Entertainment starts with variety shows

Chapter 477 The Ice Breaking Operation Starts Shooting, Lin Yaodong Appears

Chapter 477 The Ice Breaking Operation Starts Shooting, Lin Yaodong Appears

For 10 yuan to buy a tens of thousands of word novel written by a little girl, Fu's mother felt that either Fang Jing was crazy or she was crazy.

After many excuses, the couple didn't want [-], and this time they don't want [-], but Fang Jing insisted on giving it, saying that he wouldn't buy it if he didn't charge money.

There is no way, Fu Xiaotang reluctantly agreed, her hands were a little floating when she signed, and she couldn't hold the pen. One hundred thousand, the first manuscript fee in her life, yes, it was the manuscript fee, and she will also be a writer in the future.

In the afternoon, the news spread that Fu Xiaotang, who was in the classical class, had sold the copyright of his novel for [-] yuan, and became a big celebrity in no time.

"Xiaotang, remember to treat me on Friday, I want to eat KFC."

"hold head high!"

"I want to lick the skewers!"

"Ang, two meals!"

Fang Jing's money came very quickly, and he asked to transfer the money after signing. It didn't take long for Fu Xiaotang to receive [-] in her bank card, so she asked for a leave of absence. She went outside and bought a lot of gifts for her classmates and teachers.

Clothes do not return home, just like a brocade night walk, Fu's mother also specially held a party, and all relatives, friends and classmates were invited by her, and everyone said that Fu Xiaotang of their family was a writer, and her face almost wrinkled with laughter.

A few days later, Nanjing announced to the outside world that it would open a new drama, and a large number of actors recommended themselves to the door. The most promising ones were those from Icebreaker and Xu Zheng in Journey on the Road 2.

Not many people from the crew of Chicken Feather Flying to the Sky auditioned for the drama. The period dramas all acted in stories from the 80s and [-]s. Few people were willing to play the role of a disheveled farmer.

On the contrary, it was Fang Jing's side. After finding out that the leading actors were Fang Jing, Wu Gang, Ren Dahua, Wang Jinsong and others by some powerful agencies, various calls came in one after another.

Fang Jing receives ten or twenty calls from strangers every day. There are popular celebrities who don’t need money to act for free, middle-aged actors who lower their pay and want to try out plays, and top stars and seniors who recommend friends to act.

Fang Jing got annoyed at the end of the call, and simply turned off the phone, but his studio mailbox was full of seventy to eighty emails a day, most of which were college graduates who had nowhere to go, and couldn't find a way to call him, so they could only send emails.

The main cast of the crew has been confirmed, but some minor supporting roles have not yet been decided. Fang Jing is thinking about whether he can find some good candidates, and organizes the assistant director to interview a wave of newcomers, mainly for young actors.

There are four to five hundred fish in this net, and I really caught a few good ones. They are all born in the [-]s. They are very talented in acting, and they are also the first-class ones in school. , Fang Jing all pulled into the company.

In the company, his looks are enough!


In April, the weather turned sunny and the temperature rose. The crew of the ice-breaking operation started in Guangdong Province, and Fang Jing joined the crew.

The first is the night play.

A good start is half the battle. A TV series usually lasts for dozens of episodes. If the first few episodes are not attractive, the audience will not continue watching.

In order to shoot the first scene well, the crew prepared for half a month, and the actors rehearsed in private for seven or eight days.

Lin Yaodong, played by Wang Jinsong, only has 50 words, and he played for 50 minute and [-] seconds. For this minute and [-] seconds, he read the Boshe village file countless times.

How many tons of ice, how many people participated, how many guns were confiscated, the village's 30-year history and development, and the relationship between the various clans, all these materials are memorized.

At nine o'clock, the filming began.


A flash of lightning pierced the silent night sky, and it was raining heavily. Seven people stood in the corner wearing raincoats, the front bullets were loaded, and they looked like they were facing an enemy.

