Chapter 365

Leading the four of them to an office, An Quan gave them a contract, which was a remuneration contract, which also included some matters, such as obeying the arrangement of the TV station, not being good at leaving the venue, and so on.

Fang Jing didn't have any objections. Yang Ning showed him the electronic version of the contract before coming here.

5000 million, this is his salary for one season of China's Strongest Voice.

After putting down the contract, An Quan said a few words and left, leaving space for them.

"Damn, as expected of my brother Fang, so tall!"

Walking behind Fang Jing and seeing the remuneration on the last column, Shen Hao cried out in surprise.

Lu Feifei and Yang Mi poked their heads at Fang Jing's contract, and then looked at theirs, feeling mixed feelings.

my eyes!

The two stretched their heads over, and Fang Jing saw all the spring light in his clothes. He saw a C and a D by visual inspection.

Fang Jingshen let out a sigh of relief, quickly signed and closed the contract, then turned to Shen Hao and said, "How much do you have?"

Hehe smiled, and Shen Hao said: "It's much worse than you, 600 million."

"My two thousand!" Lu Feifei pursed her lips, feeling very uncomfortable.

I don't know which bastard exposed the yin and yang contract. The radio and television has made a heavy blow to clean up the entertainment industry. After the salary limit order, everyone's salary has generally dropped, and life is not easy.

During this period of time, Hengdian has closed hundreds of film and television companies, and many actors in the second and third tiers have been unable to find work.

In the past, her appearance price was at least double what it is now.

Don't let her know who exposed it, or all legs will be discounted.

"Don't look at me, I'm not as tall as you." Seeing the three of them staring at her, Yang Mi shook her head, "Don't talk about that, Fang Jing must treat you later."

3000 million, this is Yang Mi's salary, but she didn't have the nerve to say it. Compared with Fang Jing, it's not 01:30.

Although both of them are first-line stars, Fang Jing is much better than her in the field of music. Many people say that if Fang Jing doesn't like hype, they are both heavenly kings now.

This ruthless old man's song has been on countless charts, and his songs are all over the streets and alleys, and they are very popular.

And her role this time is playing soy sauce. Anyway, she doesn't know music, so she just plays along. The protagonist is Fang Jing.

"No problem, you decide the location. It's my first time here, and I don't know where to eat it."

Huaxia's Strongest Voice has a total of ten episodes. They spent several months together, and Fang Jing did not refuse the request for a treat.

Eating together cultivates relationships, and it’s easy to work when recording shows later, it’s all for money, there’s no need to pretend to be high-minded and make it unreasonable.

Ten minutes later, An Quan came in to collect the contract, asked Fang Jing and the others, and no one had any opinion.

"An Tai, don't you have an audition for this show?" Fang Jing asked.

"No, the contestants are not amateurs, they are all launched by major companies, some are Internet celebrities, and some are Internet singers."

"There are also professional singers, but they are not popular, and this time they will make their debut on the show."

"Then why don't we go through the back door?" Fang Jing asked bluntly, embarrassing everyone present.

I haven't seen any audition shows that are not black, including The Voice of Huaxia, and the mentors also charge money to do things. The director tells her to choose whoever she chooses.

"Cough cough!" I didn't expect Fang Jing to be so "speaking and straightforward", An Quan coughed lightly, and said righteously: "Our program is completely fair and open, and we don't engage in that kind of stuff."

"Really?" Shen Hao opened his mouth wide open, as if he had discovered something unbelievable. He had been a tutor for not a day or two, and he knew how deep the water was.

Especially on a stage like China's Strongest Voice, the participating contestants are all from major brokerage companies and record companies, and they are all rushing to make their debut.

Spending money to open the way is simply commonplace!

Fight for strength?Who the hell is competing with you for strength, and besides, isn't the strength of the company behind it a kind of strength?

"Ahem, of course, we should pay more attention to the first few games. They are all young people. Sometimes we should give them a chance or give them a chance."

Looking at the four mentors, An Quan smiled and said, "However, I can guarantee that it will be absolutely fair after entering the top ten. I will not interfere with your wishes."

"Old Quan is a kind man!"

At this moment, this thought emerged in the minds of the four of them.

The general talent show has a one-stop service arrangement. When there is a conflict, when to create something interesting, when to sell the character design, the program team will take care of it for you after collecting money.

An Quan only intervened in the games before the top ten, which was conscientious.

"I haven't eaten yet. How about I ask the director to arrange a dinner for you tonight?"

"An Tai, we know you are busy, so we won't bother you. We have decided to treat Fang Jing tonight." Shen Hao said first.

"That's fine, you guys have a good time, I just have a meeting to hold, if you need anything, just let me know, I'll definitely arrange it."


In the evening, a box in a restaurant in Jingzhou.

"Brother Fang Jing, I offer you a toast, please take care of me in the future."

Picking up the wine glass, Lu Feifei raised her head and drank a glass of white wine. After drinking, her face was not red and her heart was beating. It could be seen that she must have been drinking a lot.

Everyone else drank it, and Fang Jing didn't like it, so he picked up the glass and drank it down, and said with a smile: "Everyone take care of each other."

"Fang Jing, you have to take care of me!" Yang Mi said playfully.

Shen Hao raised his hand, "And me, Brother Fang, we have always been on the same front, your business is my business."

Seeing Shen Hao's appearance of licking a dog, Lu Feifei looked down on her in her heart, did she do it just to curry favor with Fang Jing?Lick the dog lick the dog until nothing is left.

"Brother Fang, I also offer you a toast, thank you for helping me write a song last time." Poured a full glass, Shen Hao went straight to it without saying a word, smashed his mouth, wiped the corner of his mouth and said: "Don't say anything Thank you, just say hello if you have anything to do in the future."

Nima, what are the benefits of being a licking dog?Lu Feifei stared dumbfounded, she knew she would go to lick it too, and at least she could mix the song.

"Haha, brother Fang Jing, this time we are all relying on you."

Lu Feifei also wanted to lick a few words, but she swallowed the words. There are others here, and some words will inevitably make people feel bad.

If it's just Fang Jing and her, you can say whatever you want. If you use a little plan, this young chicken is no match for her. After a night of ups and downs, you can at least get three or four songs.

Anyway, it wasn't once or twice that he was arched, and he was not bad.

When Lu Feifei first debuted, she was once unspoken by the director. At that time, she also debuted in a talent show, and she entered the top ten after one night.

I thought this kind of thing would disappear after she became popular, but she was still a tepid and transparent person until a year after her debut. One day, a leader of the company picked her to accompany her for a drink, and promised many benefits.

After struggling in her heart, she went.

There are only zero or countless times of this kind of thing. Later, I slept with the director in order to play a good role, slept with the big leader for more resources, and slept with the company's seniors in order to get care...

Some relatives in the family wanted to be a star after seeing her beauty, but she persuaded her to go back.

"It's best for girls not to be in the entertainment industry." These were her original words, but unfortunately few understood and listened to them.

Seeing Feifei slightly absent-minded, Fang Jing smiled and said, "It should be, we will spend so long together in the future."

"Thank you!"

(End of this chapter)

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