Chapter 396 Fu Yanjie

It was more than an hour after Fang Jing came out of the hotel.

The entry procedures for Shen Hao, Yang Zi, and Xiong Li have been negotiated, and they will be able to go to work next month. The first brother of Tazhai, Wang Jinsong, is temporarily unable to come because of filming.

After returning to the residence and taking a shower, she just turned on the computer and went to bed to watch a movie. The phone rang, and Yang Chaoyue called, saying that her manager was looking for her.

Sighing, Fang Jing put on his shoes and went to their living quarters.

At the gate of the community, Yang Chaoyue paced back and forth with a lot of worries until she saw Fang Jing's figure.

"Where's your agent?"


Fang Jing: ...

Then why did you call me here?What happened at night can't be discussed tomorrow?

"Forget it, what did he say? Have you upgraded your contract?"

"No!" Yang Chaoyue shook her head, worried: "He asked me to change the contract liquidated damages to 1000 million, but I didn't agree, and then said that if I didn't agree, I wouldn't be allowed to be on the show, and I would have to pay a lot of money."

Fang Jing nodded, as expected, he started his career by jumping jobs, and he didn't know the methods of the brokerage company.

"It's so late, go back and rest, and prepare for the next game with peace of mind. Your agent should still look for you. When the time comes, let him look for me, and I'll talk to him."


After explaining the matter, Fang Jing turned and left. Not far away, Wu Jiajia was staring at him. The two came together.

How could Wu Jiajia feel relieved to let him come out alone to meet other girls at night, especially a half-actress who is not bad.

Back upstairs, Yang Chaoyue opened the door, and Wang Xiaomin asked, "How is it?"

"Fang Jing said he would solve it."

Encountering this kind of thing, Yang Chaoyue was not very interested, and sat on the edge of the bed listlessly.

Everyone in the dormitory knew about her agent looking for her. They went to a dinner party after the game a few hours ago, and the agent personally found them a table.

"Don't be burdened, artists and agencies are mutually beneficial." Wang Xiaomin sat next to Yang Chaoyue to comfort her: "If you have no commercial value for a day, they will also ruthlessly throw you away."

"Don't look at the usual company training, saying that the company is a big family, helping and supporting each other. It's all nonsense. My sister is someone who has experienced it. Let me tell you a word, don't talk about money. emotion."

In the entertainment industry, it is too extravagant to talk about feelings with the boss. The relationship between an artist and a brokerage company is more complicated than that of an ordinary employee and a manager.

"Just pretend you're still working in the factory. Now you find a better factory. If you don't do it, you'll have to change jobs. If the manager wants to pay liquidated damages, then just pay. Fang Jing is not short of the money anyway."

"Compensating him with 100 million is considered the utmost kindness, and their help to you is only the registration of the strongest voice in Huaxia."

"Well, I understand what you said, but I'm a little worried." Yang Chaoyue frowned slightly, her eyes wandering.

The manager said that if she didn't upgrade her contract, there would be many ways for her to fail in the entertainment industry, her tone didn't sound like a joke.

"You won't... have something to do with the company, right?" Wang Xiaomin raised her eyebrows.

When some artists first joined the brokerage company, they did a lot of wrong things for resources. They were secretly filmed and some photos were in their hands.

Conscientious ones offer sky-high prices for you to buy back, and unconscionable ones use this as a threat, and the artist will sink for the rest of his life.

It took Yang Chaoyue a few seconds to react. Seeing Yu Wenwen and Feng Timo staring at her, she hurriedly shook her head, "No, no!"

"I have just been in the company for a few months, they just let me come because they think my appearance is more suitable, and they just have the idea of ​​trying it out. This is my first activity."

"That's good!" Wang Xiaomin breathed a sigh of relief, "Since that's the case, there's nothing to worry about. The company you've worked for for a few months will leave as soon as you leave. With Fang Jing around, it's not a big deal."

"Can it really be solved completely?" Yang Chaoyue asked again.

She believes that Fang Jing can solve it, but she is afraid that the solution will not be perfect. In order to retaliate against her, the company will splash dirty water on her every day on the Internet.

"You underestimate him, and you underestimate you too!" Wang Xiaomin smiled and shook her head, got up and put her hands in the pockets of her pajamas, twisted her waist and left, leaving a mark of her buttocks on the bed sheet.

Back then, Fang Jing was much more popular than Yang Chaoyue, but with his own strength, he ran out of Huanrui single-handedly, and kidnapped a manager by the way. "

Yang Chaoyue is only here now, the semi-finals of Huaxia's strongest voice, the artist is not counted, and her agency is not a big company, and she just wants to make money if she insists on it. "

As long as the money is in place, you can say anything, and follow-up revenge is even more impossible. What you want to do business is money, and no one will offend others when there is no benefit. Only fools do this.

But can a fool be able to open a brokerage company in a place where the entertainment industry is full of fish and dragons?

The next day, Fang Jing waited all morning but did not find Yang Chaoyue's manager, so he finally asked for the phone number and called directly.

He still has to go back to Shanghai to discuss matters in the afternoon, so he can't wait so long.

The call was connected, the appointment was made, and then hung up. The process did not take more than 2 minutes. Half an hour later, Fang Jing and a middle-aged man with a crew cut sat facing each other in a coffee shop.

"Hello, my name is Fu Yanjie, Yang Chaoyue's manager."

"Pfft...cough cough cough!"

Fang Jing choked on his throat with a mouthful of coffee, and Fang Jing almost choked up tears. The current parents are really sloppy. Whose baby is named this?

"Are you OK?"

"Sorry, I was so abrupt!" Fang Jing took a deep breath after wiping his mouth dry.

"Haha, I'm used to it." Fu Yanjie shook his head and said with a silly smile, "Many people react like you when they hear my name."

"Our family is named according to the character generation. Our generation is the Yan character generation, loyal and heroic. My father named our four brothers one by one. I am the fourth."

"My parents didn't know there was such a thing back then. When my name appeared on the TV commercials, I was more excited than you are now."

"Understood!" Fang Jing nodded awkwardly. The name is the greatest blessing that parents give to a child. He was indeed abrupt and should not be laughed at.

"Hahaha!!" Seeing that Fang Jing was serious, Fu Yanjie laughed loudly, "I made this up, you won't take it seriously, will you?"

"Because of this name, I have been laughed at for more than ten years. I simply made up a lie, and it sounds better when it is spread."

"How's the effect?" Squinting his eyes, Fang Jing couldn't see any joy or anger on his face.

"The effect is not good, no one will believe it." After taking a sip of coffee, Fu Yanjie shook his head, "Smile as you should, and you will get used to it."

Taking out a cowhide file bag, Fu Yanjie put it in front of Fang Jing, "This is Yang Chaoyue's contract, more than 700 kilometers, I brought it back to Shonan overnight."

Fang Jing was amazed, one way and one way, one thousand four hundred miles, no wonder Fu Yanjie's black circle is so big.

Opening the contract, Fang Jing read it carefully. There were six pages in total, with many rules and regulations. The artist had to fulfill a lot of obligations, but the company had very little to do.

The column of liquidated damages is 100 million.

It's hard to imagine that this is a trainee contract. It is not too much to say that it is an overlord clause, but there are a lot of people who are willing to sign it. Every year, many graduates of major art academies and film academies will sign this kind of contract.

For, is a star dream!

Whether it's worth it or not, I'm afraid only the person involved will know.

(End of this chapter)

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