Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 370 White Moonlight

Chapter 370 White Moonlight

None of the contestants who came here to participate in the competition would be stupid enough to say that he is a trainee of a certain company when introducing himself.

Self-introduction is also a profound knowledge. How to make use of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses so that others can get a good impression while remembering you is very difficult.

Bian Xiurongji's advantage is that she is young and came from a major. In the introduction of more than ten characters, she showed both of these advantages. It can be seen that the audience should have been carefully designed.

Young age is an advantage, a good background is an advantage, and being beautiful is also an advantage. It is a matter of future, and it is time to be humble.

Of course, what if people are not good-looking and have low education?Then take a slant and introduce your other advantages, such as participating in a school or winning an award in a certain singing competition in the city.

If you haven't won an award, then you can brag about other aspects, just make up whatever you want, saying that you are a wandering singer, living in the world, wandering around the subway or selling songs on the street all year round.

Anyway, self-introduction should not be too ordinary.

"Why did you sing this song?" Yang Mi continued to ask.

Taking a shy look at Fang Jing, Bian Xiurong said: "I am a fan of Fang Jing, he has always been my idol, so this song was chosen at the beginning."

This is a bit against her will. It is true that she likes Fang Jing, but it was not this song that she chose before.

Generally speaking, their songs have already been decided half a month before the competition, that is, they only changed after they got the gossip a few days ago and knew that Fang Jing was one of the mentors.

Fortunately, Bian Xiurong has been an anchor, and he can talk and laugh with tens of thousands of wolf friends, let alone make up a few temporary sentences now.

"The little girl sang very well. She feels better than me. She deserves to be from a major. Fang Jing, what do you think?"

Yang Mi kicked the ball to Fang Jing, Fang Jing gave him a blank look, isn't this nonsense?The videos of Yang Mi singing during the art test are still available online, which is horrible.

"Ahem! It's okay, it's quite satisfactory!"

Bian Xiurong has been imitating Fang Jing all the time, which greatly limits her advantages, and it is difficult to escape Fang Jing's rules and regulations.

If you want to wear away the shadow of the original singer and sing your own style, this cannot be done in a day or two.

In his previous life, Fang Jing started to be an anchor. In the early stage, he had been imitating star singers, singing every day, and live broadcasting 360 days a year. Later, when he got rich, he found a music teacher to teach him, and gradually he developed his own style.

"I have a different opinion from Fang Jing." Shen Hao shook his head, pretending to be a professional, and said in a professional tone: "I think she sings pretty well, there is no mistake in the whole process, her appearance is also good, she is very suitable for debut."

"Thank you, teacher!"

Bian Xiurong was originally chilled by Fang Jing's pouring of cold water, but after hearing Shen Hao's words, his confidence was rekindled.

The company didn't say that she was covered, but just asked her to do her best!

"Fang Jing is too demanding, understandable, but I am very optimistic about you." Lu Feifei smiled at Bian Xiurong: "Are you interested in joining my team?"

"Feifei, is this too much? I was the first to speak. If you want to come, you will come to my team."

"That's right, it's yours if you speak first? Sister Mi didn't say anything."

"It's different, my hints are very obvious."

"Where is the hint, why didn't I hear it?"

"Stop arguing, both of you, it depends on how the other girl chooses." In line with the performance of the two, Yang Mi made peace with each other.

Unwilling to look at Fang Jing, Bian Xiurong nodded to Lu Feifei, "I want to join Sister Feifei's first team."

Although the competition system is said to be the selection of candidates by mentors, when there are multiple mentors who are interested in a player at the same time, it still depends on the player's wishes.

Shen Hao and Fang Jing debuted at the same time, and they have made a lot of movies over the years. They are not as good as Lu Feifei in terms of celebrity and music achievements. It is reasonable for Bian Xiurong to choose Lu Feifei between the two.

Who wouldn't want to pick a strong mentor!
Thank you, bowed, Bian Xiurong stepped down, and the host continued: "The second contestant will be invited to play next!"


At four o'clock in the afternoon, the number of people in the waiting hall is getting smaller and smaller. There were 20 people on the first day, and now there are only four or five people left.

Fang Jing's first team didn't have any, Yang Mi, Shen Hao, and Lu Feifei had two each.

"Fang Jing, why don't you do it this way? How about choosing a few for this issue? If you really can't do it, you can just choose one!"

The director's voice came from the headset, Fang Jing nodded slightly, the original handsome hair has been deformed by him, and the strands are long and thick.


It's not that he didn't want to choose, none of the first dozen or so had his eyes on him, and with Bian Xiurong included, there were six people who sang his songs, and the key point was that they didn't sing very well. It seemed that they started practicing only two days ago.

"Let's move on to the next player."

After the host finished speaking, 17-year-old Yang Chaoyue came to the stage, wearing a ball head, short jeans with white shoes, and a yellow striped blouse that reached her thighs. She was very youthful and lively.

Very nervous, taking a few deep breaths, Yang Chaoyue nodded to the sound engineer.

"When I was a kid"

"There are many jasmine flowers in front of the door"

“Slightly scented”

"When I grow up"

"Those Jasmine Flowers in Front of the Door"

"has slowly withered"

"No More Sprouts"

Yang Chaoyue sang the 17-year-old rainy season, the famous song sung by the Voice of Huaxia Dream when Fang Jing came out of Rongcheng.

As soon as she opened her mouth, not only Yang Mi and the others, but also the players who were about to play behind her shook their heads silently.

Fang Jing didn't seem to like the fact that the contestants deliberately sang his songs to attract his attention. The people in front were a lesson from the past.

This girl is determined!

With his chin stuck, Fang Jing listened carefully. He met Yang Chaoyue two years ago, before he was popular at that time, he went to a food factory runway with Liu Wei to meet her.

I remember that Yang Chaoyue performed on stage at that time, and even won a mobile phone in the lottery.

Later, they had a bad fight with that company, and they took the bus back to the hotel.

"The rainy season at the age of 17"

"We have common expectations"

"We used to hug each other tightly"

"The rainy season at the age of 17"

"Reminiscing about childhood memories"

"But I found that growth is slowly approaching."


"This should be the youngest contestant on our show, right? Little sister, what's your name and how old are you?"

"Mr. Yang, my name is Yang Chaoyue. I'm seventeen this year, almost eighteen."

Yang Mi was surprised, "You should still be in high school, right? You made your debut at such a young age?"

"I haven't studied for several years!" Yang Chaoyue said with a blushing face.

Education is her weakness!
Hearing this, Yang Mi and Lu Feifei already ruled her out in their hearts. She hasn't studied for several years since she was 17, which means she didn't go to high school.

There are many cases like this. When recruiting, many brokerage companies go to high school to recruit people, draw a big star dream, sign a sky-high liquidated damages contract, and come to participate in this kind of competition after a few days of training.

If you enter the top ten, you earn, and if you don't enter the top ten, you don't lose!
"I can tell that you sang this song very emotionally, but you are not the team member I want to find. You are still young, so come again next time?"

I am afraid of everything, but once these two words are used, it is basically reversed, and Shen Hao directly rejected her.

Yang Mi and Lu Feifei didn't speak again, they obviously didn't want it, Fang Jing was the only one left.

Seeing that no one was asking questions, Yang Chaoyue stood uneasy, looked at the host, and signaled with her eyes whether it was time to go down.

The host shook his head. The rules of the show are that the four instructors refuse the contestants to go down. Now there is still one scene left.

(End of this chapter)

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