Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 381 Legend Endorsement

Chapter 381 Legend Endorsement

"Who called you?"

After washing the vegetables, Yang Ning started to question Fang Jing as soon as he arrived in the living room.

Fang Hui on the side watched his heart, pretended to hold a book and didn't say a word, but his ears were perked up, ready to listen to gossip.

As soon as she came here today, she felt that the atmosphere was not right. The relationship between the elder brother and the elder sister-in-law seemed a little delicate, and there was a faint smell of gunpowder.

"Shen Hao, it's about the company!"

Drying his hands, Fang Jing looked as steady as an old dog, but actually panicked inside.

Yang Ning has a good nose, and she has been asking him a lot about Lu Feifei's new song these two days.

Yesterday, while he was asleep, in the middle of the night, he whispered into his ear, asking Lu Feifei and her who had the better figure.

Fortunately, Fang Jing was sleepy and woke up in an instant. His hairs stood on end, and he was covered in cold sweat. He pretended to be in a daze before getting through.

Now it made him afraid to fall asleep at night. If he wanted to be known by others, he had to do nothing about it. Sure enough, he had to pay it back when he came out to hang out.

Patting the sofa next to him, Yang Ning signaled Fang Jing to sit over, "What's the matter with the company? Why don't I know? Tell me in detail and see if I can help."

"Cough cough!"

Leaning on the sofa with half of his buttocks, Fang Jing said cautiously: "Shen Hao doesn't want to stay in Huanrui World anymore, he wants to join me."

"That's it?" Yang Ning was puzzled. "Is there anything else you're hiding from me?"

"And Yang Zi will also come, you know him!"

Yang Ning had been working in Huanrui before Fang Jing arrived in Huanrui World. Although Yang Zi was not very well-known at that time, many people in the company knew about her because she played a role in a family with children when she was young.

Before signing Fang Jing, Yang Ning was optimistic about signing Yang Zi, but unfortunately he didn't get it, so it was cheaper for Fang Jing.

"anything else?"

"Fatty Xiong will come with him. I will ask him to persuade Wang Jinsong to see if he can sign in Nanjing."

"Are you okay?" Yang Ningyu pointed at Fang Jing's big head, biting her lips and exasperated, "Is this going to kill Huanrui all at once? Li Yifeng, don't you let someone talk to you too? His company hasn't closed down yet, Are you not afraid of offending the dead by doing this?"

"That's not the case. He has a high penalty for breach of contract, so he can't get it."


Hearing Fang Jing's tone, if Li Yifeng's penalty for breach of contract was low, he would have done it.

"Why don't you discuss such a big matter with me?"

"Aren't we discussing now?"

"Are you negotiating?"

"Isn't it?"

Seeing that the battle was about to break out, Fang Hui shrank his head weakly, hugged his homework and said, "You talk about that, I'll go first."

Before Fang Jing could speak, he ran away in no time!
Don't run now, wait until later.

Fang Hui came back 2 minutes later, and when she got to the door, she saw two people rolling on the sofa, the man got off and the woman got on, and Fang Jing was grabbed by the ear and begged for mercy.

"That, brother, mine, living expenses."

Although I feel that asking for money at this time is not a very wise decision, but when I think that the new mobile phone is still more than 300 yuan short, I have to bite the bullet.

Fang Jing was depressed, asking for living expenses, didn't you see that I was being beaten, and didn't know to come over and help.

"Quickly help pull your sister Ning away, I will give it."

"Don't listen to your brother, go back quickly, my sister will send it to you in a while!" Yang Ning turned her head and smiled brightly.

In front of Fang Hui, she is not very good at repairing Fang Jing.

"Stop and add six hundred!"

As soon as she turned around, Fang Hui heard a heart-wrenching number, half of the mobile phone money.

"Fang Hui, I'll give you five thousand a month from now on, don't listen to your brother."

"Thank you, Sister Ning!" Fang Hui was overjoyed, what a windfall, she turned around and left gracefully.

"Why did the kid give her so much money?" Fang Jing resisted under him, but his hands were restrained and he couldn't struggle, his face turned red, this girl was surprisingly strong.

Normally he was the one who pressed Yang Ning to take the initiative, but now I think it's all fake, liar!

"You can give millions to outsiders, so what if I give her a few thousand?"

Fang Jing felt wronged, "When did I give millions?"

Yang Ning sneered, "It's not a few million, maybe a few hundred million, or where did Lu Feifei come from for the new song."

"She has another new song every time you two record a show. Don't say it's a coincidence. Think I'm stupid? Hurry up and be honest!"


With a pain in his waist, Fang Jing screamed.

You don't need to look at him to know that this is Zhongyang Ning's Jiuyin White Bone Claw, and there is also a 360-degree local muscle rotation, which is not weak and [-]% green.

"Is she as beautiful as me?"


"You hesitated."

"Ah!!!" There was another scream.

"Is she as good as I am?"


Fang Jing is telling the truth, Yang Ning is protruding forward and backward, Lu Feifei's thin bamboo pole is really not as good as it is, and the comfort, operability, and power are not at the same level.

And Lu Feifei's expensive batch, why are they so expensive?Brand effect, hunger marketing, and local rich boss maliciously driving up the market price.

"Is there a need to stop doing it?"

"No! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

"Do all kinds of postures satisfy you?"

"Can... aww!"

"Did you take any money?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no."

"Then why go out and look for it?"

"I was wrong……"

"Where is it wrong?"

"I don't know, it's just a mistake anyway."


One answer and one question, half an hour later, Fang Jing completely collapsed, and two lines of tears slowly fell, only regretting the beginning.

Now he is scarred and bruised, his body is bruised and purple, and the scene is as if a whip has been whipped, or a candle has been dripped.

Without any evidence, Yang Ning gave him a severe punishment based on his sixth sense, and it was unreasonable for a woman to get angry.

"There are two cows on the east slope, and the bull said loveyou to the cow..."

The phone on the table rang like the sound of heaven, Fang Jing was so excited, he sobbed and said to Yang Ning, "I have a call, can I answer it first?"

Without speaking, Yang Ning picked up the phone and turned on the speakerphone to face Fang Jing.


"I, Chang He, Fang Jing, why is your voice so hoarse?"

"It's okay. I've been practicing singing recently. You've been in good health recently. Have you eaten?"

Now Fang Jing only hopes that Chang He can chat with him more, maybe Yang Ning can't wait and leaves first.

"I know you are busy, so I won't disturb your time. Let me make a long story short. Someone wants to buy the copyright of your Legend of the Condor Heroes, as well as your current Condor Heroes."

"No... how much is the bid?"

He wanted to say directly that he would not sell it, but considering that Yang Ning next to him was staring at him, Fang Jing decided to delay a little longer.

"Movies, games, animation copyrights, two packages, a total of 600 million!"

"Can you sell more? 600 million is not much to me? You know that."

"I know you are not short of money, so I just follow the procedure to call you, that's all, I won't bother you anymore, and I'll tell you that you don't sell."

600 million is not low, it is indeed the market price, and the other party has not squeezed anything.

But because he knew it was the market price, Changhe knew that Fang Jing couldn't agree.

A first-line celebrity who can sell millions of songs by writing a song can't think of such a small amount of money, and Fang Jing has his own company.

Probably because he wants to make a TV series by himself in the future, just like Swordsman.

"Hey! Hey! Don't hang up, brother, save me!"

Looking at the phone with a completely black screen, Fang Jing's heart was ashamed, and there was no echo when he shouted out his throat. When he met Yang Ning's devilish eyes, his heart trembled.

(End of this chapter)

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