Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 360 One sound of the gas pedal, parents raise for nothing

Chapter 360 As soon as the gas pedal is fired, parents raise for nothing
Fang Jing, who has no money, doesn't really care about it. Dozens of silver leagues are a small amount of money for him, and if the author makes a reward, he can get back half of the original.
His main purpose is to advertise, to the Condor Heroes.

This novel will definitely be adapted and filmed in the future. Now it has accumulated popularity in advance, otherwise it would be a bit embarrassing to say that no one has heard of a certain famous novel.

"Fang Jing, it's almost done. If you don't make money like this, you will only lose money."

In the evening, Chang He, who was traveling thousands of miles away, couldn't wait to send a message to Fang Jing, trying to stop his hateful behavior.

Before reading the point, there was no such thing as the Baiyin League. The reason why such a mechanism was created is because there are too many authors who use data.

More than 50 recommended positions, major lists, clicks, monthly tickets, recommended tickets, people use it everywhere.

It can't be banned, the website simply created a Baiyin League to increase the collection, and the whole site notification mechanism gave the author a chance to brush upright, provided that you only need money.

But there is a limit to swiping. Few like Fang Jing swiped dozens of Silver Leagues at a time. It was so frightening. For several hours, one banner after another, many readers complained that it affected the reading experience.

The website is happy, wishing that Fang Jing would earn tens of millions, but Chang He couldn't bear to let him be trapped like this, and read the depth of the water.

"Boss, didn't you create this Silver League just for others?" Fang Jing made another one while typing in Changhe.

"Besides, it won't work if you don't subscribe. The martial arts channel is cool and not very popular. I only have a new book issue now. If I don't subscribe, I can only have [-] favorites in the year of the monkey?"

The martial arts channel is notoriously cool, except for a few masters, the rest are cannon fodder, and there are very few in their early years.

If the early writing is not good, readers will not read it, even the masters are the same. These days, there are not one or two masters who have hundreds of subscriptions on the shelves, it is so realistic.

Although Fang Jing didn't go for the money, but occasionally rewarding himself is quite rewarding, it's very cool to drop one after another silver alliance.

"I'm not poisoned by brother Ma, right?" Fang Jing was startled, and muttered in his heart.

Brother Xiao Ma famously said, as long as you have money, you can do anything. If you can’t do it, it just means that you don’t have enough money.

"Don't fix it, it's useless!" Seeing that Fang Jing swiped another Silver League, the corner of Chang He's mouth twitched, "You really think the website is a fool? You add [-] collections to a Silver League, and half of them are robots. Believe it or not? The next half will run away after opening the treasure chest, and you will lose all of them within three days, leaving only three to five hundred real readers."


The hand that was about to recharge stopped, and Fang Jing couldn't help but curse, "You guys are so small, Brother Ma?"

1 yuan will add three to five hundred readers, which is so fucking bullying. If Changhe reminded him that he still doesn't know how much it costs, no wonder those masters and platinum never use it.

There are quite a few authors who can make money by reading points, and the top batch has tens of millions a year, but they don't seem to have signed up for the Baiyin League, and they know the inside story of their emotions.

The Silver League can be renamed!

Fang Jing suspects that this sentence came from their editorial department!

"I'm still underage, and I accidentally tipped hundreds of thousands, please contact your customer service, can I get it back?" Fang Jing said shamelessly.

The author number he registered with Fang Hui's ID card was indeed underage!

"Dream?" Chang He complained, "If you are really a reader, it's fine, maybe you can get back [-] to [-], but, brother, you are the author number, you are the author!"

"You made more than hundreds of thousands of money from the last book, right? Did you get the money back? Do you want to get the knife back?"

After talking, Changhe also sent a picture of Brother Ma, in a suit and leather shoes, wearing rimless glasses, looking up, a high-level VIP looking at ordinary players, full of disdain for the world, and the feeling that all living beings are ants.

"Isn't this Katie?"

Fang Jing smiled when he saw this picture, he couldn't bear the nickname of Kai in the canyon called Kai Daddy, how similar it was.

"Withdraw first, and you can help me find a good recommendation later."

"Okay, with so many Silver Leagues of yours, you will definitely be able to make clear arrangements for the selection of new books to be pushed in Sanjiang."

The tipping mechanism is true, but it still has a bit of conscience. As long as you recharge more money, it will give you a recommendation for this book. You can’t let VIP players feel cold, otherwise, who will tip next time?
Fang Jing has so many Silver Leagues, it would be unreasonable not to give him a strong recommendation from Sanjiang.

Turning off the computer, stretching his waist, Fang Jing raised his head, it was getting dark before he knew it, it was really comfortable that no one bothered him for the past two days.

Fang Hui only moved out a few days ago and hasn't come back, she was a little worried, Fang Jing planned to go over and see what her classmate was like by the way.

This girl is very simple, don't be deceived.

Changing into casual clothes, Fang Jing left the garage on a motorcycle.

This red motorcycle is called a Yamaha. It was the predecessor of this motorcycle that Andy rode in the movie If there is love.

It cost hundreds of thousands of oceans to buy this Fang Jing, which is not cheaper than ordinary cars.

The wind whistled in my ears, the scenery on both sides kept receding, and the sound of the gas pedal echoed with my heartbeat, which meant that the world let me gallop. Fang Jing was so happy that he almost screamed, maybe this is the charm of the locomotive.

Of course, as soon as the gas pedal is fired, parents will raise it for nothing. After riding, they will go home to eat, but if they can’t ride well, the whole village will come to eat.

Fang Jing regretted his life, at least he didn't want to die now, he just indulged in a place with few cars, and the speed slowed down within a few minutes.

Fang Jing stopped at the traffic light not far from Fanghui Community, and beside him was an ordinary BMW, and through the half-opened car window, he saw a man and a woman inside.

The man was also a young man with a crew cut and a water ghost on his wrist. They were dishonest while waiting for a few seconds at the red light.

Seeing Fang Jing turning his head this way, the young man looked at his car, smiled and waved his hands, with a little more complacency in his eyes.

So what if the car is more expensive than mine, I'm not single!
At this moment, Fang Jing was wearing a helmet, so that people could not see his face clearly, sourly turned his head to the right, and did not speak.

On his right, a battery car was also parked and waiting for a red light. The owner of the car was a murderous man with long red hair and bangs covering his eyes. In the dark night, the other eye looked hesitant and vicissitudes. It was the loneliness after the weather.

With a jade hand around his waist, looking back, a long-haired girl in her twenties was gently pressing against his back.

This is not over yet, there is a girl at the end of the battery car, with short shoulder-length hair, big eyes, cute, and looks about eighteen or nineteen years old.

The three of them are very harmonious and warm!
This place can't stay any longer, Fang Jing took a deep breath, saw the red light flashing, quickly squeezed the clutch, and the gas pedal roared.

As soon as he got to the green light, he rushed out, and gave a middle finger to the owner of the battery car and the BMW car before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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