Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 455 Whoever donates the most takes the lead, nothing wrong

Chapter 455 Whoever donates the most takes the lead, nothing wrong
With a light cough, Shen Hao said, "Let me express my opinion. There was no money in the lawsuit a few months ago, but charity must be paid attention to. This is not a matter of more money and less money."

"Just like what Lao Guo said, donating more and donating less is a matter of heart, how about it, I will donate a car team."

Shen Hao made a move, and Wang Xiaomin couldn't sit still. After thinking about it, he wrote his name on the sign and donated nine cars, 63, which is not a small amount.

The minimum donation was 70, and the addition of [-] was to save face for Shen Hao, and also to take care of Yang Chaoyue and Yang Zi.

Shen Hao's 70, her 63, Yang Chaoyue and Yang Zi behind can only pay below this price.

Not everyone is as rich as Fang Jing, especially Yang Zi, who doesn't have a lot of savings, and has almost lost the termination fee before.

Seeing so many celebrities running away suddenly, Yang Chaoyue was angry: "These are really shameless to a certain extent. I don't want to donate a penny to the charity gala. Before, everyone took a group photo on stage faster than anyone else."

"Like Brother Shen, I donate a car team."

Yang Chaoyue donated 70 yuan in a fit of anger, and he wanted to fill in his name and the number of donated vehicles on the sign.

"How much you donate depends on your own will, you don't need to get angry." Fang Jing shook his head and said, "Charity is just a heart."

Celebrities’ money doesn’t come from strong winds, and artists are not all high-income earners. There are 80 people in this industry, but only those at the top of the pyramid can earn tens of millions of dollars.

Most of the actors play small roles or extras, and their wages are actually similar to that of ordinary office workers.

Yang Chaoyue debuted for half a year, and although he made a lot of money, Fang Jing probably didn't make a lot of money. According to his thinking, no one said anything about their newcomers donating 30 to [-] yuan.

"I don't have much money recently, so donate four ambulances." Yang Zi finally said softly, "I will make up for it when I have money."

She is the poorest at this table, and now the bank deposit is only 400 million, which sounds like a lot, but the daily expenses are also very high, not to mention anything else, if any artist gets married, she can drink a pot with just the money.

She also plans to use the money for a year.

On the stage, Su Mang's throat almost broke, "Is there any more donations? Let's take action and help together."

Now her heart is cold and cold, there are more than 600 stars, although the second and third tiers account for the majority, but hundreds of thousands are just a little bit of money for these artists, a monthly pocket money.

For this, there are only more than 30 celebrities donating, which is a shockingly low proportion.

Under the stage, needles could be heard, and everyone buried their heads in Gu Zuoyan's words, as if they didn't hear Su Mang's words.

Although some people left at the scene, there are still many people who are as shameless as a city wall. If you don’t donate, I will eat until the end. What can you do to me?
Shen Hao's face is usually thick, but at this moment, he can't stand it anymore. Are these people really shameless?Is this a charity party?
If you don't want to donate money, you can go to the "toilet" like the people who just left. No one will say anything, but you can stay and don't take it out. You can really do it.

Based on his experience, it is estimated that this group of people will go on stage and compete for a group photo at the end of the meeting.

Shouting and shouting, Su Mang looked through the crowd and fell on Fang Jing. This is a local tycoon, a real spender, but he doesn't know how much to donate, so he won't eat for nothing, right?

Being stared at by Su Mang, Fang Jing felt a little uncomfortable, picked up the marker pen on the table and wrote his name and the number of donated vehicles.

"Boss, how much do you donate?" Yang Chaoyue stuck her head in front of Fang Jing, her eyes widened after seeing the amount, "So much!"

"Let's go, go to the stage, don't make people wait, let's try the C position this time."

Putting everyone's signs in their hands, Fang Jing's table lined up and walked up to the stage. Su Mang had a long-lost smile on his face, and many people turned their attention.

After taking Fang Jing's table of cards, Guo Degang smiled and said: "Hey, these are all artists from your company, they are all here, and doing charity is all about forming a group."

"Yang Zi's three teams!"

"Wang Xiaomin's five teams!"

"Yang Chaoyue has three teams!"

"Shen Hao has three convoys!"

"Fang Jing's ten convoys!"

680 million, this is the number of Fang Jing's table, accounting for half of the current donations, Fang Jing's 700 million is the highest.

"Come, come, stand here and line up." Hearing the 24 motorcades, Su Mang pulled Fang Jing and the others into the middle, and pushed away the artist who donated a car and grabbed the C seat.

Lao Guo was shocked after reading it. He read it carefully several times to make sure that he read it correctly. It is more than 1000 million. It has been charity Bazaar for 15 years. No one has donated so much, right?

Su Mang was happy, but Yang Chaoyue, Yang Zi and Wang Xiaomin were very nervous, and they obviously did not fill in this number.

Yang Chaoyue counted with her fingers, Shen Hao has a convoy, she has a convoy, Yang Zi has four, and Wang Xiaomin has nine, adding up to 33 vehicles, 230 million.

Fang Jing's ten fleets cost 700 million, and the total is less than 1000 million. Who can tell her how the extra 680 million came from?

"Ahem!" Wang Xiaomin coughed lightly, turned around, and wanted to get the sign back from the staff to reconfirm, five convoys, 350 million, would kill her.

All together, Shen Hao and Yang Zi stared in Wang Xiaomin's direction, not only Yang Chaoyue, but all three of them suspected that they had been tricked by Lao Guo.

"Where are you going? Come back and stand still!" Fang Jing grabbed Wang Xiaomin's wrist and pulled her back.

With her face flushed, Wang Xiaomin whispered, "But...I..."

"I know, I changed it for you, and I will pay for it."

He was holding the signboards of several people in his hand, and on the way to the stage, he suddenly changed his mind with a pen, and this was the scene just now.

He doesn't like to see people who use the charity gala to make money. They eat very well, and they are righteous when they take the stage.

"Go a little to the left, and come closer, brother, don't get in the way, Yang Chaoyue, why are you and Yang Zi running behind, stand up for me."

Fang Jing gave up the C position to Wang Xiaomin, and Shen Hao, Yang Zi and Yang Chaoyue were also arranged by his side.

The stage was very big, compared to the crowd of [-] or [-] celebrities who came on stage together, it is not too spacious now. After Fang Jing arranged, there were only five of them left in the first row, and the others were arranged in the back according to how much they donated.

In front of the station with the most donations, old iron, there is nothing wrong with it!

Seeing Fang Jing doing this, Guo Degang couldn't help laughing. In the auditorium on both sides, someone shouted "Hello", and then there was a flood of shouts and applause.

At the previous opening, in order to grab the C position, the first-line actresses tried their best, and the clothes on the shoulders slipped off, and they used the coffee position to make people stand aside, and stood in the middle while chatting...

Well now, whoever donates the most will stand at the front, even if you are super first-line, if you donate 20 or [-], you have to obediently stand behind.

Wang Xiaomin was suddenly pushed to the C position by Fang Jing, feeling a little uneasy. There were several frontlines standing behind her, and none of them could be offended.

"Everyone stands up, ready to take pictures, three, two, one, that's it!"

A few meters below the stage, the diners in the hands of [-] or [-] media kept flickering, and the sound of clicking shutters was extremely pleasant.

After the photo was taken, Fang Jing and Wang Xiaomin did not return to their seats, but asked the staff to go through the follow-up procedures. The money must be credited to the account, otherwise it would be a fraudulent donation.

(End of this chapter)

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