Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 316 Can You Make Money?

Chapter 316 Can You Make Money?

Hanging up the phone, Fang Jing handed the script to Xu Zheng, "Smiled and said: You lead this drama, we two are male one and male second, you are more familiar with the movie than I am, I leave the review to you, there is Whatever needs my cooperation at any time."

"The review is a trivial matter. It's just a comedy film. It's not about politics or pornography. It's mainly about funds." Xu Zheng said speechlessly: "The person who donated 3000 million told me that the money is not enough. Are you kidding me?"

"Ahem! It's really not enough. If I had come here a few days earlier, I would be rich. Now that I bought a house, I'm dissatisfied with you. My trouser pocket is cleaner than my face."

There is still a big hole in the capital chain of Renzaijiutu. Now that there is a lack of money, many projects cannot be carried out.

"I said, aren't you the boss of Nanjing? Old Nine Gates is making a lot of money, right? If you draw 800 million, you will die?"

It's not that Fang Jing didn't think about Xu Zheng's suggestion, but at the end of the year, Lu Yang will shoot Xiuchun Dao 2. Once the money is drawn out now, and when the filming starts over there, the company may be empty.

He does not own the company alone, so he had to discuss with Xu Shi for such a large sum of money.

He had to take such a big risk for no reason, and he was afraid that Xu Shi would disagree, and it would be bad if there would be disagreements.

"Let's get the preliminary work ready first. The money will definitely be in place. If it doesn't work, I'll put the house on it. It's more than enough for this movie."

"Isn't it?" Xu Zheng clicked his tongue.

Are today's young people this crazy?Do you have to suppress the real estate certificate at every turn?
"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me!"

"I'm not worried about you. I'm mainly worried about my salary. How can I say that I'm also the male lead, how much do you think I'll pay you? Brothers have to figure it out."

"Of course, if you let me direct and act again, the money won't count as double, and the part you give to the director will do."

Fang Jing chuckled, he had thought about this a long time ago, Xu Zheng is a talent, it would be a pity not to grasp it firmly.

It's like meeting Nie Xiaoqian in the wilderness, knowing that ghosts are a heavy topic, but I still can't shake my inner desire.

What if she likes me too?

"Talking about money hurts feelings!"

"Damn! It hurts money to talk about feelings, you kid, don't try to be an empty-handed wolf, it will take several months to shoot, you can't let me do it for nothing!"

"It's not for nothing." Fang Jing said mysteriously: "Why don't you just sign under Nan Jing's name, and I'll give you [-]% dry shares for each play."

Xu Zheng waved his hand, "Don't do it!"

If he is really stupid, how much can three percent be?Even if a movie has a box office of 500 million, the company will only get more than [-] million, and [-]% will be [-] million.

This is still the best situation. If the box office is 80 to [-] million, he will get [-] million, which is not as good as filming outside.

"Yeah, I've given you the opportunity, don't say I didn't take care of you when I got it." Fang Jing curled his lips, "That's 700 million."

"This time, let's take a look at your directing ability. If the effect is good, let's talk about the stock."

Fang Jing also felt that he was impulsive just now, and Xu Zheng's ability is true, but that was in his previous life, and he didn't know what was going on in this life, so what if something goes wrong?
"OK! If you put it on me, you won't lose money!" Xu Zheng's chest slapped loudly.

With an investment of 2000 million, according to the three times return on capital, 6000 million is not a loss. Now that Fang Jing is in a mess, there are a large number of fans looking at this name, and it is more than 6000 million.

And to be honest, he has read the script of Ren Zai Tu, and it is not bad. As long as the shooting and editing are online, I dare not say that it is a big profit, and a small profit is not a problem.

After discussing some details, Fang Jing sent Xu Zheng away half an hour later. As soon as he returned to the office, Yang Ning sneaked in, looking left and right like a thief, and then closed the door.

The people working outside looked at each other in blank dismay, what are they doing in broad daylight?

"Cough cough!" Wu Jiajia coughed lightly. As an assistant, she felt that she should cover up some things for the boss. After checking the time, it was not long before get off work, so she let everyone go first.

It turned out that there was still a bit of doubt, but when Wu Jiajia said this, everyone had an understanding expression, smiled, and looked at the office silently.

"Fang Jing, you want to invest in a new drama?"

The suit on the upper body is open and unbuttoned, two buttons of the white shirt are left, and a gully is looming. The lower body is wearing a black short hip skirt, and black stockings are on the straight legs.

Yang Ning sat sideways on the desk, looking at Fang Jing excitedly with a flushed face.

"I said, can you pay attention to your image?"

Fang Jing swallowed his saliva calmly, and lightly tapped the table with the back of his hand. Just now he "accidentally" rolled his eyes and saw a piece of netting.

With this period of online learning experience, it should be the legendary lace.

"I slept late yesterday, and I was busy all morning today. Didn't I just sleep next door for a while?"

Fang Jing got up and was about to open the door after he didn't speak. This situation is easy to be misunderstood.


Wu Jiajia, who was holding the documents, was about to leave when she saw Fang Jing sneakily opening the door, her eyes met, she chuckled and said in a low voice, "I'll take everyone away."

After that, he walked to the door and gently closed the door.

Fang Jing: ...

What does this mean?

"What are you looking at?" Yang Ning was puzzled.

"I said, are you a little confused about the situation?" After closing the door, Fang Jing was annoyed. "Sleeping during working hours, is there still a company system?"

"Now I'm the boss and you are the employee. Believe it or not, I'll deduct your salary? Also, don't sit at my desk no matter how big or small you are."

Fang Jing felt that the usual management of them was too loose, and it was time to show some majesty of the boss.

"Then what do you want me to do?" Yang Ning chuckled.

"You're really sleepy, can you go home and sleep? Don't let me see it."

I don't know if he was trained under Yang Ning before. Bah, I'm used to management. Although Fang Jing is now the boss, he still has no confidence in front of her.

Sometimes in a flash God still thinks this is the agent who used to control his life and death.

"Hehehe! But I still have to work! I can't go to work when I go home, and you have so many things to do, I almost moved the bed."

"Okay, don't talk about this, why are you looking for me?"

Instead of sitting at the desk, Fang Jing sat on the sofa beside him, but what he saw from this angle was Yang Ning's back and deformed buttocks on the desk.

I silently recited a few sins in my heart, and secretly glanced a few more times.

"Want to see it?" Seeing Fang Jing's eyes, Yang Ning smiled.

It's nothing to tease Fang Jing, it has become one of her pleasures.

"Say something!"

"Cut, you have a lust but no guts! That's right, you're only in your twenties, and you haven't grown up yet."

Fang Jing: I...

"Did you ask Xu Zheng to invest in a new film just now? Is it short of money? How about counting me in?"

It turned out that it was because of this, Fang Jing found out that since Yang Ning had tasted the sweetness with him twice, she was very concerned about investment, and never let go of the opportunity.

But it's okay, I'm short of money.

"It's not a new film, but I want to make a movie, find him as the director, and get on the car... Hurry up and invest money, otherwise there will be no chance later."

"Can you make money?" Yang Ning seemed to smell a strong smell of soft girl coins, and there were still many of them.


(End of this chapter)

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