?"

"Okay, you can arrange it, just let me know when the time comes!"

Adult gatherings usually start at least seven or eight o'clock, and end at eleven or twelve o'clock, and Gong Yu's party will be earlier, so Fang Jing is not worried about missing it.

"Teachers, this way please. The soundtrack teacher is free over there. If you need to communicate, you can discuss it yourself, or you can ask Teacher Liang Qiaobai."

"I don't know anything about music, but I'm on call if I need help with errands."

Li Shawenzi was very enthusiastic along the way, and the chatterbox never stopped. Zhou Peng, who was left out by the side, was used to this situation.

Whoever is popular is like this in the entertainment industry.

When she was in glory, there were seven or eight bodyguards, four or five assistants, and thousands of people gathered everywhere she went. Now, it's over.

Zhou Peng didn't have a dressing room, and he didn't know anyone. Fang Jing asked Li Shawenzi to lead her there to talk to the makeup artist about tomorrow's costumes and hairstyles, while he asked the music teacher to discuss the accompaniment.

The preparation before the rehearsal was two hours, and when the rehearsal was actually sung, it took 10 minutes. After singing three times, I felt that Fang Jing almost didn't sing again.

In the auditorium, other singers were all sitting and listening. Knowing yourself and your enemy is the only way to win every battle. Deng Ziqi smiled wryly, then turned to Li Keqin and said, "What should we do? He has made a new song! This time I'm afraid I'm going to lose."

Everyone knows how much I have, and there are few who can come here with poor singing skills. What everyone compares is the understanding and novelty of the songs.

Fang Jing makes new songs every time, and they are still very awesome. After the fermentation of the first two shows, the audience is now looking forward to his coming out again, which invisibly puts a lot of pressure on other singers.

"I can't help it either?" Li Keqin spread his hands, "I can't ask him to write another song, right? He doesn't take the initiative to write songs for people now, why don't you try?"

"No!" Deng Ziqi shrugged and shook his head, then laughed loudly: "Lin Zhixuan covered his song, and I also covered his song, and he wrote your song again."

"Half of our singer show is sung by his songs. If I buy songs from him again, the whole show should be renamed. It might as well be called Fang Jing Song Cover Contest."

Li Keqin laughed, "I didn't realize it unless you said it. I really can't sing his songs anymore."



At five o'clock in the afternoon, at a hotel in southern Shonan, Fang Jing came over after the rehearsal.

He is also a regular customer of this restaurant. Every time he came to record a show, He Jiong and Wang Han took turns to treat guests here.

Eating here needs to be reserved in advance. This time, it was Wang Han's blessing. Fang Jing met him at the stage and asked him the name of the restaurant. Wang Han made a reservation for him without saying a word.

Gong Yu and her friend Yang Shurong arrived as soon as they received the news in advance. When Fang Jing arrived, the table was already full.

"It's a pity. I wanted to meet Jia Chun, but he's not in Shacheng." Entering the door, Fang Jing took off his mask and said regretfully, carrying a long black cloth bag on his back.

When he was filming The Metamorphosis, Jia Chun, the city baby, gave him several thousand dollars as a subsidy, and Fang Jing always remembered it.

Although the money was not much for Jia Chun, maybe it was his monthly pocket money, but at that time Fang Jing’s participation in Metamorphosis was only 2000 yuan, and a few thousand was undoubtedly a gift for him.

Still wearing a white shirt and jeans, Gong Yu propped his chin and said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen him for a long time. The last time I saw him was last year's class reunion."

"By the way, what are you carrying on your back? A musical instrument for performance? How did you bring it here?"

Fang Jing nodded with a smile, "Well, this is a guitar. I brought it from Shanghai to participate in the singer competition. It's rare to meet you today, and I don't have any presents, so I will give it to you!"

"Didn't you give me one at the beginning? I don't know what you like. Seeing you go to the recording studio, you must also love music. Giving you a guitar is just right!"

When Metamorphosis left, Gong Yu, a little girl from the city, gave him a nice guitar, and Fang Jing used it for a long time.

But then the sound started to be inaccurate, and I had someone adjust it several times, but it didn't take long for it to lose sound again. After repairing it, he didn't use it again, but sealed it and kept it as a souvenir.

"Thank you!" Gong Yu smiled sweetly, but didn't answer, "I can't take it, what did you give me for the game?"

"It's okay, Shonan Satellite TV is still short of a guitar! I'll just borrow one when the time comes, take it! Reciprocity! I'll feel sorry if you don't want it!"

Seeing Fang Jing stuffed into his hand, Gong Yu couldn't resist him, so he could only accept it.

On the side, Yang Shurong watched the two chat passionately, completely ignoring herself, and coughed lightly, "There are still people!"

"Sorry, sorry, let's eat first, you're welcome."

Sitting down, Fang Jing picked up his chopsticks and started to eat. Young people in their twenties just had a big appetite, and they drank two bowls in a short while.

Yang Shurong was wronged and couldn't finish half a mouthful. Gong Yu had a gift, but she didn't.

And Fang Jing didn't talk to him much, he just talked to Gong Yu.

Although they didn't know each other very well, they all gave Gong Yu a gift, so he should give one to himself, even if he bought one on the side of the road for a while.

Fang Jing didn't care about her thoughts. From his point of view, he didn't know Yang Shurong at all, and he thought too much about buying gifts. He had never bought gifts for women outside his family a few times in his life.

A friend in adversity sees the truth, and when you are successful and famous, you have many friends, but there are not many close friends.

Gong Yu is different. When the two met, he was still a poor and white boy in the mountains. They didn't dislike him.

(End of this chapter)

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