Chapter 323

The pillow was placed at the head of the bed, with his back leaning on it, Fang Jing was about to take out a cigarette, but Yang Ning gave him a glare, and obediently put it down.

"Don't mess around, now is not the time to get angry, the song still has to be sung, if we don't like it, we can sing less."

Leaning her head lightly on Fang Jing's shoulder, Yang Ning frowned, worried.

Seeing that Fang Jing didn't speak, he continued: "I just received the news during the day that you may be allowed to sing in this year's Spring Festival Gala, and you will definitely not be able to go on the Maid."

"Spring Festival Gala?"

Eyes half-closed, Fang Jing pondered.

It is definitely the greatest pride for artists from all walks of life to be able to show their faces in the Spring Festival Gala on the biggest stage in China.

Putting face aside, the Spring Festival Gala is the largest live broadcast, watched by more than a billion people, and the traffic is so huge that if you can sing a song on it, you will at least double your net worth in return.

"I didn't mention Feng Mai, didn't I. It's okay to sing once in a while."

I have been singing for several years, and Fang Jing has sung eight thousand times if not ten thousand, not bad for these few times.

His emotional intelligence is not that bad, if he really has the chance to go to the Spring Festival Gala, it doesn't matter if he sings a few times.

"Not this time!" Yang Ning twisted Fang Jing's waist, gritted his teeth and said, "I have to sing for these two years."

"I know your current state, but you really can't move forward without being a singer."

"You know, when you come to your door for announcements and endorsements, what people value is your status as a singer. Who knows you in the actor industry?"


Taking a breath, Fang Jing repeatedly begged for mercy, and said after a while: "I know, I will balance well in the middle, and make sure there will be no mistakes, but how do you know that I can't be an actor?"

"I know better than anyone else whether you can do it or not!" Yang Ning rolled her eyes, "But it's too difficult for an actor to stand out, why don't you take advantage of your better advantages?"

"Singing is the main thing, acting is the supplement, and they complement each other. In a few years, you will definitely be on a higher level. No one will care what you want to do then."


In the following time, Fang Jing took Yang Ning to run around to announce efforts to save money, until the end of September to promote the promotion of Xiaoao Jianghu.

Shacheng, backstage of Shonan Satellite TV.

"Memorize each script by heart. After a while, Lao Zhang will say a few more words. You talk too little. Smile more when playing games. Yitong is smarter, but don't overdo it."

"Sister Tang, you have more experience than me, and you have the opportunity to guide them both."

"Mr. Zhang, I don't bother to talk about it. You can stay where you feel cool, don't force it."

The buyer of Swordsman is Shonan Satellite TV, and the promotion site and platform are naturally the fastest source of clicks.

This time Fang Jing not only brought director Lu Yang, but also Zhang Mingen, Zhang Zhiyao, Li Yitong, Tang Yan, Zhang Junmi and other leading actors to promote.

Originally, Wu Gang and the others were supposed to come, but Fang Jing couldn't please, because it happened that the repertory troupe had something to do, so Zhang Zhijian and Yu Xiaowei followed.

"What about me?" Seeing that Fang Jing had arranged work for several people, Lu Yang pointed at himself.

"You? You can just nod and praise. For example, the investment is huge, the actors are dedicated, the picture quality is beautiful, and whatever is good to hear."

"Pfft, hahaha!"

Hearing Fang Jing's words, Li Yitong and Ying Haoming laughed.

Although Lu Yang talks a lot on set, sees things that are not pleasing to the eye, and even scolds people when he doesn't like acting, but in private, he is actually an otaku, he doesn't have much social life, and he doesn't like to talk, so he is just bored.

After discussing the order of appearance and the C position, He Ling walked in to say hello not long after.

"Mr. He, how can you not grow old after not seeing you for a while? When I was a child, I saw that you looked like this, but now I am more vicissitudes than you."

"Fang Jing, stop messing with me, don't think I don't know, you didn't have a TV at home when you were young."

Fang Jing did not miss out on the book, and with Huang Lei's relationship, He Ling took good care of him. Some time ago, the singer Reason also met frequently, and the two of them couldn't be more familiar.

"Tangtang, I haven't been here for a long time. If it weren't for Fang Jing, I'm afraid I wouldn't see you several times a year."

"Isn't it busy, I have a chance to come earlier."

"Mr. Zhang, hello, you are indeed the number one male god in ancient costumes. You are more handsome in real life than on TV."

"Hello, Mr. He, thank you, I'm so grateful."

As a well-known host across the country, He Ling has seen too many stars standing on Kuaiben's stage, there are eight hundred if not one thousand.

Most of the first-, second- and third-tier stars have been to Kuaiben, and He Ling can chat with them for those who can still be named.

"This is your employee, right? Li Yitong, Ying Haoming, hello, have fun later."

Shaking hands one by one, He Ling didn't neglect anyone, and after a few minutes of talking, it was like a spring breeze.

Ying Haoming was startled, "No wonder he is a well-known host. This attitude towards others alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

Among them, Fang Jing and Tang Yan are the most famous. It is normal for He Ling to be polite to them, but Li Yitong is a complete amateur, not even an [-]th-line artist. .

"Sit down first. A staff member will come to inform you before the show starts. I still have something to do. See you later."

A few minutes later, holding the order list given by Fang Jing, He Ling left with a smile.


At four o'clock in the afternoon, Kuaiben started recording, and several people appeared in three batches. Zhang Zhiyao and Tang Yan went out first holding hands.

Seeing the male gods and goddesses in ancient costumes, there was a lot of screaming, and the popularity was quite hot.

There is no way, Zhang Zhiyao was so handsome when he was young, I don't know how many girls fell under his ancient costume skirt.

In the past two years, Tang Yan's image in ancient costumes has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Zixuan, the descendant of Nuwa in Xianjian, was also called the pinnacle of her acting skills and beauty by the audience in this drama.

Ying Haoming, Li Yitong, Lu Yang, and Fang Jing and Zhang Junmi played second.
"Welcome to Happy Family, everyone!!!"

Standing in a row, Tang Yan is at position C, Li Yitong Ying Haoming stands on her left and right sides, followed by Lu Yang and Zhang Junmi, Fang Jing and Zhang Zhiyao stand on both sides.

Fang Jing didn't care if he was C or not. With his current reputation, he didn't need these to prove it.

Li Yitong and Ying Haoming's reputation is not obvious, now is the time when they need fame, and Fang Jing is willing to give them this opportunity.

As for Tang Yan being in the middle, he also asked for it. Putting two people who are not very familiar with the audience in the C position will inevitably lead to gossip, which is not a good thing for Hao Ming and Li Yitong.

Looking back, being scolded by netizens for disrespecting seniors outweighs the gains.

"Hi everyone, I'm Fang Jing! Long time no see. This time I'm here to promote Swordsman. In it, I will play Lin Pingzhi. I hope you like it."

"Hello, everyone, I'm Tang Yan..."

Everyone introduced themselves one by one, Fang Jing and Tang Yan were calm, Li Yitong's heart beat faster and his palms were sweaty.

Kuaiben is the highest-rated program in the country, and she never thought she could come here before.

As Zhao Liying's stand-in, she has been standing behind the scenes, the audience will not see her face, and will not know such a person.

But everything will change starting today. This episode will be aired, and more people will know her, and she will no longer be unknown.

"Hi everyone, I'm Li Yitong! It's a pleasure to be here."

(End of this chapter)

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