Chapter 343 Chen Zhiyuan

Fang Jing stayed in the Mushroom House, where He Ling and the others needed to stay for a whole day. He had been busy for three or four hours.

"Oh, it's really not easy to eat your meal."

In the room, Fang Jing sighed while eating fish, "Mr. Huang, your model is not good, the efficiency is too slow, and the guests are almost hungry."

"It's good to have something to eat. With so much talk, you can make enough food and clothing by yourself. This is the purpose of the program and is not negotiable."

Too lazy to deal with Huang Lei's old stubbornness, Fang Jing said to He Ling: "Mr. He, you have worked hard today, and you have been busy."

"It's okay. I'm nothing compared to Mr. Huang. He's the one who cooks hard."

He Ling has a high EQ, since Fang Jing and Xu Zheng came in, they have basically never neglected them, even chatting with them when they are free.

On the contrary, Huang Lei has been concentrating on cooking, unable to say a word for a long time, even if he said a word, he would scold Fang Jing.

"Mr. He, you are so busy, you never thought about recruiting a smarter, younger host?"

Looking at Fang Jing, He Ling smiled and said, "Are you talking about you?"

"Cough cough cough!" Fang Jing coughed again and again after being snatched by the chili pepper, "It's not me, how can I have such skills, I'm busy all day long."

"You and Mr. Huang are both seniors. It's good that the people who come here are all acquaintances. Sometimes strangers come, and they are the younger generation in the entertainment industry. It's not a problem for you to accompany me all the time."

"Mr. Huang is in charge of cooking, and you can't have to do other things big and small. It's just right to hire a young host. You can relax with the old and young team."

"That's a good idea, but what do you mean by old and young?" Huang Lei stared at Fang Jing and said, "I'm that old?"

Picking up the white wine on the table, Fang Jing poured himself a small glass, and said abruptly, "Don't you know how old you are?"

"Last year, no, how handsome you were when we filmed Extreme Challenge the year before last, but now you are a middle-aged greasy man, the camera is here, facing the audience, tell me what you have experienced in the past two years?"

"I'll beat you to death!!"

Holding slippers, Huang Lei chased Fang Jing and ran around Fang Jing, while He Ling and Xu Zheng watched the show.

"Have they always been like this?" Xu Zheng asked He Ling.

"That's not true, it's just that Fang Jing is a little naughty occasionally, and he has to provoke Huang Lei from time to time to expose his scars!"

Huang Lei ran from the first floor to the second floor, and from the second floor to the first floor. After two laps, Huang Lei couldn't run, and was panting while sitting at the table.

Fang Jing held the bowl calmly, squatting on the stairs to eat.

"Mr. Huang, can't you refuse to accept the old?"

"Old He, I shouldn't have come to this show! It's too annoying!"

"It's okay, just exercise!"

"I'm exercising my fart body. This is to prepare for filming. I have to gain [-] pounds. I don't know how much fat I have consumed in the two trips just now. I have to eat it back at night."

Artists have strict requirements on their bodies, regardless of gender. As actors, it is common to gain and lose weight.

For people like Aamir Khan and Tom Cruise, gaining or losing dozens of pounds is just like playing. Their strong willpower makes the majority of homeboys and homegirls feel ashamed.

"So it's filming, let me just say, Mr. Huang, who is suave and talented, can get fat." Fang Jing came back with a bowl in his hand.

When he was young, Huang Lei played Xu Zhimo without makeup, and his appearance fascinated thousands of girls.

It's a pity that all the girls back then have become aunts, but Lao Huang is still Lao Huang.

"Talk about me, haven't you gained weight too?" Looking at Fang Jing's belly under his sweater, Huang Lei complained.

Fang Jing had been wearing a coat outside before, so he couldn't tell his figure, just after taking off his clothes, Huang Lei saw his swollen beer belly.

