Chapter 332
At this moment, if Fang Jing doesn't know what's going on, then he is really a fool.

Based on what Wu Gang said a few months ago, it is obvious that he made a knife for him.

That's why getting the contract went so smoothly, and some even sent it to their door. It turned out that he only exposed [-] or [-] people, but now half of the stars in the entertainment industry have fallen into it.

In addition to the applause of the people who eat melons, some film and television companies also stood on the shore to watch with gusto.

Where does the star's sky-high salary come from?It is not given by them, but it is not given voluntarily. There is no way, the market is at this price.

If 1000 million can solve the problem, no company would be willing to spend 5000 to [-] million.

Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Nanjing Entertainment.

"It's the end of the month, settle the accounts, and we'll start paying dividends next month." In the office, Fang Jing finished talking to Xu Shi, and looked at the staff outside the blinds, "Give them some year-end bonuses, this year It's not easy for everyone."

"Well! I have notified the accountant, and I can come out in two days. What are you doing? Running here every day?"

Holding a teacup filled with goji berries, Fang Jing warmed his hands and said, "A lot of work has stopped after this, and I don't like the small notice, so I just came here, lest you say I'm a shopkeeper. "

The Spring Festival Gala couldn't go, and the New Year's Eve was gone. Shonan Satellite TV had another invitation, but Fang Jing didn't agree.

Although most of the audience's attention has been diverted from him now, there are still a group of people who insist on biting him, taking eye drops every day, and buying trending searches from time to time to disgust him.

Of course, the more important thing is that he wants to avoid the limelight. He created the yin-yang contract matter. If people know about it, then he won't have to mess around in the entertainment industry, and everyone will shout and beat him [-]%.

Many first- and second-tier stars were fined, not just one or two, who didn't have any friends these days, if they let the word out, Fang Jing's acting career could end early.

"It doesn't matter if you can't go, you have worked hard all year round, it's time to take a few days off."

"Don't talk about that, what's the status of the approval of Xiuchun Knife 2? Isn't it already passed? Why did you call back?"

Two days ago, Xu Shi was talking about investors, but a phone call came from above, saying that Xiuchun Knife could not be approved and would not be allowed to shoot.

"Bloody, violent!" Xu Shi said helplessly, "Lu Yang is still angry with me, swearing at people every day, saying that his filming is about martial arts, not Xiyangyang and Big Big Wolf."

"What's the situation, didn't you say nothing before?" Fang Jing frowned, he didn't believe in bloody violence.

If there is no blood in martial arts movies, then hell, let the whole people shoot with joy.

"This matter is related to you." Looking at Fang Jing, Xu Shi sighed, "Xu Tianjun has lost so much, do you think he can let you go?"

"Before he said that he has the ability to prevent our film from being screened, but now it seems that there is no one but him."

Fang Jing's heart skipped a beat, and he said with a dry smile, "Why did he suspect me?"

"You have to ask yourself this!"

"Don't worry, it's not a big deal!" Fang Jing waved his hands, not caring, "He came after me, as long as I don't play the role, it will be fine."

"It's not that simple, he's heading for the whole Nanjing!" Xu Shi was disheartened, this period of time was troubled, he didn't know how many nights he didn't sleep well.

"As long as Xiuchundao is still in our hands and the production company is us, this script will never pass, no matter who plays it."

"Unless you find someone to clear up the relationship, Xu Zheng has energy there, and the Film Association knows a lot of people."

Xu Zheng's person was not shot down in the embarrassing journey, so he could still be filmed, but the reason was not that someone was taking care of him, but that it was a comedy film, and he didn't care about politics and religion at all.

Xu Shi didn't know the situation, and thought that the higher authorities had something to do with it.

Looking ahead, tapping his finger on the glass teacup, Fang Jing didn't know what to think, and he said after a long time, "Forget it! If you don't vote, don't vote. Let it go. Don't Tang Yan want it? Give it to her."

"We don't participate in this matter, Lu Yang will not change, and we will follow along.",

There was nothing Fang Jing could do about making this decision, Xu Tianjun insisted on it, he didn't know why he was crazy, and would attack him as soon as he showed his head.