Li Fei, a policeman in Dongshan City played by Fang Jing, received a tip that someone was making ice in Tazhai, and he led a team to arrest people late at night.

After a few minutes……

"Stop! Don't come over, I shot before I stepped forward, take people away! Go away!"

"Hand over the man, let him go, dare you let me hack you to death!"

"Let people go, let people go, let people go."

The raindrops fell on the ground, and in the distance of Tazhai Alley, several young people in black raincoats ran desperately. Although the person at the end had a gun in his hand, his face was pale, and he kept shouting hysterically, "Stand back, move back!"

This group of people is Li Fei and others who came in to arrest them.

Behind them, thousands of villagers rushed towards them with picks, sickles, kitchen knives, hoes, and sticks. The leader was a thin middle-aged man with fierce eyes, like a hungry wolf.

His name is Lin Shengwu, the number one thug of Lin Zonghui, the old Sanfang clan in the village, and now Li Fei is arresting his younger brother Lin Shengwen.

Thousands of people besieging law enforcement officers, this kind of thing is simply shocking to the outside world. Li Fei and others had thought that the people here are tough and xenophobic, but they didn't expect it to be so xenophobic.

Li Fei suspected that these people could tear him apart if he wasn't afraid of the gun in his hand.

Even so, he didn't dare to shoot. Of the seven of them, he was the only one with a gun, and he would die after shooting.

"Hurry up, come in, come in." Turning his head and seeing an ancestral hall, Li Fei shouted to his companions to escort Lin Shengwen in, while he blocked the door with a gun pointed at thousands of aggressive villagers.

Taking off his raincoat and hat, Li Fei showed his face, held a gun and took out his ID and said loudly: "I am Li Fei from the Dongshan City Anti-drug Brigade. We are ordered to carry out the task. Get out of the way immediately!"

Standing in the rain, Lin Shengwu was not afraid to point the gun at him. He raised his hand. Thousands of people immediately shut up and said murderously to Li Fei: "I don't care who you are, let my brother go!"

"Brother, save me!" Inside the ancestral hall, Lin Shengwen, wearing a floral shirt and with yellow hair, shouted in horror.

"Let go, let go, let go!"

Thousands of people shouted together, Li Fei's heart felt cold, and his hand holding the gun felt tight.

"Uncle Dong is here!"

A high-pitched voice sounded from behind the crowd, and the villagers of Tazhai turned their heads one after another. Lin Shengwu, who was invincible, turned his head in fear.

Lin Yaodong, director of Tazhai Village, has short hair, rimless glasses, and a black Chinese-style gown with leather shoes. Behind him are villagers holding umbrellas.

Lin Yaodong just cast a glance, and none of the villagers who were noisy before dared to make a sound, so they consciously gave way.

Standing a few meters in front of Li Fei, Lin Yaodong remained expressionless and said nothing, letting the raindrops fall on the umbrella, tremendous pressure hit Li Fei.

He is obviously a village director, but people would believe him if he said that he was a big brother of the underworld.

Beside Lin Yaodong, Lin Zonghui, the third in command of Tazhai, asked, "What crime did Lin Shengwen commit?"

The two brothers Lin Shengwu belonged to his lineage, and now that something happened, he should settle it.

"Lin Shengwen makes ice and sells ice, and everyone gets stolen goods."

Hearing Li Fei's words, Lin Yaodong turned his head and glanced at Lin Shengwu. Seeing that he lowered his head and didn't dare to look at him, he knew that he was inseparable.

After pondering for a few seconds, Lin Yaodong looked at Li Fei and said calmly, "Please let him come out, I promise he won't run away."

Surrounded by thousands of people, Li Fei had no choice but finally met a sensible person who knocked on the door and asked his companions to bring him out.

"Song Yang, bring him out!"

After escorting the person out, the police officer called Song Yang took a plastic bag of ice and said, "This is ice that was found from Lin Shengwen's house and hasn't dried yet."

(End of this chapter)

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