Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 468 Premiere Ceremony, Screening Rate

Chapter 468 Premiere Ceremony, Screening Rate

Wu Jingpai and Guo Degang have known each other for a long time. When he was filming Wolf Warriors 1, no one supported him. At the premiere, there were only a few people. At that time, Lao Guo gave him the platform.

That's why he volunteered to play the nineteenth generation of ancestors and attend the premiere there.

"Go in quickly, I've been waiting for you." Fang Jing smiled, and invited Wu Jing into the theater, and arranged him in the first row.

With such a high box office of Wolf Warrior 2, the current Wu Jing is no longer the same Wu Jing as before. How many directors have not made as many movies as he did in their lifetime.

"How is Teacher Guo?" Fang Jing asked casually.

Wu Jing shook his head, "It's not very good, it's very stubborn, and people scold and report it before it's released."

Fang Jing nodded silently and stopped talking. Wu Jing's sentence actually had two meanings. The first half of the sentence said that Lao Guo would not bow his head to the theaters, and the second half of it said that Qiu Jiaduo.

When a movie is released, no matter how much the box office is, most of the proceeds will go into the pockets of the theaters. After deducting taxes, there will only be more than 30.00% left for investors, and even less if they want to have a high screening rate.

This is why it is said that only when the movie box office exceeds three times the investment can the investor return the capital.

But Lao Guo just didn't want to lose money, and insisted on maintaining the original box office split. As a result, many theaters didn't let him line up, so Lao Guo could only go to small county movie theaters and remote mountainous areas to promote.

This matter caused a lot of trouble in the circle, and it was calm outside, but inside it was almost real.

In addition to offending the theaters, there are also people on the Internet who have blackmailed the nineteenth generation of their ancestors. They have been blackmailed since they were still in the later stages of production. Lao Guo checked and found that many of them are familiar, and they are all enemies in the cross talk world.

Now I don't know how many people are secretly waiting to see Guo Degang's jokes.

"See you later, I'll go up first!"

Greeting Wu Jing, Fang Jing came to the stage and thanked Lin Chaoxian and others. They said a few words and talked about some of the stories behind the shooting. The movie started after more than ten minutes.

As a veteran film critic, Shi Hang will never miss the New Year's Eve every year. Even if Fang Jing doesn't invite him to the premiere today, he will watch Operation Red Sea in a while.

Mobile phones were not allowed to take pictures at the scene, and a group of film critics read and wrote down with small notebooks.

The story begins. In a certain sea area, Chinese citizens are hijacked by pirates. The navy dragon team is dispatched. Various firearms and high-tech equipment dazzle the audience.

Nodding silently, Shi Hang gave this opening an excellent rating. In addition to the excellent weapons of the Jiaolong team, which is in line with modern military development, what he values ​​more is the collective unity.

The Jiaolong team is a collective, if a certain team member is very handsome at the beginning, one hits ten, and all kinds of cool and difficult moves, that is the real disappointment.

Looking at the background of Wu Jing in the first row, Shi Hang raised the corner of his mouth. This is the way Wolf Warriors went, leaning towards the Western personal hero style. Those who didn't know thought Leng Feng was Iron Man.

The theater is very quiet, there is no riot and noise, and the film critics at most discuss the plot in a low voice.

The plot has been foreshadowed, the Jiaolong team rescued people abroad, this episode is a real overseas evacuation incident, Wu was startled, and looked at Fang Jing, this plot is a bit familiar.

Isn't his Wolf Warrior 2 like this?

"Pick up people's teeth!" A film critic wrote this sentence in his notebook.

The audience finds the same routine fresh after watching it once, but the effect may not be good the second time. Wu Jing and Wolf Warrior 2 set up special forces to rescue people in the city, and you Lin Chaoxian also went to the city to save people. It is also overseas wars and evacuation of overseas Chinese. Action, this can be said to be plagiarism.