"Just like you, I also gained weight for filming." Rubbing his belly, Fang Jing walked to the camera in the corner and said, "I'm on Journey, it's released on January [-]th, starring Xu Zheng and I, audience friends remember to go to the cinema to watch it. "

"I paid a lot for this drama. I gained weight and played ugly. You see, my hair didn't grow back..."

While talking, Fang Jing took out a piece of paper from his pocket and read according to it, He Ling shouted a few times later but didn't hear him.

In the director's booth, seeing Fang Jing's big face chattering endlessly, the director's face turned black. This propaganda is also very hardcore, and he doesn't even want to face.

In the mushroom house, the three people at the dining table laughed together. After 5 minutes, He Ling wiped away the tears from the laughter, and said to Fang Jing who came: "It's surveillance, not a camera. What's the use of reading about it for a long time?" ? No radio!"


Fang Jing was stunned, who the hell designed the monitor to be exactly the same as the camera, his emotions just made people cry, and his eloquence and emotion didn't help at all for a long time.

"Okay, put away your manuscript!" Seeing that Fang Jing took out the manuscript and seemed to have to do it all over again, Huang Lei waved his hands in fear, turned his head to find the camera, and said to the camera: "January [-], people On Journey, everyone remember to go to the cinema to watch it!!"

He Ling also helped to promote it at this time, and said it again after Huang Lei finished speaking.

Fang Jing threw the manuscript to Xu Zheng in embarrassment, "It's all you. I'm ashamed to read any manuscript. Everyone recognizes this face. His name is Xu Zheng, our director. What I did just now made me feel embarrassed." He instructed."

Xu Zheng: ...

Is this shameful? Obviously he just mentioned that the manuscript was written by Fang Jing.

Just as he was about to explain, he didn't dare to say anything after facing Shang Jing with a threatening gaze.

Under Fang Jing's flickering, he signed a contract with Nan Jing half a month ago, officially becoming one of the directors of Nan Jing, and now the other party is the boss.

After dinner, several people sat on the kang and chatted, returned half a bottle of wine, Huang Lei and He Lingxu Zheng shared the drink, did not give Fang Jing, let him drink more fresh oranges.

While drinking and chatting, Huang Lei's eyebrows were beaming when talking about music, and he talked about his glorious days.

It turned out that he had released four albums more than ten years ago, more than Fang Jing. At that time, he sang the songs of the film and television dramas he starred in.

While chatting, He Ling Fangjing booed and asked Huang Lei to sing, but Huang Lei, who couldn't stand the persuasion, hummed a few words.

"Who makes a moment like forever"

"Who makes the future look like the past"

"Being blind to other beauty"

"The picture of life stops on your face"

"I've never been so drunk"

"I've never been so tired"


"What's the name of this song? It sounds good?" Xu Zheng asked with tears in Huang Lei's eyes after singing.

"Time is like water, this is my fourth and last album. The person who wrote this song is called Chen Zhiyuan. He is my best friend. He is dead now...I swear from the day he died, that in the future No singing!"

Xu Zheng is not from the music circle, and he doesn't know about Chen Zhiyuan, but he didn't ask more questions when he saw Huang Lei was sad.

Fang Jing did know this person, a master in the music industry, who became famous very early, Xiangjiang in the 90s, and after Tan Zhang retired from the stage, the four heavenly kings were in full swing.

At that time, there was only one person who could overwhelm the four heavenly kings, the Prodigal Son King Festival!
The reason why Wang Jie is so popular is that it has something to do with Chen Zhiyuan, because the most popular albums of Wang Jie were written by Chen Zhiyuan.

Without speaking, Fang Jing silently poured Huang Lei a glass of wine.

He also didn't expect that Huang Lei's banning of wheat would happen in those days. No wonder Sun Honglei went to sing Huang Lei's concert at the end of the Extreme Challenge last year, but he picked up the microphone and acted as the host.

If he hadn't been banned at the beginning, his achievements might be two lines higher now, and he wouldn't be able to play supporting roles in major film and television dramas now.

(End of this chapter)

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