Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 362 The Impact of 1 Million

Chapter 362 The Impact of One Billion

After Fang Jing left, Lin Qiuyue took the mop and mopped the floor again, and it took a while for the footprints on the floor to disappear. Looking up, she saw Fang Hui counting the money on the coffee table one by one, her mind full of black lines.

In her opinion, Fang Hui shouldn't be short of money. After all, she lived in such a big house, so it wouldn't be a few hundred yuan short.

But the reality is like the cold rain slapping her face mercilessly, Fang Hui is not rich!

From the living expenses of 2000 yuan given by her brother every month, I know.

Shanghai is a first-tier city, with a high level of consumption. Two thousand a month is considered ordinary, barely enough to eat, and many students in the class have more than two thousand pocket money.

"Fang Hui, what does your brother do?"

When Lin Qiuyue saw Fang Hui counting the tens of dollars for the second time, she finally couldn't help asking.

"He...he should be regarded as an actor, he also sings occasionally."

"Actor, oh! I understand." Lin Qiuyue suddenly realized, "He is Fang Jing's stand-in, right? No wonder there is a bit of resemblance."

The corner of Fang Hui's mouth twitched, she shook her head and said nothing, she can't say that Fang Jing is actually her brother, can she?Lin Qiuyue has to believe it or not.


"Slap! Wake up!" In the morning, Fang Jing slapped Yang Ning's buttocks, and the sun was so high that he couldn't afford to pay.

Blushing, Yang Ning buried her head in the quilt, and said vaguely: "I don't remember, I need to sleep for a while, do you have breakfast?"

"It's done!"

"Then I'll come over later."

"Remember to get up and eat, I'm going out, see you in a few days!"

"Well, let's go!"

Dragging the packed suitcase, Fang Jing went out, Yang Ning had been back for a week, and they stayed at home every day without being disturbed, living a pastoral life of sunrise and sunset.

Now Fang Jing finally understands why rich people like rural life. The ancients did not bully him. This kind of life is really good.

After dragging the suitcase out, Wu Jiajia had been waiting downstairs for half an hour. She was watching everything, pretending to know everything.

Half an hour ago, there was a flutter upstairs, and she blushed when she sat down.

After boarding the plane, Fang Jing arrived in Suzhou Province a few hours later.

He didn't go straight to the filming crew in the name of the people, but ran to several banks first, and six armored vehicles left with him half a day later.

"Mr. Li, when will Mr. Fang arrive?"

"It's coming soon, I arrived in Suzhou Province when I called earlier."

The sun was shining, director Li Lu covered his forehead with his hands, looked at Li Zheng, and finally said nothing.

Today there is a big play that requires Fang Jing's cooperation, but it's already afternoon and no one has come yet, and everyone at the end of the play is waiting.

The production crew burnt money like running water, seventy to eighty thousand was spent in half a day, and they continued to waste more.

"Here we come!" A car horn sounded, and Li Zheng looked at the dark and green armored vehicle with joy on his face.

Everyone knew what scene was going to be filmed today, and a group of people from the production team surrounded them, but before they got close, a dozen or so security guards jumped out of the car in front, with cold eyes and a blessing in their hands, making them stop in fright .

"Do your own thing, don't watch around! Drama management! Take the group members to arrange their positions!"

The director spoke, and within 2 minutes the 30 No. [-] people around scattered like birds, leaving only a few leading actors and the director and producer.

Fang Jing said to the director: "Arrange fifteen young and strong people to come over!"

"I'm coming! I have the strength, what do I need to do?" Yu Xiaowei volunteered, with an excited expression on his face.

"It's okay, just help move the boxes on the car."


As soon as the shirt sleeves were donated, Yu Xiaowei was about to step forward to open the car door, but was stopped by Laifu's security guards, and he shrank his head in fright, fearing that these buddies would slip his hands and spray him.

The security guard turned his head blankly, and said a few words on the walkie-talkie before opening the door. There were still two people sitting inside, the bullets were loaded, and the cold muzzle of the gun was facing outward.

Yu Xiaowei was afraid for a while, if he was the one who opened the door just now, would the people inside really slap him?

"Let's move it and put it in the specified place. The filming of this scene must be finished before today." Fang Jing looked at the director and said, "It was you who said that the scene should be realistic, and I have done it for you. The total is [-] million cash, one point less I'm troubling you."

"Don't worry, one less card is mine!"

This scene is actually the second episode in the name of the people. Zhao Dehan was arrested at home, and one wall and the refrigerator under the bed were full of money.

This scene has been filmed before, but the director was not satisfied. He always felt that the scene of counting money was too fake, as long as the fake money was shown to the camera, it would be known to be fake.

But it’s impossible not to give the camera, because the scene of huge money in this scene must be, not only, but also more, so that the impact on people is enough.

So he went to Li Zheng and tried to get Fang Jing to transfer some real money. When he received a call from them, Jing started to make arrangements a week ago, and he didn't withdraw the money until today.

Most of the money is from the budget of the crew, and a small part is his own, and he has to return it after the filming.

"Old Zhang, Lao Wan, Lao Luo, come here to help, and call Xiao Liu to join us, as well as the camera crew and the prop crew. The stage management manages the actors well and keeps them where they are, and I hold them back when they go to the toilet. If there is a person walking around, I will tell the person in charge to get out!"

One hundred million in cash, Li Lu dare not be careless, the people who brought the money were his cronies or Fang Jing's people, even if some of these people were old men in their forties or fifties.

There are a lot of young and strong people in the crew, and there are a lot of extras, but he dare not use them. If anyone takes the opportunity to run away with two boxes of money, Fang Jing can skin him.

"Damn, it's so heavy!!"

Yu Xiaowei was holding a big red box in one hand, his face flushed, and the other hand came over in an instant to relieve the burden.

"A box weighs about a hundred catties, do you think it's heavy?" Fang Jing laughed.

A box of money is 360 million in cash, weighing more than 70 catties, and the intentionally thickened box is nearly [-] catties. People with poor physical strength can't run far even if they take it.

At first, Li Lu wanted to carry the 27 boxes with his hands, but he was so tired that he found a cart.

seven o'clock in the evening...

"Everyone is not allowed to leave, even the group performers. After a while, I told Fang Jing to treat guests to dinner and asked them to wait. Except for the necessary actors and camera lights, everyone else in the room came out."

"There are guards at the door, and everyone who enters or exits must be searched, and if there is money hidden in the body, it will be taken immediately."

In order to be safe, Li Lu arranged everything one by one, and set up two cameras in the high part of the room in case of mistakes, so as to monitor at any time.

The scenery in the room has been done. The three-meter-five-meter-high and four-meter-wide wall of money makes the heart beat faster. The safe, under the bed, and wardrobe are full of money. A bundle of [-] yuan is dazzling.

As soon as you enter the house, you feel like you are in a money paradise, and your whole body is immersed in the sea of ​​money.

5 minutes later……

"I really don't dare to spend a penny!"

His family was fired, Zhao Dehan's legs were so weak that he almost fell to the ground, holding on to the refrigerator door tremblingly with both hands, tears and snot running down his nose.

The money in the refrigerator was dropped on the ground and no one picked it up. Hou Liangping gritted his teeth and said sadly: "You said you were greedy for so much money, and you sent more than 400 to your hometown every month, and you ate noodles and green onions. What are you trying to do?"

"I'm so poor!"

(End of this chapter)

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