Shi Hang also felt a little disappointed. He thought it was a different military film, but he didn't expect it to be a copy of Wolf Warrior 2.

"Gu Shun Li Dong, take the high ground and cover us!"

"The first team saves people, and the second team attracts firepower!"


The rocket launcher exploded, the bomb rang, a large amount of flesh and blood flew, and there were broken limbs and arms everywhere. A foreign soldier was shot and his arm was broken.

Shi Hang was stunned, the theater audience was stunned, Wu Jing was stunned, this scene was real enough and bloody enough.

In general, it’s nonsense that you can still jump and run after being shot in a movie. How fast is the bullet?Hitting it on the body is basically wearing it on.

Moreover, the bullet is rotating, and it can tear a large area of ​​flesh and blood after entering the body. The result after being pierced is a hole the size of a ping-pong ball in the back.

Congratulations if you don’t get through, you’re useless if you hit the bone.

The audience continued to watch, just like the first story above, without individual heroism, the Xiaolong team still cooperated with each other and successfully saved people.

Everyone in the team played their own role. The captain played by Zhang Yi controls the overall situation and arranges tactics reasonably. The sniper Gu Shun played by Fang Jing does not shoot easily, and shooting is a sure kill.

Observer, Heavy, Demoman, everyone is essential.

Coming out of the city, the Jiaolong team received an order from the forward to rescue the reporter and the people from the energy research company.

The scorching sun on the desolate Gobi, the war is about to break out, sniper rifle duel, bazooka bombing, white phosphorus smoke bombs, remote control flying bombs, mortar positions, and a car full of bloody corpses.

Cruel and true, this is Operation Red Sea. Shi Hang felt that he was not watching a movie, but a documentary.

Wu Jing's Wolf Warrior 2 draws materials from life but is higher than life. The tank is elegant, one enemy is one hundred, and steel wire blocks shells. These are impossible to appear in real life.

Compared with Operation Red Sea, it was much more real. A sniper interrupted the hand, half of the body was interrupted, human bombs, a car full of dead people, and the cruelty of war was vividly displayed.

The members of the Jiaolong team are not supermen, they will sacrifice themselves, and they will be disabled if they are shot.

The 160-minute original film was finally edited to 140 minutes. The whole film is passionate to the end. The total of the text and drama is less than 10 minutes, and Zhang Yi is basically talking.

A movie of more than two hours is already considered very long in China. If there is more, the audience will be very tired after watching it. This is why part of it will be cut in the later stage. After all, a normal movie is about 10 to [-] minutes long.


The lights of the theater were turned on, there was warm applause, and Fang Jing and other leading actors came to the stage.

"Thank you all colleagues and seniors, the media, film critics and friends for coming to join us, and I would like to express my gratitude again. Filming is not easy, if everyone thinks it's okay, I hope you can help us to promote it..."

After watching the movie, Lin Chaoxian treated guests to dinner. Most of the celebrities and entertainers shirked it because they had something to do. It was enough time to come here. It would be interesting to help forward Weibo later.

Those who went were basically the media and film critics, and they also had to dig out some behind-the-scenes shooting materials from the crew.

After dinner, Fang Jing gave red envelopes to the media and film critics. This is a rule, otherwise why would they give you publicity, why should they work hard to write articles for you?

As the first day of the Lunar New Year approaches, there are more and more premieres. In addition to Operation Red Sea, Monster Hunt 2, Detective Chinatown 2 and other films also start their final promotions.

What's interesting is that Fang Jing appeared at the premiere of Detective Chinatown 2.

The filming rate of Operation Red Sea was 15.00%, and Fang Jing got the data a few days later.Various films have also announced their schedules one after another, the highest being Monster Hunt 2 with 30.00%.

The lowest is the [-]th generation of ancestors, [-]%, and many major theaters do not show them.

The same as Operation Red Sea is Detective Chinatown 2, both of them are 15.00%, and Journey to the West is higher than them.

(End of this chapter)

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