Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 321 Who in the world does not know you

Chapter 321 Who in the world does not know you

In the eighth episode of the singer program, Fang Jing lost and was eliminated.

This result was unacceptable to most audiences, after all, Fang Jing, who claimed to be the producer of the Divine Comedy, actually lost.

But people who have been paying attention to singers for a long time are not surprised by this result. Fang Jing has not released new songs in these few episodes. He either sings other people's songs or sings old songs. It will be a matter of time before he loses.

Compared with old singers like Li Keqin, Fang Jing's only advantage is the steady stream of good songs.

But he doesn't come out with new songs, and every time he uses his own throat to compete with Li Keqin and others, it's no wonder he doesn't lose.

In the last scene, Fang Jing bid farewell to the stage with Qianqianque Song, and shed tears on the spot.

A few people heard him in a different mood.

On this day, the audience did not expect that it would be a long, long time before Fang Jing put down the microphone this time and picked it up again.

"What about Fang Jing, why didn't you see him?"

In the morning, in the studio, Yang Ning surprisingly didn't see Fang Jingren. He was still there just now, but he didn't have time to go to the toilet.

"Boss Fang said he was going to supervise the filming, so he left in a hurry."

After coming back from the singer, he stayed in the villa for four or five days. Fang Jing's body really couldn't hold on.

Yang Ning's bed didn't know when to buy it. Anyway, he couldn't see anyone, so he squeezed with him every day.

Desire is like a dam with its gates open, and the water level cannot be eliminated without a period of catharsis.

If things go on like this, Fang Jing feels that he will not survive the day when Yang Ning's flood subsides.

"Fang Jing, you look so good, it's rare to pay back after working so hard."

"It's okay, it should be."

On the Hengdian set, seeing Fang Jing with a tired face, Lu Yang showed concern.

"How is the shooting progress? How long will it take to finish?"

"It's early, according to your request, it's only halfway through now, it's almost finished at the end of September, and it will be released in October."

"Hey! When Xiaoao is finished, shouldn't my Xiuchun Knife be on the agenda?"

Patting Lu Yang on the shoulder, Fang Jing's eyes flashed: "No problem! I've already found an investor for you, all right."

The investor is of course Tang Yan, and now this eldest sister has always been thinking about entering the film industry. It just so happens that Fang Jing has a plan and someone, and everyone hit it off.

"Really?" Lu Yang cheered up.

"That's right! Here, the patron is right there." Fang Jing pointed to Tang Yan who was waving a whip, she was filming.

"It's her! Why didn't I say it earlier, I scolded her a few words for the bad filming last time, no, I have to ask the screenwriter to add two scenes to Tang Yan later."

Directors are in charge of actors, producers are in charge of directors, and the top pyramid is the father of the funder. No one can offend them if they offend them.

After all, the rich man is the uncle!

"Don't mess around, the scenes are all pre-determined." Fang Jing was taken aback, he didn't realize that Lu Yang was also a dog, "Don't worry, Tang Yan will invest, she wants to embroider spring more than you The knife can show."

"What do you mean... she wants to participate?"

"Have you ever seen a gold master who only invests money and doesn't block people?"

"That's true!" Lu Yang sighed.

Today’s directors miss their investor fathers in the 90s. At that time, most of these funders were coal bosses. They didn’t understand film and television, and they didn’t want to understand.

Investors began to change after 2000, and it is commonplace to add a few juniors and juniors to the group after investing money.

Ten years later, it was even more extreme, not only stuffing lovers in, but also pointing fingers at the plot.

A layman only sees the director picking up actresses, but he really can't see the hardships behind them.

"There should be a few scenes left for my film. Let me know when it arrives. I've been on the set for the past few days."

"It's early, I know!"

After chatting with Lu Yang, Fang Jing wandered around the set, and soon saw Ying Haoming standing outside watching Yu Xiaowei and Zhang Zhijian in the interior scene.

When filming, the scene has to be cleared, ordinary group performers definitely can’t get so close, but Ying Haoming is one of the leading actors, he usually behaves like a man, serving tea and pouring water for nothing, the teacher shouted at the front and back, and no one said he was closer .

