Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 329 Getting Into Trouble

Chapter 329 Getting Into Trouble

Not long after the latest episode of Kuaiben aired, at eight o'clock in the evening, the prime time, Swordsman was broadcast on Shonan Satellite TV.

As the adaptation of Fang Jing's first novel of the same name, there are still a lot of viewers looking forward to it. Many young people who don't like to watch TV are always in front of the TV.

The world is out of my generation, and the years are reminded as soon as I enter the world.

Huangtu Baye was talking and laughing, and he couldn't bear the drunkenness of life.

The previous trailer started with a poem, and the person who read it was Wu Gang, and then a red figure flew out of the bamboo forest, flashing past, followed by a man in green clothes holding a three-foot steel sword.

"Hey... ah!!!"

There was a low-pitched singing, people couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but they felt goosebumps all over their bodies.

The wind is blowing, the drums are beating!There was a low growl.

In an instant, the sword energy was flying, and the two people in the bamboo forest began to fight. You come and go, and there are dozens of moves in an instant. Various fast and slow shots interspersed, and the audience was hooked.

"This may be the only time I can watch the trailer so enjoyable."

"I'll go! This fight, this special effect, I'm afraid it's not an exaggeration to be the pinnacle of martial arts in the past ten years?"

"Old Tie 666, just go for this, I'm chasing this drama."

"Who played Dongfeng Bubai? This body style and eyes are a bit awesome, and every gesture is a play."

"This is so handsome Zuo Lengchan, with sharp facial features, resolute eyes, full of masculinity."

"Shouldn't my senior brother Zhang Zhiyao be the most handsome? Who else is there with his temperament and sword-holding posture?"

"Don't worry about how awesome the special effects are or how handsome the actors are. If you see this bullet screen, can you go to the public place across the road next to Baihua Community in Shacheng and give me a wrapping paper? You have all your legs!"

"OK! Brother hold on, I'm in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, send it to SF Express immediately."

Before the plot started, there were a large number of people discussing it on the Internet, and there were tens of thousands of bullet screens, so dense that it was impossible to see clearly.

At the beginning of the first episode, the screen shifts to the Fuwei Escort Bureau. There are people coming and going on the street, selling snacks, pancakes, grocery shopping, old people, children, girls, scholars...

"Drive!! The people in front get out of the way!"

A young man in silk and satin rode across the city on horseback, followed by several escorts.

"Fuwei Escort Lin Pingzhi!"

Worried that some viewers have not read the original work, the crew provided subtitles for introduction.

"Report, Fang Jing ignores the flow of people, rides a BMW and races with people on the street, and doesn't stop when he sees the police."

"It was a good time, no one got fat at such a fast speed!"

"If you don't agree with each other upstairs, you can drive."

"Dare to touch a porcelain horse? Nine lives are not enough to die. When I was young, I was stepped on by a horse and almost died."

"The horse's speed is too fast. It's not at all slower than today's [-]-[-] km speed motorcycles. It has stronger impact and the brakes are not very good. Who would dare to touch it?"


"Fang Jing, let's go now? When will we get together?"

"Yes! It's just that time is too difficult. Either you have something to do or I have something to do."

At Yanjing Airport, Fang Jing met Huang Lei. The two had been here for three days, and they didn't know each other, so they just met now.

"By the way, when will your new film be finished?"

In the waiting room, the two were sitting and chatting, Huang Lei asked with his legs crossed.

"One in January, one in February!"

People on Journey is a low-budget movie, and the requirements are not too high. It will start in November, and Fang Jing estimates that it can be finished in two months. If the speed is fast, it may not take two months.

Xiuchun Dao was filmed by Lu Yang, so it must be slower, but it is still no problem to grab a spot for the Spring Festival.

"That's it!" After thinking for a while, Huang Lei said, "He Ling and I have created a variety show, which will start broadcasting in January. Why don't you be the guest of the first episode and promote the movie by the way."

"No problem, what's your name?"

Where to promote is not propaganda, it can do Huang Lei a favor, and Fang Jing can also use multiple publicity channels, a win-win situation.

"Longing for life! It's a rural theme. I started planting trees and vegetables a few months ago. I am the investor and producer of this variety show."

People are under a lot of pressure now. Compared with the bustling and tiring cities, audiences like to see the rural side of stars. Huang Lei also came up with this idea at the beginning of the year. He found his old friend He Ling, and the two hit it off.

Kuaiben's ratings are getting lower and lower, and He Ling's life has been difficult in the past six months, and the focus of work has begun to shift to other variety shows.

"Yes, Mr. Huang, anyone who doesn't say a word will become a producer."

In this life, Fang Jing knew that Huang Lei had many companies under his name, with a net worth of [-] to [-] million yuan, but he did not expect that he would follow the trajectory of his previous life and continue to pursue a longing life. This program is called the second fast book.

"Isn't it okay to be idle? I don't want to make movies when I'm old. I can't watch variety shows everywhere. After a long time, the audience will be annoyed. It's better to make one myself."

"By the way, Xu Tianjun didn't bother you, did he?"

"No, that's all over, and I haven't been looking for me during this time."

After thinking about it, Fang Jing still didn't tell the truth. They didn't look for him in the past two days, but they made seven or eight phone calls, and then they called Xu Shi, each time getting more and more angry.

The reason is that Fang Jing did not agree to appear in their new play.

On the phone, Xu Tianjun laughed angrily, saying that Fang Jing was teasing him, if he disagreed, he could say it earlier, now that they missed the best casting period, it would be a great loss.

Fang Jing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood. As far as he knew, there was no press conference for this show, and the investors were not in place. Now it's empty, is there any gross loss?

The two had a complete quarrel. A few days ago, brothers were older than brothers, but now they are almost scolding.

"Remember to call me if you have anything to do, and leave first."

Seeing that the time was up, Huang Lei got up and left, followed by his assistant, leaving Fang Jing in place.

The two of them are not on the same flight, so naturally they don't go together.


"Brother, which god are you offending again? There are several waves of firefighters a day." Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, Nanjing Entertainment, seeing Fang Jing, Xu Shi suddenly frowned.

In the past few days, I don’t know why, either the businessmen came to the door or the fire department came to the door. Although nothing was found out, it was annoying to question each other for a long time.

If things go on like this, this company doesn't need to be opened.

"Who else can it be, Xu Tianjun."

Fang Jing sat on the office chair, crossed his legs, and looked indifferent, "He can do it if he wants to, and it will stop after a few days."

The fire brigade is not run by Xu's family, Fang Jing doesn't believe it can be adjusted every day, it will only arouse suspicion after a long time.

Today, with the development of information, if he got anxious and asked someone to expose it on the Internet, the relevant bureau chiefs didn't get any good results.

Check it several times a day, any fool will know there is a problem! !

"If you want me to say it's better to agree to him, sell part of the shares of Wolf Warrior 2, we will reduce the risk, and they will also stop. Hello everyone."

"Listen to me, I'm sick of business matters."

The other party is rich and powerful, Xu Shi is really a little scared, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing in so many years, and he continues to fight without knowing what will happen.

"Why are you afraid of him? Can a society ruled by law still eat people?" Fang Jing dismissed it.

The worst thing he can see is the threat.

Xu Shi wanted to say something else when Fang Jing's phone rang.

"Look online!!" On the phone, Yang Ning said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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