Chapter 356
"Mr. Wu, you are the protagonist, so what am I?" Yu Xiaowei asked with a smile when he heard Wu Gang's words.

In the name of the people, he is the real protagonist, but his role in this drama is just an introduction, and the real confrontation and highlights are Wu Gang and Zhang Zhijian.

"Hey, everyone is the protagonist."

Turning his head, Wu Gang bowed his head to Fang Jing and said, "Not all of these people were invited by me, and some of them I don't know. They reported their names after hearing the news."

It's true that Wu Gang has face, but he doesn't have that much face. People like Xu Wenguang are still his leaders, so there's nothing he can hire.

"What's the situation?" Fang Jing's heart skipped a beat.

"Your script was submitted and I liked it very much. The country has been fighting corruption and anti-corruption these years. I consciously want to convey this concept. This time it happens to be in the name of the people. It is estimated that many departments will join forces to be the producer. "

"Red drama?" Fang Jing asked suspiciously.

There are nationally produced TV dramas on the market every year, not for making money, but for publicity.

After all, it is the above indicators. These dramas are all big scenes, and there are many green channels. Most of them revolve around anti-drug, public security, and military themes.

The script was bought by Fang Jing, and it was intercepted before it was filmed. With the intervention of the higher-ups, there is probably nothing wrong with him.

Gently nodding, Wu Gang said, "Don't worry about gains and losses. This is a big drama, and it needs a lot of funds. They are just putting on a name, contributing people and efforts. You just need to pay and wait to make money."

"Let's have fun, no matter how many people are looking for this kind of way, they can't find it!"

Turning his head, Wu Gang said: "See if you see that? The crew-cut guy at the third table by the window is the director of the Supreme Prosecutor's Film and Television Center. Next to him is the producer of the Tiedun Film and Television Center of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission and the person in charge of the Propaganda Department of Suzhou Province. They will meet later." Looking for you."


Fang Jing's eyes widened, and he took a deep breath. This is the real boss, and even a movie star and queen has to act like a schoolboy in front of them.

These old men had greeted him before, but no one introduced him, they only said they were Lao Li, Lao Zhang and Lao Wang.

Fortunately, he didn't bark indiscriminately. If someone wrote down his name in a small notebook, he would not be invited by Radio and Television every day for tea.

I didn't expect the matter to be so big, Fang Jing's meal was tasteless, and he looked back from time to time, just waiting to be summoned.

An hour later, the man still came and called him into a separate room. The actors outside continued to chat with each other as if they didn't know anything.

It's just the occasional glances into the room that make them feel emotional, this young man wants to send a message.

These big boats are yellow jackets. As long as Fang Jing can ride on it, he will basically walk sideways in the entertainment industry in the future. Unless he breaks the law, no one can seal him.

"Fang Jing, sit down wherever you want, don't be so rigid, I just came to chat with you."

"Director Wang has something to tell you!"

Sitting on the chair with half of his buttocks, Fang Jing raised his chest and raised his head, with his waist straight.

Seeing his appearance, several people laughed, and the person in charge of Iron Shield Films said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Zheng."

"Hello, Teacher Li!"

Fang Jing nodded obediently. This teacher Li was not a compliment. The tall and thin man in his 50s in front of him is really a teacher. He is a specially invited researcher of Huaxia Communication University and a young tutor of the Department of Archeology of Yanda University.

Of course, this is just one of his many identities. There are too many titles behind him. Fang Jing searched on his mobile phone before, but he didn't dare to say anything for a long time.

In short, he is the big boss among the big shots, so it's right not to mess with him.

"This is Wang Yang, Dong Lu."

"Hello, Teacher Wang, Hello, Teacher Dong!"

Fang Jing couldn't afford to offend anyone, so he obediently called Teacher, the people in front of him were not comparable to Xu Tianjun.

The stubborn Xu Tianjun loses the most and has no money. If he is there, he can make a comeback, but he dares to jump in front of these people and let him quit the circle every minute.

"That's right, we are very optimistic about your script, which meets the requirements of the radio and television and the national indicators, but you know this kind of drama, the medium scale is a big problem, and it will cross the line if you are not careful.

Some plots also need the cooperation of the local department. In order to film smoothly, I want to be the chief producer and consultant in it. "

"No problem, I wish for it!" Li Zheng is willing to be the chief producer, Fang Jing is happy, but it's too late. As he said, the scale of the show in the name of the people is very large. Although it has passed the review, it is easy to be careless. 404.

In the previous life, the people's nominal capital chain was short, and the reason was that the scale was too large, and no investor dared to accept it.

Now that Li Zheng is supporting him, Fang Jing doesn't have to worry about this problem at all.

"It's good that you can understand!" Seeing that Fang Jing understands current affairs, Li Zheng nodded happily, "When the time comes, Director Wang and his Propaganda Department will also become one of the producers, but he is only responsible for coordinating with the people in the local public security system and letting them be responsible Shoot with you."

"Old Dong's job is to participate in the filming process and prepare for the release. By the way, have you found a buyer? Which TV station?"

"Not yet!" Fang Jing said firmly, "All follow your old instructions."

"That's good! If there is a TV station that wants to buy it, you can discuss it with me first. This drama will be broadcast on CCTV. Don't sell the rights to broadcast it all at once. It will be very troublesome for me."

"Don't worry!" Fang Jing patted his chest while subduing his heart, "Without your old instructions, I won't sell anyone who comes."

CCTY is big, there is no shortage of money, and the ratings are also strong, Fang Jing can't wait to be shown there.

"How much budget do you plan to cast for the crew?"

"One...all according to Teacher Li!"

Fang Jing originally wanted to say 6000 million, but he stopped talking abruptly. There are more than 60 actors and more than a dozen national first-class actors. This lineup alone is more than [-] million, and the production cost is pitifully low.

It's not good to say too much, you can't make money, and you will inevitably be unhappy if you don't have Li Zheng, so let him speak up, Fang Jing thinks about it, and chooses from it.

"The old guys outside are not cheap, and we can't let them go for nothing. The budget is 3000 million, 6000 million is the actor's salary, and the rest is the production cost. What do you think?"

"No problem! Just do as you say!"

Fang Jing was so excited that he almost cried while hugging Li Zheng's thigh. What can he do with 6000 million now?It's only enough to pay a first-line female star.

But Li Zheng bought more than 60 drama characters in one sentence, including more than a dozen national first-class actors, which is simply the price of cabbage.

The key point is that the old guys outside can't complain at all. The words of the big leader are not good?
"About the share sharing..."

Half an hour later, Fang Jing came out of the room with a smile, and ordered Wu Jiajia to distribute all the scripts. Taking advantage of the script reading skills of the bosses, he moved Li Zheng out and asked him to talk about the salary.

This bad guy Fang Jing can't do it if he is killed!
"Cough cough! People's nominal funds are limited, everyone is considerate and considerate in special times, I am now the chief producer, and the pay is based on the role of the script and the length of time.


(End of this chapter)

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