Chapter 484

In the middle of the upper district, Liang Bo and Hot Dog blushed. The two had criticized Fang Jing's song to nothing before, but now they slapped their faces, and they almost found a crack in the ground.

Beside Wang Yuan, Hot Dog pushed his sunglasses awkwardly, crossed his legs, and said something like "it's okay."

"Brother Dog, you'll be the next one to sing, come on." Wang Yuan was glad that Fang Jing didn't pick himself as an opponent, this god of killing, whoever meets will die.

"Hey, everyone is not here to compete for strength, the main thing is to improve your own level and learn from each other. Whether you win or not is not very important." Don't talk about it, I will play, see you later. "

Fearing that Wang Yuan would continue to ask without thinking, Fang Jing opened the door and went out before he finished singing hot dogs.

"Brother Gou is indeed an old Jianghu, he is still so calm when facing Fang Jing." Wang Yuan turned to Wenwen and said, "I must be very nervous."

Hot Dog who had just left the house heard this, wiped the cold sweat off his brow, and took a few deep breaths to calm down.

He was so calm and flustered, he didn't need to know that he had lost [-]% of this game, there was no suspense, and he would go on stage to give full play, hoping to win a few more votes, and the loss would not be too embarrassing.

"Thank you." After singing the song, Fang Jing bowed and thanked, and the public judges left from the side passage before they could react.

"Woooooo! Fang Shenniu Bi, this song is too good, isn't it?"

"Azure is waiting for Misty Rain, and I'm waiting for you. I feel that this song will become popular all over the Internet."

"In the past, I didn't like Gu Feng, and I thought it was just moaning for nothing. Today, Fang Jing has brought me into a trap."

"There is no discussion about voting for him, and I look forward to singing next time."

In the backstage passage, Fang Jing and Hot Dog passed each other, and the two nodded slightly without any communication.

"Teacher Fang, you are so amazing, I can hear that I am pregnant." In the lower district, Fang Jing just came back and Chen Yihan looked excited.

This is true, but fortunately it is the ears that are pregnant.

"Low-key, low-key, basic operation." Fang Jing waved his hand, "Who are you going to challenge soon?"

"Wang Yuan."

There are three people in the central district and two in the lower district. One of them is destined not to be encountered. Between Wang Yuan and Yu Wenwen, Chen Yihan weighed the pros and cons, and felt that it was better to choose Wang Yuan.

Yu Wenwen has played music professionally for many years, she is too strong, she is not an opponent, Wang Yuan can fight, this little brother debuted as an idol, he must not have much time to study music, he is a soft persimmon.

Five minutes later, the hot dog stepped down, and the robot announced the voting results. Without surprise, Fang Jing won by a landslide.


With a wave of his sleeves, Fang Jing left so calmly, as if he knew the result from the beginning, Chen Yihan's eyes were envious, maybe this is his strength.

It would be great if she could be so calm one day when she competed with a senior who has been famous for a long time.

"Hello!" Entering the central area, Fang Jing greeted Wang Yuan and Yu Wenwen.

"Brother Fang Jing, sit down casually, what do you want to drink?"

Before Fang Jing could speak, Yu Wenwen handed him a glass of warm water. The two had gotten along with each other on China's Strongest Show, and she knew that Fang Jing didn't drink soft drinks, and usually drank warm water.

"Thank you. Are you going to choose your opponent? They are all very strong in the upper division. Have you decided who to choose?"

Going down to challenge the central area, the central area challenged the upper area, Fang Jing competed with Hot Dog, and after a while Chen Yihan competed with Wang Yuan, and of course the rest Yu Wenwen couldn't have a bye, she had to challenge one of the three people in the upper area, and the remaining The next two also had to PK each other, and lost in the middle zone.

Everyone has to sing the first round, no exceptions.

Pointing at herself, Yu Wenwen said: "I challenge the upper district? Then Wang Yuan... Oh, I understand, I can choose Zeng Yi."

Halfway through the conversation, she knew that Chen Yihan had chosen Wang Yuan, and he was going to challenge those old seniors in the upper district.

Zeng Yike, Wang Sulong, and Liang Bo, among the three, Liang Bo and Wang Sulong must be the strongest. Zeng Yike's music is niche, not many people like it, so he is the best candidate.

"Yeah!" Hearing what Fang Jing said, Wang Yuan knew that his opponent was Chen Yihan. Compared to his seniors who had been famous for many years, he was still willing to face this newcomer who debuted for a year.

"Let the players in the lower district choose the opponent in the middle district!"

"Wang Yuan."

In the upper area, staring at the floor, Wang Sulong smiled wryly: "The next round of Fang Jing is coming up, who do you think he will choose?"

"It doesn't matter who you choose." Liang Ning looked relaxed, without any worries, "Sooner or later, you have to sing."

Zeng Yike was worried, and prayed: "Don't choose me in the end, I can't stand him."

Picking up an orange and slowly peeling it, Wang Sulong easily crossed Erlang's legs and said calmly: "The entertainment industry has changed a lot now. The number of people we debuted in the past can be counted with one hand."

"Nowadays newcomers are springing up like bamboo shoots, and every company is trying to create a god. Countless resources are poured into it, and a lot of second-tier companies are killed in half a year."

Liang Bo and Zeng Yeke didn't agree, they lowered their heads not knowing what to think.

The two didn't speak, Wang Sulong was too lazy to talk nonsense, he threw a piece of orange into his mouth, and stared at Chen Yihan on the screen.

He knew what the two of them were thinking, their debut time was not short, but they just couldn't make it popular, maybe they were hit by the words just now.


The efficiency of the program group is very fast. The only host is the robot voice who has never shown up. He doesn't know a lot of mother-in-law and mother-in-law. The contestants let go after singing, with an average of 6 minutes per person.

After more than ten minutes, Wang Yuan and Chen Yihan finished singing. Wang Yuan was successfully challenged and fell to the lower district to live with hot dogs.

Yu Wenwen challenged Zeng Yike, and went up with a guitar on her back.

Maybe this is the title of her song.

"Staying in memory is so timid"

"Sun and Moon Change"


But I can't help but miss it painfully"

"Sweet memories always hide danger"

"Maybe no one can understand it all"

"Remember the details that are difficult for others to understand"


"Zeng Yike is going to lose." After listening for a while, Fang Jing suddenly said.

The corner of his mouth twitched, Chen Yihan whispered: "Teacher Fang, hasn't Zeng Yike sung yet?"

"She can't beat Yu Wenwen, and she will lose if she sings it. This song has the potential to become popular. Just watch it. After the show is broadcast, Yu Wenwen will definitely become popular."

Fang Jing is not talking nonsense, he has heard the songs of several people during the demo audition before, and Yu Wenwen's song is also considered a small masterpiece, not to mention Zeng Yike, even if the champion of good voice Liang Neck bumps into her have to lose.

"Yu Wenwen is a natural musician with a strong sense of music and her own style, wild and unruly, free and easy, natural and sincere."

"Her appearance and voice are recognizable, the brokerage company is also powerful, and her development potential is still great. This is incomparable to you."

Hearing the brokerage company's powerful words, Chen Yihan ate a lemon, it was very sour.

In order to be able to appear on this program, the company worked hard to get a spot. Dozens of trainees wanted to come, and they used both open and hidden arrows.

She was able to win in the end entirely because she had passed five levels and killed six generals, and she was able to kill out of the heavy siege, with a bloody storm floating behind her.

Unlike Yu Wenwen and Wang Yuan, the companies behind them are powerful, and no one competes with them at all. They come when they want, and they lose if they lose. They just lose one of many opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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