Chapter 313 Huge Donation
"Brother, my card has hundreds of thousands more."

At noon, Fang Jing received a call from Fang Hui for an unprecedented time. Normally, this girl would not take the initiative to find him.

"Isn't it good to have a few hundred thousand more? Are you in the first year of high school? I can't keep up with the courses, do you want to make up for it?"

"I'm not kidding!" On the other side, Fang Anhui stomped anxiously, "It's true, hundreds of thousands. Every month, No. 12 will have a sum of money on the card. I just went to the bank to ask, and they said it was right, just give it to the bank. mine."

"But I don't know that company at all!"

Fang Jing laughed, this is his manuscript fee, "Since it is for you, you can take it, if you have money, don't you want it?"

"Being courteous, people must ask for something. Do you think there will be something to trouble you? If it doesn't work, we will refund the money. Don't do anything you don't want to do. Boys must protect themselves when they go out."

Fang Hui also knows a little bit about the entertainment industry. Some rich wives like fresh meat, and now her brother is in a difficult situation.

"What are you thinking about?" Fang Jing was speechless, did he seem to be someone who went to sea for money, "This money is mine."

"I know it's yours! Think of a way! Don't ruin the happiness of the rest of your life."

"I mean this money is my salary! The source is normal, but I use your bank card."

"Understood, but I'm very... huh? So much money is your deposit? Isn't it all donated?"

The last time Fang Jing donated 1000 million, Fang Hui was bombarded with phone calls all morning, Fang Jing lied to her that it was all manipulated by the organizer, and he only donated 100 million.

"You earned it again, my wife, you can use it if you want."

Too lazy to explain, Fang Jing hung up the phone.

Holding the heavy bank card, Fang Hui suddenly realized that the elder brother is not young anymore.

Several uncles in the village married daughters-in-law from the seventeenth or eighteenth branch of the family. If she didn't come to the city, she would be an aunt now.

Although Fang Jing said that she could use the money from the card, it was the money for marrying her sister-in-law, so how could she use it.

What if the old brother can't find a wife after spending the money?The betrothal gifts in the city are not cheap, and they always need a car, a house and hundreds of thousands.

Magic City, Fang Jing closed the computer, it was not too long before participating in the event, taking a shower and eating something.

She doesn't blame Fang Hui for being stupid, since the last time he went home and disconnected the computer network cable, this girl has been completely isolated from the world.

The one in my hand is still the same Nokia, which is full of weather-beaten marks.

In her perception, being a star means singing and performing on shows, and the price is about the same as when Fang Jing participated in Metamorphosis, at most thirty to fifty thousand.


In the afternoon, Fang Jingren in casual clothes came to a city-level high school in the northwest region.

The students did not start school, the football field was empty, and there were hundreds of people sitting below, including college student volunteers, elderly and children, village, county and city officials, and reporters taking pictures.

There was a row of old people standing on the rostrum, some were trembling with crutches, some had faces covered with ditches, but they all had tall spines, green military uniforms, and piercing eyes.

This is a tribute to veterans.

Because of Fang Jing's good personal image and great influence, the relevant departments hired him in order to increase attention.

Yang Ning and Wu Jiajia were also there, as well as professional photographers from the studio.

This condolence ceremony is very important, and it is a good positive publicity for Fang Jing. After all, being able to participate in this kind of occasion means a lot of things in itself.

On the stage, as a guest, Fang Jing first expressed his high respect for the soldiers, and then called on everyone to pay attention to the veterans and love the motherland.

Later, leaders of local departments presented medals and shook hands with one of them.

Fang Jing didn't have much to do, and his role could be said to be a vase, so he sat off the stage after he finished his speech.

Next to him are military families, these people are very plainly dressed, some are farmers, some are teachers, some are policemen.

When the organizer came to the door, some of them didn't know that their father had been a soldier.

Few of the older generation joined the army in order to get promoted and make a fortune. They threw their heads and sprinkled their blood. When they went there, they were young people from a village.

Compared with those in the first- and second-tier cities, who rely on the yin of the older generation to do evil, Fang Jing thinks that these farmers are simple and cute.

"Zhu Lao is an old hero who has participated in more than 70 battles. He has won first-class merit four times and second-class merit eleven times, but he has never voluntarily said these things."

"As far as we know, Zhu Lao earns [-] a month and donates [-] to a charity foundation..."

On the stage, the host talked about the deeds and current situation of these old heroes one by one. Some lived on pensions, some lived on picking up bottles, and some family members suffered from cancer and had no money and could do nothing.

Fang Jing sat down and felt sad for a while.

From time to time, the projector plays a video, which is the number of civilian police sacrificed every year, the most of which are anti-narcotics police.

The numbers displayed are astonishing, which makes people almost breathless. It is hard to imagine that this is something that can happen in peaceful times.

There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the load for you.

"Caring for veterans, making them feel warm..."


A few days later, Fang Jing came back from Shonan Satellite TV again. Fang Jing won No.6 and was almost eliminated.

"Fang Jing, come on! Next time I choose a good song, I will definitely win the first place."

"Mr. Fang, this time I made a mistake. I believe you will impress everyone again."

"Fang Jing, make more concessions! Fortunately, you haven't released a new song!"

"I was scared to death. I thought you would release a new song. My heart has always been in suspense. I admit it."

The entertainment industry is still full of paper and gold, some people show off tens of thousands of dresses and million rings on Weibo, and some paparazzi dig out that a certain celebrity is sitting in a mansion worth tens of millions.

More than half of the trending searches on Weibo are celebrity affairs, smoking and drinking, a pair of jeans, extramarital affairs, having a mistress, and having broken hands have been discussed by millions of people.

Those heroes who work on the defense line, cannot go home for seven or eight years, and cannot have their names after their sacrifices are unknown.

No one cares about those veterans who have retired from picking up trash on the street.

Those fire alarms were gone forever, and the shouts in the fire were not reported.

On the night of the end of July, Fang Jing suddenly announced the establishment of a charitable foundation on Weibo, in order to provide funds for the families of the sacrificed police officers and veterans.

As a promoter, he also pledged the first donation.

"Ten million million million million million..."

"Good eyes, help me count the number of zeros, I am dazzled."

"I'll go, 3000 million! As expected of my idol, he's a bully, much better than those stars with more than 60 pocket money a month."

"As soon as the front foot heard that the old nine sects had divided the accounts, Fang Jing donated money on the back foot. Now I'm afraid it's all in?"

"Based on this, I will be the first to refuse to anyone who dares to black Fangjing in the future."

"Woooooo! My father is the fire alarm. He suffered extensive burns while fighting the fire. Now he is lying at home unable to move. He can only rely on my mother to work to support the family."

A few minutes later, Fang Jing updated another Weibo, "A monthly payment of 5000 yuan allows you to do things that could endanger your life at any time, are you willing to do it?
They will! "

Below the text, the square scene is accompanied by pictures of various people in police uniforms.

Not long after, an officer wearing a police cap and writing XX Public Security Bureau responded with a dumbfounding emoji, "Thank you for my colleagues first, I am very touched.

But the 3000 to [-] you mentioned is the salary of the team leader. There are many types of police officers, and the positions are different. The ordinary ones are only more than [-]. "

(End of this chapter)

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