Lu Yang couldn't wait a long time ago, and it didn't matter if he held the script in his hands for a long time.

"Really don't want it? Then what will we show in the Spring Festival? How long will it be in a few months, with so many people in the company sitting around?"

People in Journey used Fang Jing and Yang Ning's funds, it had nothing to do with the company, it was just a name, Xu Shi couldn't imagine a company with hundreds of people sitting at work and chatting with big names.

"Why don't we make other dramas, we have so many copyrights!"

"What's the use of more?" Xu Shi was tangled in his heart, and said in pain: "Xu Tianjun is under pressure, and none of us can pass the trial."

"Now people still come to check every now and then, and I have been sent to the tax bureau for questioning several times. If this continues, the company will close down soon."

"You were summoned for questioning? Why didn't you tell me about what happened?" Fang Jing was shocked, he didn't know about it at all.

"What's the use of telling you, you were too busy with your own affairs a few days ago."

Scratching his head with five fingers, Xu Shi's words weighed a thousand catties, and he swallowed them again. He struggled for a long time, staring at his bloodshot eyes, and said with great effort: "Fang Jing...I want to withdraw my shares!"

"The company is completely unable to operate now, and it's meaningless to continue to stay. Moreover, you are capable and have a good vision. Even if I am missing, you can do it yourself."

He clenched his fists and sighed deeply. Fang Jing didn't know what to say. He could understand Xu Shi. During this time, Xu Shi was no less stressed than him.

But he still didn't give up and said: "If you carry it, you can still pass it. Are you sure you don't want to insist anymore?"

"No!" Xu Shi shook his head, "I didn't make a sudden decision. I had this idea a few months ago."

"Okay, I respect your decision!!"


Three days later, Xu Shi left with 1.5 million.

As the co-founder, his shares are 30.00%, which is logically impossible to get so much, but he didn't want anything, and all the copyrights he had acquired before remained in the company.

In order to compensate, Fang Jing gave some more money, which is the only thing he can do at present.

"Charity is for show. Fang Jing can easily attend a party with millions of dollars. If he earns several hundred million a year, what's the point of donating tens of millions?"

"Donated tens of millions, gained fame, and more people approached him for filming and endorsement. Looking back, he gained ten times the reward."

"If I have one billion, I can also donate tens of millions!! Not to mention tens of millions, donating half of the property is fine."

On the Internet, the abuse and doubts about Fang Jing have not disappeared, almost every day.

Back in Xu Shi's office, Fang Jing, who was upset, was even more annoyed by these comments, and reposted a Weibo.

The first picture on Weibo is a child with tubes all over her body. Fang Jing said: "She is seriously ill, and I paid 50 for medical expenses. I have helped more than a dozen children like this. Is this a show?"

The second picture shows a desolate village with 500 or [-] households, and no dogs or chickens are heard. Fang Jing said: "This is a left-behind children's village. All the young people in the village go to work, leaving behind a group of old people and children. Every family has a bag of rice every month, [-] yuan, is this a show?"

The third picture is a cliff with a height of 80 meters. Several children are walking carefully against the wall with their schoolbags on their backs. If they are not careful, there will be no bones left.

The fourth picture is a new dormitory building, a group of children playing in the open space.

Fang Jing continued: "I don't have the ability to build a road on the cliff, but I have the ability to build a dormitory building. Here, they walk from the edge of life and death every day to once every semester."

The fifth picture, the sixth picture, the seventh picture... There are children who can't eat enough, there are hundreds of orphans, there are children born with disabilities, and there are people who can't afford to read.

"What am I doing for so many things? Is it the name of the picture? I don't care about it, making money? My current money can't be spent in my entire life."

"I'm drawing your insults? Drawing your sarcasm? When did doing good deeds become an excuse for being attacked?"

"I don't ask for your praise, really, just don't disgust me."

"It doesn't matter if I feel chilled alone, don't let all the good people in the world feel chilled."

(End of this chapter)

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