"Haven't you finished yet?"

A few minutes later, Fang Jing, who had been standing behind him, saw that the performance was about the same, and lightly patted Ying Haoming on the shoulder.

"It was just finished yesterday! There is nothing to come and take a look."

Seeing Fang Jing, Ying Haoming was not surprised at all.

"How do you think they're doing?"

"It's wonderful! The two teachers have been acting for more than 20 years, and their tone and eyes are appropriate, and their movements are not redundant. I can't match it."

"So you're stealing a lesson from the side?" Fang Jing said with a smile.

Compared with him, Ying Haoming is a real actor. He doesn't like variety shows very much, and he is devoted to performances. This time he has the opportunity to get in touch with these old actors at close range. No matter what he is doing or not, he comes to watch every day.

"How can the actor's business be called stealing? Sometimes I also ask for advice in person, okay?"

Pull Ying Haoming aside, find a small horse, and they sit down.

Fang Jing took out a cigarette from his pocket and gave it to him.

After being stunned for a second, Ying Haoming took it up, "Boss Fang, do you smoke too? When did you learn it?"

"How did you know I couldn't before?"

"Veteran smokers are different from novice smokers from the position of holding cigarettes to picking up lighters. You obviously have just smoked for a while, and besides, I have never seen you smoke before."


"Life is stressful, and they are all forced out." Fang Jing's tone was full of sadness, and he didn't know if he was smoked, his eyes were smashed a few times, and they were slightly moist.

Afterwards, a cigarette, happy and fairy-like.

Ever since he lived with Yang Ning, he smoked a pack a day to recover, which he didn't have before.

But not to mention, after smoking, the pressure is indeed reduced a lot, and the whole person is much more comfortable.

"Cough cough cough!!"

"It's better if this thing doesn't smoke or not. It's not a good thing." Seeing that Fang Jing was snatched, Ying Haoming mentioned something concerned, then picked up the lighter and lit it and took a deep breath.

"Don't talk about that, what are your plans for the next few months?"

"Go home and rest, adjust your mentality, Sister Wen Jing will help me with a few announcements to support me, and occasionally come out to play shows, waiting for the next play."

The industry is so difficult that even Ying Haoming, who debuted for ten years, sometimes faces the situation of having no movies to shoot.

Before Old Nine Gates, even if there was a script for him, he was a small supporting role, but now there are some major supporting roles, but the role is single, similar to the previous role, Qi Tiezui, and he doesn't want to play it.

Looking at the busy studio, Fang Jing half-closed his eyes due to the smoke, "Is there something going on at home?"


"If you don't think the salary is low, you can find something to do on the set, get in touch with Lu Yang first, and take you to act in the movie after Xiaoao finishes filming."

Ying Haoming took a heavy breath, the cigarette holder was flushed red, and immediately replied: "No problem, I am idle every day."

This is an opportunity to act in a movie, and no actor does not want to be in a movie.

He hasn't acted in a movie in ten years since his debut, he is not wanted.

"But I have a question, why do you have to run in with Director Lu? Will he direct the next movie?"

"Yeah!" Fang Jing nodded deeply, "Xiu Chun Dao 2, as long as you know about it, don't say it outside, it hasn't been announced yet, and many things need to be discussed."


Ying Haoming was excited, Xiuchun Dao was Lu Yang's famous work in the first battle, although the box office was not very good, but the word of mouth is excellent!The Douban score is still [-].

A number of film stars starred, martial arts, art, and photography all won awards.

If Zhang Zheng and the others can be invited to make a sequel, it will be even more awesome. He can participate in this kind of movie, and he will have a bright face when he says it.

If you accidentally win an award, hehe, who doesn't know you in the world?
After taking a long puff of the cigarette, Ying Haoming threw it to the ground, stamped out the soles of his shoes, and a flash of determination flashed in his eyes.

Whether it's going to work in the sea or a young model in the club depends on this battle! !

(End of this chapter)

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